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protected function AppAnalyticsFormBase::generateResponse in Apigee Edge 8

Requests analytics data and pass to the JavaScript chart drawing function.


array $form: An associative array containing the structure of the form.

\Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\AppInterface $app: The app entity that analytics data gets displayed.

string $metric: The filter parameter.

string $since: The start date parameter.

string $until: The end date parameter.

string $environment: The analytics environment to query.

See also


1 call to AppAnalyticsFormBase::generateResponse()
AppAnalyticsFormBase::buildForm in src/Form/AppAnalyticsFormBase.php
Form constructor.


src/Form/AppAnalyticsFormBase.php, line 371


App analytics form builder for developer- and team apps.




protected function generateResponse(array &$form, AppInterface $app, string $metric, string $since, string $until, string $environment) : void {
  $analytics = [];
  try {
    $analytics = $this
      ->getAnalytics($app, $metric, $since, $until, $environment);
  } catch (MomentException $e) {
      ->t('Invalid date parameters.'));
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
      ->t('Unable to retrieve analytics data. Please try again.'));
    watchdog_exception('apigee_edge', $e);
  $date_time_zone = new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get());
  $timezone_offset = $date_time_zone
    ->getOffset(new \DateTime());
  $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['timezone_offset'] = $timezone_offset / 60;

  // Pass every necessary data to JavaScript.
  // Possible parameters:
  // - metric: name of the requested metric,
  // - timestamps: all time units in the given time interval,
  // - values: returned optimized metrics data.
  // - skip_zero_values: skip the zero analytics values or not,
  // - visualization_options: options for Google Charts draw() function,
  // - visualization_options_to_date: which property values should be
  // converted to JavaScript Date object on the client-side (timestamps),
  // - version: Google Charts library version (default is the current stable),
  // - language: to load a chart formatted for a specific locale,
  // - chart_container: ID attribute of the chart's HTML container element.
  if (isset($analytics['stats']['data'][0]['metric'][0]['values'])) {

    // Store analytics data in private temp storage.
    $analytics['metric'] = $form['controls']['metrics']['#options'][$metric];
      ->set($data_id = Crypt::randomBytesBase64(), $analytics);
    $form['export_csv']['#url'] = Url::fromRoute('apigee_edge.export_analytics.csv', [
      'data_id' => $data_id,
    $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['metric'] = $form['controls']['metrics']['#options'][$metric];
    $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['timestamps'] = $analytics['TimeUnit'];
    $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['values'] = $analytics['stats']['data'][0]['metric'][0]['values'];
    $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['skip_zero_values'] = FALSE;
    $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['language'] = $this
    $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['chart_container'] = $form['chart']['#attributes']['id'];

    // Visualization options for Google Charts draw() function,
    // must be JSON encoded before passing.
    // @see:
    $visualization_options = [
      'width' => '100%',
      'legend' => 'none',
      'interpolateNulls' => 'true',
      'hAxis' => [
        'viewWindow' => [
          'min' => !empty($analytics['TimeUnit']) ? min($analytics['TimeUnit']) : 0,
          'max' => !empty($analytics['TimeUnit']) ? max($analytics['TimeUnit']) : 0,
        'gridlines' => [
          'count' => -1,
          'units' => [
            'days' => [
              'format' => [
                'MMM dd',
            'hours' => [
              'format' => [
        'minorGridlines' => [
          'units' => [
            'hours' => [
              'format' => [
                'hh:mm:ss a',
    $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['visualization_options'] = json_encode($visualization_options);
    $visualization_options_to_date = [
    $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['analytics']['visualization_options_to_date'] = $visualization_options_to_date;
  else {
    $form['chart']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'chart-container-no-data';
    $form['chart']['no_data_text'] = [
      '#markup' => $this
        ->t('No performance data is available for the criteria you supplied.'),