README.txt in Apache Solr Multilingual 6.2
Apache Solr Multilingual
Name: apachesolr_multilingual
Authors: Markus Kalkbrenner | Cocomore AG
Matthias Huder | Cocomore AG
Drupal: 6.x
Sponsor: Cocomore AG -
Apache Solr Multilingual extends Apache Solr Search Integration
in a clean way to provide:
* better support for non-English languages
* support for multilingual search
* an easy to use administration interface for non-English and
multilingual search
Currently, the only version of apachesolr apachesolr_multilingual is
compatible with is apachesolr 6.x-2.0-beta5:
1. Place whole apachesolr_multilingual folder into your Drupal
modules/ or better sites/x/modules/ directory.
2. Enable the apachesolr_multilingual module at
3. Optional but recommended:
Enable the apachesolr_multilingual_texfile module at
administer/modules. Apache Solr requires some text files
like stopwords.txt. This module adds an adminstration
interface for such files to drupal. If you don't like it
you need to maintain such files manually.
Now you have different options to complete your setup:
1. Your site uses a unique non-English language.
If you additionally installed apachesolr_multilingual_texfile
continue at "A) Unique Language and Apache Solr Multilingual
Texfile". Otherwise continue at "C) Unique Language"
2. Your site uses multiple languages (multilingual) and your
content is assigned to languages using the locale module.
If you additionally installed apachesolr_multilingual_texfile
continue at "B) Multiple Languages and Apache Solr Multilingual
Texfile". Otherwise continue at "D) Multiple Languages"
A) Unique Language and Apache Solr Multilingual Texfile
1. Ensure that all the language you want to cover is
available and enabled at admin/settings/language
2. Enable the languages you want to cover at
and "Save configuration"
3. Adjust all solr text files to your needs at
4. Download at
5. Extract to your solr
conf directory and restart solr
6. "Re-index all content" at settings/apachesolr/index.
B) Multiple Languages and Apache Solr Multilingual Texfile
1. Ensure that all the languages you want to cover with
multilingual search are available and enabled at
2. Enable all the languages you want to cover with
multilingual search at admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual
and "Save configuration"
3. Adjust all solr text files to your needs at
4. Download at
5. Extract to your solr
conf directory and restart solr
6. "Re-index all content" at settings/apachesolr/index.
It's important that you already have content in every langauge
at this point. Otherwise the checkboxes in the next step won't
exist until you indexed some content in a specific language
7. Go to admin/settings/apachesolr/query-fields and set "Body" and
"Title" to "Omit". Enable all language specific bodies and titles
like body_en or title_de by selecting any value you like but not
"Omit". And don't forget to "Save configuration".
8. Optional: Like described in 7 omit
"Body text inside links (A tags)",
"Body text inside H1 tags",
"Body text inside H2 or H3 tags",
"Body text inside H4, H5, or H6 tags",
"Body text in inline tags like EM or STRONG"
and turn on the language specific fields like
9. Optional: If you insatalled the module "Taxonomy translation" and
turned on "Index taxonomy term translations" at
/admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual you should omit
"All taxonomy term names" and enable the language specific equivalent
like "taxonomy_names_de" instead like described in 7.
C) Unique Language
1. Ensure that all the language you want to cover is
available and enabled at admin/settings/language
2. Enable the languages you want to cover at
and "Save configuration"
4. Download schema.xml for unique language setup at
5. Copy schema.xml to your solr conf directory
6. Ensure that you have these four files in your solr conf
7. Restart solr
8. "Re-index all content" at settings/apachesolr/index.
D) Multiple Languages
1. Ensure that all the languages you want to cover with
multilingual search are available and enabled at
2. Enable all the languages you want to cover with
multilingual search at admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual
and "Save configuration"
4. Download schema.xml for multilingual setup at
5. Copy schema.xml to your solr conf directory
6. Ensure that you have these four files in your solr conf
directory for each language:
7. Restart solr
8. "Re-index all content" at settings/apachesolr/index.
It's important that you already have content in every langauge
at this point. Otherwise the checkboxes in the next step won't
exist until you indexed some content in a specific language
9. Go to admin/settings/apachesolr/query-fields and set "Body" and
"Title" to "Omit". Enable all language specific bodies and titles
like body_en or title_de by selecting any value you like but not
"Omit". And don't forget to "Save configuration".
