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10 calls to asset_get_types() in Asset 5.2

asset_access in ./asset.module
One-stop asset access control
asset_add in ./asset.module
Present an asset submission form or a set of links to such forms.
asset_admin_overview in ./asset.module
Menu Callback for admin/settings/asset
asset_field_settings in modules/
Implementation of hook_field_settings().
asset_forms in ./asset.module
Implementation of hook_forms(). All asset forms share the same form handler
asset_menu in ./asset.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
asset_perm in ./asset.module
Implementation of hook_perm().
asset_type_invoke in ./asset.module
Invoke the module specific asset_type hook
asset_wizard_main in ./asset_wizard.module
asset_wizard_menu in ./asset_wizard.module
Implementation of hook_menu().