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mapping-ISOLatin1Accent_de.txt in Apache Solr Multilingual 7

# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Syntax:
#   "source" => "target"
#     "source".length() > 0 (source cannot be empty.)
#     "target".length() >= 0 (target can be empty.)

# example:
#   "À" => "A"
#   "\u00C0" => "A"
#   "\u00C0" => "\u0041"
#   "ß" => "ss"
#   "\t" => " "
#   "\n" => ""

# German Umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü, ä, ö, ü are not converted.
# Otherwise "Küchen" become "Kuchen".
# Translated to English, "kitchens" become "cake"!

# À => A
"\u00C0" => "A"

# Á => A
"\u00C1" => "A"

# Â => A
"\u00C2" => "A"

# Ã => A
"\u00C3" => "A"

# Ä => A
"\u00C4" => "Ae"

# Å => A
"\u00C5" => "A"

# Æ => AE
"\u00C6" => "AE"

# Ç => C
"\u00C7" => "C"

# È => E
"\u00C8" => "E"

# É => E
"\u00C9" => "E"

# Ê => E
"\u00CA" => "E"

# Ë => E
"\u00CB" => "E"

# Ì => I
"\u00CC" => "I"

# Í => I
"\u00CD" => "I"

# Î => I
"\u00CE" => "I"

# Ï => I
"\u00CF" => "I"

# IJ => IJ
"\u0132" => "IJ"

# Ð => D
"\u00D0" => "D"

# Ñ => N
"\u00D1" => "N"

# Ò => O
"\u00D2" => "O"

# Ó => O
"\u00D3" => "O"

# Ô => O
"\u00D4" => "O"

# Õ => O
"\u00D5" => "O"

# Ö => O
"\u00D6" => "Oe"

# Ø => O
"\u00D8" => "O"

# Π=> OE
"\u0152" => "OE"

# Þ
"\u00DE" => "TH"

# Ù => U
"\u00D9" => "U"

# Ú => U
"\u00DA" => "U"

# Û => U
"\u00DB" => "U"

# Ü => U
"\u00DC" => "Ue"

# Ý => Y
"\u00DD" => "Y"

# Ÿ => Y
"\u0178" => "Y"

# à => a
"\u00E0" => "a"

# á => a
"\u00E1" => "a"

# â => a
"\u00E2" => "a"

# ã => a
"\u00E3" => "a"

# ä => a
"\u00E4" => "ae"

# å => a
"\u00E5" => "a"

# æ => ae
"\u00E6" => "ae"

# ç => c
"\u00E7" => "c"

# è => e
"\u00E8" => "e"

# é => e
"\u00E9" => "e"

# ê => e
"\u00EA" => "e"

# ë => e
"\u00EB" => "e"

# ì => i
"\u00EC" => "i"

# í => i
"\u00ED" => "i"

# î => i
"\u00EE" => "i"

# ï => i
"\u00EF" => "i"

# ij => ij
"\u0133" => "ij"

# ð => d
"\u00F0" => "d"

# ñ => n
"\u00F1" => "n"

# ò => o
"\u00F2" => "o"

# ó => o
"\u00F3" => "o"

# ô => o
"\u00F4" => "o"

# õ => o
"\u00F5" => "o"

# ö => o
"\u00F6" => "oe"

# ø => o
"\u00F8" => "o"

# œ => oe
"\u0153" => "oe"

# ß => ss
"\u00DF" => "ss"

# þ => th
"\u00FE" => "th"

# ù => u
"\u00F9" => "u"

# ú => u
"\u00FA" => "u"

# û => u
"\u00FB" => "u"

# ü => u
"\u00FC" => "ue"

# ý => y
"\u00FD" => "y"

# ÿ => y
"\u00FF" => "y"

# ff => ff
"\uFB00" => "ff"

# fi => fi
"\uFB01" => "fi"

# fl => fl
"\uFB02" => "fl"

# ffi => ffi
"\uFB03" => "ffi"

# ffl => ffl
"\uFB04" => "ffl"

# ſt => ft
"\uFB05" => "ft"

# st => st
"\uFB06" => "st"


View source
  1. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  2. # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  3. # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  4. #
  5. #
  6. #
  7. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  8. # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  9. # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  10. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  11. # limitations under the License.
  12. # Syntax:
  13. # "source" => "target"
  14. # "source".length() > 0 (source cannot be empty.)
  15. # "target".length() >= 0 (target can be empty.)
