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9 calls to apps_app_page_path() in Apps 7

apps_app_access in ./apps.module
Access callback for the operations that can be performed on an app.
apps_app_disable in ./
Callback for app disable
apps_app_enable in ./
Callback for the enable action
apps_app_install in ./
Callback for app install TODO: check to see the app is install able and then install TODO: should goto config page but pass on the current destination NOTE: it is expected that this page would be called with a drupal desination set
apps_app_uninstall in ./
Callback for app uninstall
apps_app_update in ./
Callback for app update.
apps_preprocess_apps_app_featured in theme/
Implements hook_preprocess_apps_app_featured().
apps_preprocess_apps_app_page in theme/
Implements hook_preprocess_apps_app_page().
apps_preprocess_apps_app_teaser in theme/
Implements hook_preprocess_apps_app_teaser().