You are here in Apps 7 hold all of the function used to download apps and thier deps

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 * @file
 * hold all of the function used to download apps and thier deps

 * Download all modules and library to a temp location.
 * Find all downloadables needed (which we do not have) and sets a batch for
 * download. Then proccess that batch and returns to the current
 * apps_install_next page
 * @param string $app
 *   The app modules to download
function apps_download_apps($app) {
  $download_batch = apps_download_apps_batch(array(

 * Make the batch for downloading modules for app.
 * Split out for use in
function apps_download_apps_batch($apps) {
  $download_commands = array();
  foreach ($apps as $app) {
    $downloads = apps_download_apps_list($app);
    foreach ($downloads as $download) {
      $download_commands[] = array(
  $batch = array(
    'operations' => $download_commands,
    'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'apps') . '/',
    'title' => t('Downloading modules'),
    'init_message' => t('Preparing to download needed modules'),
    'finished' => 'apps_download_batch_finished',
  return $batch;

 * Construct an array of downloadables to download.
function apps_download_apps_list($app) {
  $downloads = array();
  $update = $app['installed'] && !empty($app['upgradeable']);

  // Find all downloads needed for dependencies.
  foreach (array(
    'dependencies' => 'module',
    'libraries' => 'library',
  ) as $download_key => $download_type) {
    if (!empty($app[$download_key])) {
      foreach ($app[$download_key] as $dep) {
        if (!$dep['installed'] || $update) {
          if ($dep['installed'] && $update && !empty($dep['version']['version'])) {
            $info_file_location = $download_type == 'module' ? drupal_get_path('module', $dep['version']['name'], FALSE) : 'sites/all/libraries/' . $dep['version']['name'];
            if ($info = drupal_parse_info_file($info_file_location . '/' . APPS_APP_INFO)) {

              // if don't have current version of version the same, skip this download.
              if (empty($info['version']) || $dep['version']['version'] == $info['version']) {
          $downloads[$dep['downloadable']]['for'][] = $dep['version']['name'];
          $downloads[$dep['downloadable']]['type'] = $download_type;
          $downloads[$dep['downloadable']]['version'] = isset($dep['version']['version']) ? $dep['version']['version'] : $app['version'];

  // Add our core modules download.
  if (!$app['installed'] || !empty($app['upgradeable'])) {
    $downloads[$app['downloadable']]['for'][] = $app['machine_name'];
    $downloads[$app['downloadable']]['type'] = 'app';
    $downloads[$app['downloadable']]['version'] = $app['version'];

  // Foreach download find the URL.
  foreach ($downloads as $key => $download) {
    $downloads[$key]['url'] = $app['downloadables'][$key];

    // Do a quick dirty pull of the name from the key.
    $downloads[$key]['name'] = ($e = strpos($key, " ")) ? substr($key, 0, $e) : $key;
  return $downloads;

 * Batch callback invoked when the download batch is completed.
 * A pass though to update_manager_download_batch_finished
 * but we set $_GET['destination'] to control the drupal_goto that is
 * in that function.
function apps_download_batch_finished($success, $results) {
  module_load_include("inc", "update", "update.manager");
  $_GET['destination'] = $_SESSION['apps_install_next'];
  update_manager_download_batch_finished($success, $results);

 * Setup the download batch process.
 * Pass though to update_manager_batch_project_get we need this because in a
 * batch set the file param is for both the operations as well as the other
 * callbacks.
function apps_download_batch($project, $url, $type, $version, $app, &$context) {
  module_load_include("inc", "update", "update.manager");

  // This is here to show the user that we are in the process of downloading.
  if (!isset($context['sandbox']['started'])) {
    $context['sandbox']['started'] = TRUE;
    $context['message'] = t('Downloading %project', array(
      '%project' => $project,
    $context['finished'] = 0;

  // Actually try to download the file.
  if (!($local_cache = update_manager_file_get($url))) {
    $context['results']['errors'][$project] = t('Failed to download %project from %url', array(
      '%project' => $project,
      '%url' => $url,

  // Extract it.
  $extract_directory = apps_extract_directory($type);
  try {
    update_manager_archive_extract($local_cache, $extract_directory);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    $context['results']['errors'][$project] = $e

  // Update might not have been extracted to directory named after project.
  // Github for example extracts to [project name]-[release version].
  if (!is_dir("{$extract_directory}/{$project}")) {
    foreach (scandir("{$extract_directory}") as $file) {

      // Hopefully this is the directory, so move it to project directory for
      // update module.
      if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir("{$extract_directory}/{$file}") && strpos($file, $project) === 0) {
        rename("{$extract_directory}/{$file}", "{$extract_directory}/{$project}");

  // Update/create info file with download information for future updating.
  if (is_dir("{$extract_directory}/{$project}")) {

    // Need to make version is set.
    $add = array(
      '; Information created by apps module.',
    $add[] = 'version = ' . $version;
    $add[] = 'source_app = ' . $app['machine_name'];
    $add[] = 'download_time = ' . time();
    $add[] = '';
    file_put_contents("{$extract_directory}/{$project}/" . APPS_APP_INFO, implode("\n", $add));

  // Verify it.
  $archive_errors = update_manager_archive_verify($project, $local_cache, $extract_directory);
  $archive_errors = array();
  if (!empty($archive_errors)) {

    // We just need to make sure our array keys don't collide, so use the
    // numeric keys from the $archive_errors array.
    foreach ($archive_errors as $key => $error) {
      $context['results']['errors']["{$project}-{$key}"] = $error;

  // Yay, success.
  $context['results']['projects'][$type][$project] = $url;
  $context['finished'] = 1;

 * Wrapper for _update_manager_extract_directory().
 * Since libraries and modules can live in the same location, we need to
 * namespace the types so they don't collide like the colorbox module.
function apps_extract_directory($type = '') {
  $directory = _update_manager_extract_directory();
  if ($type) {
    $directory .= '/' . $type;
    if (!file_exists($directory)) {
  return $directory;

 * Move modules from there temp location in to the drupal tree.
 * Taken from update_manager_update_ready_form_submit
 * we are using apps_run_install instead of update_authorize_run_update
 * @TODO: Get the install to work when we do not own sites OPIC-377
function apps_install_downloads() {
  module_load_include("inc", "update", "update.manager");
  if (!empty($_SESSION['update_manager_update_projects'])) {

    // Make sure the Updater registry is loaded.
    $updates = array();
    $project_types = $_SESSION['update_manager_update_projects'];
    foreach ($project_types as $type => $projects) {
      $directory = apps_extract_directory($type);
      foreach ($projects as $project => $url) {
        $project_location = $directory . '/' . $project;
        try {
          $updater = Updater::factory($project_location);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
          drupal_set_message(t('Error installing @project: @message', array(
            '@project' => $project,
            '@message' => $e
          )), 'error');
          return FALSE;
        $project_real_location = drupal_realpath($project_location);
        $updates[] = array(
          'project' => $project,
          'updater_name' => get_class($updater),
          'local_url' => $project_real_location,

    // If the owner of the last directory we extracted is the same as the
    // owner of our configuration directory (e.g. sites/default) where we're
    // trying to install the code, there's no need to prompt for FTP/SSH
    // credentials. Instead, we instantiate a FileTransferLocal and invoke
    // update_authorize_run_update() directly.
    if (apps_installer_has_write_access()) {
      module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.authorize');
      $filetransfer = new FileTransferLocal(DRUPAL_ROOT);

      // This is our change.
      apps_run_install($filetransfer, $updates);
    else {

      // Set the $_SESSION variables so that authorize form knows what to do
      // after authorization.
      system_authorized_init('apps_run_install', drupal_get_path('module', 'apps') . '/', array(
      ), t('Update manager'));

      // Get the authorize form.
      require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
      return drupal_get_form('authorize_filetransfer_form');

 * The batch builder and processor for moving files to drupal.
 * taken from update_authorize_run_update
 * builds a batch and process it for installing modules from the templocation
function apps_run_install($filetransfer, $projects) {
  $operations = array();
  foreach ($projects as $project => $project_info) {
    $operations[] = array(
  $batch = array(
    'title' => t('Downloading apps'),
    'init_message' => t('Preparing to download apps.'),
    'operations' => $operations,
    'finished' => 'apps_update_authorize_update_batch_finished',
    'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'apps') . '/',

  // Invoke the batch via authorize.php.

 * Wrapper around update_authorize_update_batch_finished to include file.
 * Since need to override update_authorize_batch_copy_project, need to have the
 * path be this file, so need the 'finished' operation to be in this file also.
function apps_update_authorize_update_batch_finished($success, $results) {
  module_load_include('', 'update');
  update_authorize_update_batch_finished($success, $results);

 * Copy of update_authorize_batch_copy_project cept override install_dir. 
function apps_update_authorize_batch_copy_project($project, $updater_name, $local_url, $filetransfer, &$context) {
  module_load_include('', 'update');

  // Initialize some variables in the Batch API $context array.
  if (!isset($context['results']['log'])) {
    $context['results']['log'] = array();
  if (!isset($context['results']['log'][$project])) {
    $context['results']['log'][$project] = array();
  if (!isset($context['results']['tasks'])) {
    $context['results']['tasks'] = array();

  // The batch API uses a session, and since all the arguments are serialized
  // and unserialized between requests, although the FileTransfer object itself
  // will be reconstructed, the connection pointer itself will be lost. However,
  // the FileTransfer object will still have the connection variable, even
  // though the connection itself is now gone. So, although it's ugly, we have
  // to unset the connection variable at this point so that the FileTransfer
  // object will re-initiate the actual connection.
  if (!empty($context['results']['log'][$project]['#abort'])) {
    $context['finished'] = 1;
  $updater = new $updater_name($local_url);
  try {
    $args = array();
    if ($updater
      ->isInstalled()) {

      // This is an update.
      $tasks = $updater
        ->update($filetransfer, $args);
    else {
      if ($updater_name == 'ModuleUpdater') {
        $args = array(
          'install_dir' => DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . variable_get('apps_install_path', APPS_INSTALL_PATH),
      $tasks = $updater
        ->install($filetransfer, $args);
  } catch (UpdaterException $e) {
    _update_batch_create_message($context['results']['log'][$project], t('Error installing / updating'), FALSE);
    _update_batch_create_message($context['results']['log'][$project], $e
      ->getMessage(), FALSE);
    $context['results']['log'][$project]['#abort'] = TRUE;
  _update_batch_create_message($context['results']['log'][$project], t('Installed %project_name successfully', array(
    '%project_name' => $project,
  if (!empty($tasks)) {
    $context['results']['tasks'] += $tasks;

  // This particular operation is now complete, even though the batch might
  // have other operations to perform.
  $context['finished'] = 1;

 * Delete the update cache directories so clean update is run.
function apps_clear_update_disk_cache() {

  // Recreate the directories.


Namesort descending Description
apps_clear_update_disk_cache Delete the update cache directories so clean update is run.
apps_download_apps Download all modules and library to a temp location.
apps_download_apps_batch Make the batch for downloading modules for app.
apps_download_apps_list Construct an array of downloadables to download.
apps_download_batch Setup the download batch process.
apps_download_batch_finished Batch callback invoked when the download batch is completed.
apps_extract_directory Wrapper for _update_manager_extract_directory().
apps_install_downloads Move modules from there temp location in to the drupal tree.
apps_run_install The batch builder and processor for moving files to drupal.
apps_update_authorize_batch_copy_project Copy of update_authorize_batch_copy_project cept override install_dir.
apps_update_authorize_update_batch_finished Wrapper around update_authorize_update_batch_finished to include file.