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AuthenticationFormJsTest.php in Apigee Edge 8


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 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
namespace Drupal\Tests\apigee_edge\FunctionalJavascript\Form;

use Drupal\apigee_edge\Form\AuthenticationForm;
use Drupal\apigee_edge\OauthTokenFileStorage;
use Drupal\apigee_edge\Plugin\EdgeKeyTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\key\Entity\Key;
use Drupal\Tests\apigee_edge\FunctionalJavascript\ApigeeEdgeFunctionalJavascriptTestBase;

 * Apigee Edge API credentials, authentication form, key integration test.
 * @group apigee_edge
 * @group apigee_edge_javascript
class AuthenticationFormJsTest extends ApigeeEdgeFunctionalJavascriptTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'classy';

   * Valid username.
   * @var string
  private $username;

   * Valid password.
   * @var string
  private $password;

   * Valid organization.
   * @var string
  private $organization;

   * Valid endpoint.
   * @var string
  private $endpoint;

   * The Apigee instance type.
   * @var string
  private $instanceType;

   * The account JSON key.
   * @var string
  private $account_key;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Save valid credentials for later use.

    /** @var \Drupal\apigee_edge\Plugin\EdgeKeyTypeInterface $test_key_type */
    $test_key = Key::load($this
    $test_key_type = $test_key
    $this->instanceType = $test_key_type
    $this->organization = $test_key_type
    if ($this->instanceType != EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_HYBRID) {
      $this->username = $test_key_type
      $this->password = $test_key_type
      $this->endpoint = $test_key_type
    else {
      $this->account_key = $test_key_type

    // Restore the default HTTP timeout set by the testing module because
    // we would like to run a test that tries to connect to an invalid
    // endpoint and we should not wait 6 minutes for the result.
      ->set('http_client_timeout', 30)

   * Tests the Authentication form.
  public function testAuthenticationForm() {
    if ($this->instanceType == EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_HYBRID) {
        ->markTestSkipped('Skipping "testAuthenticationForm": can only be tested with public/private cloud credentials.');
    $web_assert = $this

    // Test the authentication form.

    // We need to fill in the password field to test connection.
      ->fillField('Password', $this->password);
      ->pageTextContains('Send request using the given API credentials.');
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--status', 'Connection successful.');
      ->elementNotExists('css', 'details[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug"]');
    $page = $this
      ->find('css', 'details[data-drupal-selector="edit-provider-section"] > summary')
      ->selectFieldOption('key_provider', 'apigee_edge_environment_variables');
      ->waitForText("The selected key provider does not accept a value. See the provider's description for instructions on how and where to store the key value.");

    // Validate that the form actually saved the valid credentials (DRUP-734).
      ->fieldValueEquals('Organization', $this->organization);
      ->fieldValueEquals('Username', $this->username);

    // Password field should be empty.
      ->fieldValueEquals('Password', '');

   * Tests the Key add form.
   * We assume that if the Authentication form and the Key add form test passed
   * then the Key edit form also works correctly, because the Authentication
   * form is a customized Key edit form.
  public function testKeyAddForm() {
    if ($this->instanceType == EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_HYBRID) {
        ->markTestSkipped('Skipping "testKeyAddForm": can only be tested with public/private cloud credentials.');
    $web_assert = $this

    // Test the authentication form using the default key stored by environment
    // variable key provider.

    // The default Key type is "Authentication" so the "Send request" button
    // should not be visible.
      ->elementNotExists('css', 'input[name="test_connection"]');

    // The "Send request" button now should appear.
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', 'input[name="test_connection"]');

    // The "Send request" button now should not appear if Key entity form
    // customization is disabled.
      ->set('do_not_alter_key_entity_forms', TRUE)
      ->elementNotExists('css', 'input[name="test_connection"]');

    // Revert the config change.
      ->set('do_not_alter_key_entity_forms', FALSE)

   * Tests the Authentication form using Hybrid auth.
   * @group hybrid
  public function testUsingHybridForm() {

    // We have to structure the key variables so that this test class can
    // be run both against a Public and Hybrid cloud orgs. Because of this,
    // if the APIGEE_EDGE_HYBRID_ORGANIZATION environment var is set, it will
    // use it as the Hybrid org for this test.
    // Similarly, if the configured key credentials are for a Public/Private
    // cloud org, then retrieve the account key directly from the environment.
    $organization = getenv('APIGEE_EDGE_HYBRID_ORGANIZATION') ?: $this->organization;
    $account_key = $this->account_key ? json_encode($this->account_key) : getenv('APIGEE_EDGE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEY');
    if (!$organization || !$account_key) {
        ->markTestSkipped('Skipping "testUsingHybridForm": missing test environment variables APIGEE_EDGE_HYBRID_ORGANIZATION and/or APIGEE_EDGE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEY.');
    $web_assert = $this

