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13 calls to apps_servers() in Apps 7

apps_apps in ./
Retrieve apps from the server manifest.
apps_apps_all in ./
Retrieve apps from all servers.
apps_app_find_conflicts in ./apps.module
Find the apps that this app is in conflict with.
apps_block_info in ./apps.module
Implements hook_block_info().
apps_block_view in ./apps.module
Implements hook_block_view().
apps_cron in ./apps.module
Implements hook_cron().
apps_market_page in ./
Callback for the market page
apps_server_load in ./apps.module
Path object loader for an App Server.
apps_update_7102 in ./apps.install
Reset permissions
apps_vote_for_app in ./
Menu callback - this will be hit via an AJAX call to a menu hook
drush_apps_installable_apps in ./
Return a list of all apps available for installation.
drush_apps_list in ./
Get a list of all apps available.
drush_apps_server_list in ./
Get a list of all app servers configured.