10. Optional: Like described in 9 omit
"Body text inside links (A tags)",
"Body text inside H1 tags",
"Body text inside H2 or H3 tags",
"Body text inside H4, H5, or H6 tags",
"Body text in inline tags like EM or STRONG"
and turn on the labguage specific fields like
11. Optional: If you insatalled the module "Taxonomy translation" and
turned on "Index taxonomy term translations" at
/admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual you should omit
"All taxonomy term names" and enable the language specific equivalent
like "taxonomy_names_de" instead like described in 9.
Spell Checker
How it works:
* langauge neutral spell checker doesn't use any stop words.
* as soon as a user limited his search by language facet spell
checking is language specific
* admin configures if spell checker is language specific if
site language changes (language selector, URL, ...)
* admin configures if more than one suggestion should be made
in different languages (expensive because solr needs to be queried
one time per language)
Apache Solr Text Files
Searching for words containing accents or umlauts does not work!
You need to verify the configuration of your servlet container (tomcat, jetty, ...)
to support UTF-8 characters within the URL. For tomcat you have to add an attribute
URIEncoding="UTF-8" to your Connector definition. See Solr's documentation for details:
View source
- Apache Solr Multilingual
- ========================
- Name: apachesolr_multilingual
- Authors: Markus Kalkbrenner | Cocomore AG
- Matthias Huder | Cocomore AG
- Drupal: 6.x
- Sponsor: Cocomore AG -
- Description
- ===========
- Apache Solr Multilingual extends Apache Solr Search Integration
- in a clean way to provide:
- * better support for non-English languages
- * support for multilingual search
- * an easy to use administration interface for non-English and
- multilingual search
- Installation
- ============
- Currently, the only version of apachesolr apachesolr_multilingual is
- compatible with is apachesolr 6.x-2.0-beta5:
- 1. Place whole apachesolr_multilingual folder into your Drupal
- modules/ or better sites/x/modules/ directory.
- 2. Enable the apachesolr_multilingual module at
- admin/build/modules
- 3. Optional but recommended:
- Enable the apachesolr_multilingual_texfile module at
- administer/modules. Apache Solr requires some text files
- like stopwords.txt. This module adds an adminstration
- interface for such files to drupal. If you don't like it
- you need to maintain such files manually.
- Now you have different options to complete your setup:
- 1. Your site uses a unique non-English language.
- If you additionally installed apachesolr_multilingual_texfile
- continue at "A) Unique Language and Apache Solr Multilingual
- Texfile". Otherwise continue at "C) Unique Language"
- 2. Your site uses multiple languages (multilingual) and your
- content is assigned to languages using the locale module.
- If you additionally installed apachesolr_multilingual_texfile
- continue at "B) Multiple Languages and Apache Solr Multilingual
- Texfile". Otherwise continue at "D) Multiple Languages"
- A) Unique Language and Apache Solr Multilingual Texfile
- =======================================================
- 1. Ensure that all the language you want to cover is
- available and enabled at admin/settings/language
- 2. Enable the languages you want to cover at
- admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual
- and "Save configuration"
- 3. Adjust all solr text files to your needs at
- admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual
- 4. Download at
- admin/settings/apachesolr/schema_generator
- 5. Extract to your solr
- conf directory and restart solr
- 6. "Re-index all content" at settings/apachesolr/index.
- B) Multiple Languages and Apache Solr Multilingual Texfile
- ==========================================================
- 1. Ensure that all the languages you want to cover with
- multilingual search are available and enabled at
- admin/settings/language
- 2. Enable all the languages you want to cover with
- multilingual search at admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual
- and "Save configuration"
- 3. Adjust all solr text files to your needs at
- admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual
- 4. Download at
- admin/settings/apachesolr/schema_generator
- 5. Extract to your solr
- conf directory and restart solr
- 6. "Re-index all content" at settings/apachesolr/index.
- It's important that you already have content in every langauge
- at this point. Otherwise the checkboxes in the next step won't
- exist until you indexed some content in a specific language
- 7. Go to admin/settings/apachesolr/query-fields and set "Body" and
- "Title" to "Omit". Enable all language specific bodies and titles
- like body_en or title_de by selecting any value you like but not
- "Omit". And don't forget to "Save configuration".