    // Test the authentication form.
    $page = $this
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[instance_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_HYBRID);
      ->fillField('Organization', $organization);
      ->fillField('GCP service account key', $account_key);
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--status', 'Connection successful.');
      ->elementNotExists('css', 'details[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug"]');

   * Visits the Authentication form for testing.
  protected function visitAuthenticationForm() : void {
    if ($this->loggedInUser
      ->id() !== $this->rootUser) {

   * Visits the Key add form for testing.
  protected function visitKeyAddForm() : void {
    $web_assert = $this
    $page = $this
    if ($this->loggedInUser
      ->id() !== $this->rootUser) {

    // Key name is required.
      ->fillField('Key name', $this

    // The "Send request" button now should appear again.
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', 'input[name="test_connection"]');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', 'key_input_settings[organization]');

   * Validates the visited form.
   * @param callable $visitFormAsAdmin
   *   The function that visits the form as an admin user that we would like
   *   to validate.
  protected function validateForm(callable $visitFormAsAdmin) : void {
    $web_assert = $this
    $page = $this

    // Unset private file path and invalidate the active key.
    $settings['settings']['file_private_path'] = (object) [
      'value' => '',
      'required' => TRUE,

    // Ensure that the private file key provider is the default on the
    // Authentication form and form detects the problem caused by the
    // missing private filesystem configuration.
      ->pageTextContains('The requirements of the selected Apigee Edge: Private File key provider are not fulfilled. Fix errors described below or change the key provider.');
      ->pageTextContains('Private filesystem has not been configured yet. Learn more');

    // Set private file path.
    $settings['settings']['file_private_path'] = (object) [
      'value' => "{$this->siteDirectory}/private",
      'required' => TRUE,

    // Reload the page, the key input form should be visible.

    // Make sure the default fields are visible and empty.
      ->fieldValueEquals('Authentication type', 'oauth');
      ->fieldValueEquals('Username', '');
      ->fieldValueEquals('Password', '');
      ->fieldValueEquals('Organization', '');
      ->fieldValueEquals('Apigee Edge endpoint', '');

    // Select basic auth.
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[auth_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::EDGE_AUTH_TYPE_BASIC);

    // Make sure the oauth fields are hidden.

    // Test the connection with basic auth.
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[instance_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_PUBLIC);
      ->fillField('Username', $this->username);
      ->fillField('Password', $this->password);
      ->fillField('Organization', $this->organization);
      ->pageTextContains('Send request using the given API credentials.');
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--status', 'Connection successful.');
      ->elementNotExists('css', 'details[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug"]');

    // Switch to oauth.

    // Make sure the oauth fields are visible.

    // Make sure that test connection is disabled without a password.
      ->fillField('Password', '');

    // Make sure that test connection is now enabled.
      ->fillField('Password', $this->password);

    // Test the connection with oauth.
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--status', 'Connection successful.');
      ->elementNotExists('css', 'details[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug"]');

    // Make sure the token file has not been left behind.
    $token_file_path = $this->container
      ->realpath(OauthTokenFileStorage::DEFAULT_DIRECTORY . '/oauth.dat');

    // Switch back to basic auth.

    // Test the connection with basic auth.
      ->fillField('Password', $this->password);
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--status', 'Connection successful.');
      ->elementNotExists('css', 'details[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug"]');
      ->fillField('Password', $this->password);

    // Press the Save/Save configuration button.
      ->pageTextContains('Connection successful.');

    // Because Key add/edit form redirects the user to the Key entity listing
    // page on success therefore we have to re-visit the form again.

    // Setup valid credentials again.
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[instance_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_PUBLIC);
      ->fillField('Username', $this->username);
      ->fillField('Password', $this->password);
      ->fillField('Organization', $this->organization);
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[auth_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::EDGE_AUTH_TYPE_BASIC);

    // Test invalid password.
    $random_pass = $this
      ->fillField('Password', $random_pass);
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--error', "Failed to connect to Apigee Edge. The given username ({$this->username}) or password is incorrect. Error message: ");

    // TODO Re-add this assert later. It had to be disabled because of a
    // regression bug in the Apigee Edge for Public Cloud 19.03.01 release. If
    // valid organization name and username provided with an invalid password
    // the MGMT server returns HTTP 500 with an error instead of HTTP 401.
    // $web_assert->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');.
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '***credentials***');
      ->elementNotContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', $random_pass);
      ->fillField('Password', $this->password);

    // Test invalid username when using public cloud endpoint.
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[instance_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_PUBLIC);
      ->fillField('Username', $this
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--error', "Failed to connect to Apigee Edge. The organization username should be a valid email. Error message: ");
      ->fillField('Username', $this->username);

    // Test invalid organization.
    $random_org = $this->randomGenerator
      ->fillField('Organization', $random_org);
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--error', "Failed to connect to Apigee Edge. The given organization name ({$random_org}) is incorrect. Error message: ");
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', "\"organization\": \"{$random_org}\"");
      ->fillField('Organization', $this->organization);

    // Test invalid endpoint.
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[instance_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_PRIVATE);
    $invalid_domain = "{$this->randomGenerator->word(16)}";
      ->fillField('Apigee Edge endpoint', "http://{$invalid_domain}/");
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--error', "Failed to connect to Apigee Edge. The given endpoint (http://{$invalid_domain}/) is incorrect or something is wrong with the connection. Error message: ");
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', "\"endpoint\": \"http:\\/\\/{$invalid_domain}\\/\"");
      ->fieldValueEquals('Apigee Edge endpoint', "http://{$invalid_domain}/");
      ->fillField('Apigee Edge endpoint', '');
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[instance_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_PUBLIC);

    // Test another invalid endpoint scenario:
    // Some endpoints are not a Management API endpoint, but still return
    // HTTP 200 with a JSON response.
    // Only test with mock client.
    if (static::$mock_api_client_ready && !$this->integration_enabled) {
      $invalid_endpoint = '';
        ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[instance_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_PRIVATE);
        ->fillField('Apigee Edge endpoint', "https://{$invalid_endpoint}/");
        ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--error', "Failed to connect to Apigee Edge. The given endpoint (https://{$invalid_endpoint}/) is incorrect or something is wrong with the connection. Error message: ");
      $invalid_endpoint_escaped = str_replace('/', '\\/', $invalid_endpoint);
        ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', "\"endpoint\": \"https:\\/\\/{$invalid_endpoint_escaped}\\/\"");
        ->fieldValueEquals('Apigee Edge endpoint', "https://{$invalid_endpoint}/");
        ->fillField('Apigee Edge endpoint', '');
        ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[instance_type]', EdgeKeyTypeInterface::INSTANCE_TYPE_PUBLIC);

    // Test invalid authorization server.
    $invalid_domain = "{$this->randomGenerator->word(16)}";
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[authorization_server_type]', 'custom');
      ->fillField('Custom authorization server', "http://{$invalid_domain}/");
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--error', "Failed to connect to the OAuth authorization server. The given authorization server (http://{$invalid_domain}/) is incorrect or something is wrong with the connection. Error message: ");
      ->fieldValueEquals('Custom authorization server', "http://{$invalid_domain}/");
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '"auth_type": "oauth"');
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', "\"authorization_server\": \"http:\\/\\/{$invalid_domain}\\/\"");
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '"client_id": "edgecli"');
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '"client_secret": "edgeclisecret"');
      ->fillField('Custom authorization server', '');
      ->selectFieldOption('key_input_settings[authorization_server_type]', 'default');

    // Test invalid client secret.
    $random_secret = $this->randomGenerator
      ->fillField('Client secret', $random_secret);
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--error', "Failed to connect to the OAuth authorization server. The given username ({$this->username}) or password or client ID (edgecli) or client secret is incorrect. Error message: ");
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '"authorization_server": "https:\\/\\/\\/oauth\\/token"');
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '"client_id": "edgecli"');
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '"client_secret": "***client-secret***"');
      ->elementNotContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', $random_secret);
      ->fillField('Client secret', '');

    // Test invalid client id.
    $client_id = $this->randomGenerator
      ->fillField('Client ID', $client_id);
      ->assertSendRequestMessage('.messages--error', "Failed to connect to the OAuth authorization server. The given username ({$this->username}) or password or client ID ({$client_id}) or client secret is incorrect. Error message: ");
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '"authorization_server": "https:\\/\\/\\/oauth\\/token"');
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', "\"client_id\": \"{$client_id}\"");
      ->elementContains('css', 'textarea[data-drupal-selector="edit-debug-text"]', '"client_secret": "edgeclisecret"');
      ->fillField('Client ID', '');

   * Tests send request functionality.
   * @param string $message_selector
   *   Either `.messages--error` or `.messages--error`.
   * @param string $message
   *   The error or status message.
  public function assertSendRequestMessage($message_selector, $message) {
    $web_assert = $this
    $page = $this

    // Press the send request button.
      ->pressButton('Send request');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '.ajax-progress.ajax-progress-throbber', 30000));

    // Wait for the test to complete.
      ->elementTextContains('css', $message_selector, $message);



Namesort descending Description
AuthenticationFormJsTest Apigee Edge API credentials, authentication form, key integration test.