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namespace Drupal\apigee_edge\Event in Apigee Edge 8

Classsort descending Location Description
AbstractAppCredentialEvent src/Event/AbstractAppCredentialEvent.php Base class for app credential create, generate and add products events.
AppCredentialAddApiProductEvent src/Event/AppCredentialAddApiProductEvent.php Triggered when new API products have been added to an app credential.
AppCredentialCreateEvent src/Event/AppCredentialCreateEvent.php Triggered when a new app credential has been created for an app.
AppCredentialDeleteApiProductEvent src/Event/AppCredentialDeleteApiProductEvent.php Triggered after an API product have been removed from an app credential.
AppCredentialDeleteEvent src/Event/AppCredentialDeleteEvent.php Triggered when an app credential gets deleted.
AppCredentialGenerateEvent src/Event/AppCredentialGenerateEvent.php Triggered when a new credential has been generated or for an app.
EdgeEntityFieldConfigListAlterEvent src/Event/EdgeEntityFieldConfigListAlterEvent.php Triggered when an Apigee Edge entity's field config UI gets built.