- 8. Optional: Like described in 7 omit
- "Body text inside links (A tags)",
- "Body text inside H1 tags",
- "Body text inside H2 or H3 tags",
- "Body text inside H4, H5, or H6 tags",
- "Body text in inline tags like EM or STRONG"
- and turn on the language specific fields like
- "tags_a_de",
- "tags_h1_de",
- "tags_h2_h3_de",
- "tags_h4_h5_h6_de",
- "tags_inline_de".
- 9. Optional: If you insatalled the module "Taxonomy translation" and
- turned on "Index taxonomy term translations" at
- /admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual you should omit
- "All taxonomy term names" and enable the language specific equivalent
- like "taxonomy_names_de" instead like described in 7.
- C) Unique Language
- ==================
- 1. Ensure that all the language you want to cover is
- available and enabled at admin/settings/language
- 2. Enable the languages you want to cover at
- admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual
- and "Save configuration"
- 4. Download schema.xml for unique language setup at
- admin/settings/apachesolr/schema_generator
- 5. Copy schema.xml to your solr conf directory
- 6. Ensure that you have these four files in your solr conf
- directory:
- stopwords.txt
- synonyms.txt
- protwords.txt
- compoundwords.txt
- 7. Restart solr
- 8. "Re-index all content" at settings/apachesolr/index.
- D) Multiple Languages
- =====================
- 1. Ensure that all the languages you want to cover with
- multilingual search are available and enabled at
- admin/settings/language
- 2. Enable all the languages you want to cover with
- multilingual search at admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual
- and "Save configuration"
- 4. Download schema.xml for multilingual setup at
- admin/settings/apachesolr/schema_generator
- 5. Copy schema.xml to your solr conf directory
- 6. Ensure that you have these four files in your solr conf
- directory for each language:
- stopwords_LANGUAGE.txt
- synonyms_LANGUAGE.txt
- protwords_LANGUAGE.txt
- compoundwords_LANGUAGE.txt
- 7. Restart solr
- 8. "Re-index all content" at settings/apachesolr/index.
- It's important that you already have content in every langauge
- at this point. Otherwise the checkboxes in the next step won't
- exist until you indexed some content in a specific language
- 9. Go to admin/settings/apachesolr/query-fields and set "Body" and
- "Title" to "Omit". Enable all language specific bodies and titles
- like body_en or title_de by selecting any value you like but not
- "Omit". And don't forget to "Save configuration".
- 10. Optional: Like described in 9 omit
- "Body text inside links (A tags)",
- "Body text inside H1 tags",
- "Body text inside H2 or H3 tags",
- "Body text inside H4, H5, or H6 tags",
- "Body text in inline tags like EM or STRONG"
- and turn on the labguage specific fields like
- "tags_a_de",
- "tags_h1_de",
- "tags_h2_h3_de",
- "tags_h4_h5_h6_de",
- "tags_inline_de".
- 11. Optional: If you insatalled the module "Taxonomy translation" and
- turned on "Index taxonomy term translations" at
- /admin/settings/apachesolr/multilingual you should omit
- "All taxonomy term names" and enable the language specific equivalent
- like "taxonomy_names_de" instead like described in 9.
- Spell Checker
- =============
- How it works:
- * langauge neutral spell checker doesn't use any stop words.
- * as soon as a user limited his search by language facet spell
- checking is language specific
- ToDo:
- * admin configures if spell checker is language specific if
- site language changes (language selector, URL, ...)
- * admin configures if more than one suggestion should be made
- in different languages (expensive because solr needs to be queried
- one time per language)
- Apache Solr Text Files
- ======================
- stopwords.txt
- =============
- protwords.txt
- =============
- synonyms.txt
- =============
- compoundwords.txt
- =================
- Troubleshooting
- ===============
- Searching for words containing accents or umlauts does not work!
- You need to verify the configuration of your servlet container (tomcat, jetty, ...)
- to support UTF-8 characters within the URL. For tomcat you have to add an attribute
- URIEncoding="UTF-8" to your Connector definition. See Solr's documentation for details: