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private function TeamMembershipManager::invalidateCaches in Apigee Edge 8

Invalidates caches when membership state changes.


string $team: Name of a team.

array $developers: Array of developer email addresses.

2 calls to TeamMembershipManager::invalidateCaches()
TeamMembershipManager::addMembers in modules/apigee_edge_teams/src/TeamMembershipManager.php
Adds members to a team.
TeamMembershipManager::removeMembers in modules/apigee_edge_teams/src/TeamMembershipManager.php
Removes members from a team.


modules/apigee_edge_teams/src/TeamMembershipManager.php, line 186


Service that makes easier to work with company (team) memberships.




private function invalidateCaches(string $team, array $developers) : void {

  // At this point we can assume that team entity exists because earlier
  // API calls have not fail.
  $team_entity = $this->entityTypeManager

  // This invalidates every occupancies where $team has appeared.
  $tags = $team_entity

  // This invalidates cache on team listing page(s) because the list
  // of accessible teams for user(s) has changed.
  // (If we find this too much, later we can tag team listing pages with a
  // "team_list:{$developer_email}" tag and only invalidate those developers'
  // team listing pages whose membership state has changed.)
  $tags = array_merge($tags, $this->entityTypeManager

  // Developer::getCompanies() must return the updated membership information.
  // @see \Drupal\apigee_edge\Entity\Developer::getCompanies()
  $developer_companies_cache_tags = array_map(function (string $developer) {
    return "developer:{$developer}";
  }, $developers);

  // Developer controller's cache has to be cleared as well otherwise
  // Developer::getCompanies() reloads the old data from the controller's
  // cache.
  if ($this->developerController instanceof EntityCacheAwareControllerInterface) {

  // Enforce re-evaluation of API product entity access.

  // Prevents circular reference between the services:
  // apigee_edge_teams.team_permissions ->
  // apigee_edge_teams.team_membership_manager ->
  // apigee_edge_teams.team_member_api_product_access_handler.
  // This call is just a helper for us to ensure the static cache of the
  // Team member API Product access handler gets cleared when this method
  // gets called. This is especially useful in testing. So calling
  // \Drupal::service() should be fine.