  16. # example:
  17. # "À" => "A"
  18. # "\u00C0" => "A"
  19. # "\u00C0" => "\u0041"
  20. # "ß" => "ss"
  21. # "\t" => " "
  22. # "\n" => ""
  23. # German Umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü, ä, ö, ü are not converted.
  24. # Otherwise "Küchen" become "Kuchen".
  25. # Translated to English, "kitchens" become "cake"!
  26. # À => A
  27. "\u00C0" => "A"
  28. # Á => A
  29. "\u00C1" => "A"
  30. # Â => A
  31. "\u00C2" => "A"
  32. # Ã => A
  33. "\u00C3" => "A"
  34. # Ä => A
  35. "\u00C4" => "Ae"
  36. # Å => A
  37. "\u00C5" => "A"
  38. # Æ => AE
  39. "\u00C6" => "AE"
  40. # Ç => C
  41. "\u00C7" => "C"
  42. # È => E
  43. "\u00C8" => "E"
  44. # É => E
  45. "\u00C9" => "E"
  46. # Ê => E
  47. "\u00CA" => "E"
  48. # Ë => E
  49. "\u00CB" => "E"
  50. # Ì => I
  51. "\u00CC" => "I"
  52. # Í => I
  53. "\u00CD" => "I"
  54. # Î => I
  55. "\u00CE" => "I"
  56. # Ï => I
  57. "\u00CF" => "I"
  58. # IJ => IJ
  59. "\u0132" => "IJ"
  60. # Ð => D
  61. "\u00D0" => "D"
  62. # Ñ => N
  63. "\u00D1" => "N"
  64. # Ò => O
  65. "\u00D2" => "O"
  66. # Ó => O
  67. "\u00D3" => "O"
  68. # Ô => O
  69. "\u00D4" => "O"
  70. # Õ => O
  71. "\u00D5" => "O"
  72. # Ö => O
  73. "\u00D6" => "Oe"
  74. # Ø => O
  75. "\u00D8" => "O"
  76. # Π=> OE
  77. "\u0152" => "OE"
  78. # Þ
  79. "\u00DE" => "TH"
  80. # Ù => U
  81. "\u00D9" => "U"
  82. # Ú => U
  83. "\u00DA" => "U"
  84. # Û => U
  85. "\u00DB" => "U"
  86. # Ü => U
  87. "\u00DC" => "Ue"
  88. # Ý => Y
  89. "\u00DD" => "Y"
  90. # Ÿ => Y
  91. "\u0178" => "Y"
  92. # à => a
  93. "\u00E0" => "a"
  94. # á => a
  95. "\u00E1" => "a"
  96. # â => a
  97. "\u00E2" => "a"
  98. # ã => a
  99. "\u00E3" => "a"
  100. # ä => a
  101. "\u00E4" => "ae"
  102. # å => a
  103. "\u00E5" => "a"
  104. # æ => ae
  105. "\u00E6" => "ae"
  106. # ç => c
  107. "\u00E7" => "c"
  108. # è => e
  109. "\u00E8" => "e"
  110. # é => e
  111. "\u00E9" => "e"
  112. # ê => e
  113. "\u00EA" => "e"
  114. # ë => e
  115. "\u00EB" => "e"
  116. # ì => i
  117. "\u00EC" => "i"
  118. # í => i
  119. "\u00ED" => "i"
  120. # î => i
  121. "\u00EE" => "i"
  122. # ï => i
  123. "\u00EF" => "i"
  124. # ij => ij
  125. "\u0133" => "ij"
  126. # ð => d
  127. "\u00F0" => "d"
  128. # ñ => n
  129. "\u00F1" => "n"
  130. # ò => o
  131. "\u00F2" => "o"
  132. # ó => o
  133. "\u00F3" => "o"
  134. # ô => o
  135. "\u00F4" => "o"
  136. # õ => o
  137. "\u00F5" => "o"
  138. # ö => o
  139. "\u00F6" => "oe"
  140. # ø => o
  141. "\u00F8" => "o"
  142. # œ => oe
  143. "\u0153" => "oe"
  144. # ß => ss
  145. "\u00DF" => "ss"
  146. # þ => th
  147. "\u00FE" => "th"
  148. # ù => u
  149. "\u00F9" => "u"
  150. # ú => u
  151. "\u00FA" => "u"
  152. # û => u
  153. "\u00FB" => "u"
  154. # ü => u
  155. "\u00FC" => "ue"
  156. # ý => y
  157. "\u00FD" => "y"
  158. # ÿ => y
  159. "\u00FF" => "y"
  160. # ff => ff
  161. "\uFB00" => "ff"
  162. # fi => fi
  163. "\uFB01" => "fi"
  164. # fl => fl
  165. "\uFB02" => "fl"
  166. # ffi => ffi
  167. "\uFB03" => "ffi"
  168. # ffl => ffl
  169. "\uFB04" => "ffl"
  170. # ſt => ft
  171. "\uFB05" => "ft"
  172. # st => st
  173. "\uFB06" => "st"