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protected function EdgeEntityStorageBase::getFromStorage in Apigee Edge 8

Gets entities from the storage.


array|null $ids: If not empty, return entities that match these IDs. Return all entities when NULL.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface[] Array of entities from the storage.



2 calls to EdgeEntityStorageBase::getFromStorage()
AppStorage::getFromStorage in src/Entity/Storage/AppStorage.php
Gets entities from the storage.
EdgeEntityStorageBase::doLoadMultiple in src/Entity/Storage/EdgeEntityStorageBase.php
Performs storage-specific loading of entities.
1 method overrides EdgeEntityStorageBase::getFromStorage()
AppStorage::getFromStorage in src/Entity/Storage/AppStorage.php
Gets entities from the storage.


src/Entity/Storage/EdgeEntityStorageBase.php, line 251


Base entity storage class for Apigee Edge entities.




protected function getFromStorage(array $ids = NULL) {
  $entities = [];

  // If ids is an empty array there is nothing to do.
  // Probably every entities could have been found in the persistent cache.
  // Node::loadMultiple() works the same.
  if ($ids === []) {
    return $entities;
    ->withController(function (EdgeEntityControllerInterface $controller) use ($ids, &$entities) {
    $tmp = [];

    // Speed up things by loading only one entity.
    if ($ids !== NULL && count($ids) === 1) {

      // TODO When user's email changes do not ask Apigee Edge 3 times
      // whether a developer exists with the new email address or not.
      try {
        $entity = $controller
          ->id()] = $entity;
      } catch (ApiException $e) {

        // Entity with id may not exists.
    else {

      // There is nothing else we could do we have to load all entities
      // from Apigee Edge.
      $tmp = $controller
    $entities = $this
      ->processLoadedEntities($ids, $tmp);
  return $entities;