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Functions in Apache Solr Search 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
apachesolr_search_search_reset ./apachesolr_search.module Implements hook_search_reset().
apachesolr_search_search_results ./apachesolr_search.module Executes search depending on the conditions given. See for another use of this function 2
apachesolr_search_search_status ./apachesolr_search.module Implements hook_search_status().
apachesolr_search_theme ./apachesolr_search.module Implements hook_theme().
apachesolr_search_theme_registry_alter ./apachesolr_search.module Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
apachesolr_search_type_boost_form ./ Form builder function to set query type weights. 1
apachesolr_search_uninstall ./apachesolr_search.install Implements hook_uninstall().
apachesolr_search_update_7000 ./apachesolr_search.install Various updates for Drupal 7.
apachesolr_search_update_7001 ./apachesolr_search.install Add apachesolr_search_page table.
apachesolr_search_update_7002 ./apachesolr_search.install Add apachesolr_search_page table for real.
apachesolr_search_update_7003 ./apachesolr_search.install Delete all Apache Solr Search blocks - they moved to Facet API.
apachesolr_search_update_7004 ./apachesolr_search.install Add a default search page for core Add a taxonomy page if the taxonomy module was ever active
apachesolr_search_update_7005 ./apachesolr_search.install Make the env_id length on the apachesolr_search_page table 64 characters to match the length of the env_id on all other tables
apachesolr_search_update_7006 ./apachesolr_search.install Remove all apachesolr_search env variables for show_facets if it is zero
apachesolr_server_status ./apachesolr.module Checks if a specific Apache Solr server is available. 5
apachesolr_settings ./ Form builder for general settings used as a menu callback. 1
apachesolr_set_default_environment ./apachesolr.module Set the default environment and let other modules know about the change. 1
apachesolr_set_facetapi_breadcrumb ./apachesolr.module Sets breadcrumb trails for Facet API settings forms. 2
apachesolr_set_last_index_position ./apachesolr.module Sets last changed and last ID for an environment and entity type. 2
apachesolr_set_last_index_updated ./apachesolr.module Set the timestamp of the last index update 6
apachesolr_set_stats_message ./apachesolr.module Call drupal_set_message() with the text.
apachesolr_site_hash ./apachesolr.module Like $site_key in _update_refresh() - returns a site-specific hash. 6 1
apachesolr_static_response_cache ./apachesolr.module It is important to hold on to the Solr response object for the duration of the page request so that we can use it for things like building facet blocks. 10
apachesolr_status_page ./ Gets information about the fields already in solr index. 1
apachesolr_suppress_blocks ./apachesolr.module Semaphore that indicates whether Blocks should be suppressed regardless of whether a search has run. 3
apachesolr_taxonomy_term_update ./apachesolr.module Implements hook_term_update().
apachesolr_term_reference_indexing_callback ./ Callback that converts term_reference field into an array 1
apachesolr_test_page_alter tests/apachesolr_test/apachesolr_test.module Implements hook_page_alter().
apachesolr_theme ./apachesolr.module Implements hook_theme().
apachesolr_uninstall ./apachesolr.install Implements hook_uninstall().
apachesolr_update_7000 ./apachesolr.install Add a table to track Solr servers.
apachesolr_update_7001 ./apachesolr.install Re-jigger the schema to use fewer, shorter keys.
apachesolr_update_7002 ./apachesolr.install Create the per-server variable table.
apachesolr_update_7003 ./apachesolr.install Move excluded comment types into a new variable.
apachesolr_update_7004 ./apachesolr.install Update apachesolr_failure variable.
apachesolr_update_7005 ./apachesolr.install Re-jigger the schema to use just a url column.
apachesolr_update_7006 ./apachesolr.install Remove facet-related variable deprecated by the Facet API integration.
apachesolr_update_7007 ./apachesolr.install Rename tables to make them more generic.
apachesolr_update_7008 ./apachesolr.install Remove more facet-related variable deprecated by the Facet API integration.
apachesolr_update_7009 ./apachesolr.install Update Facet API block deltas to account for removal of numeric ID from field names.
apachesolr_update_7010 ./apachesolr.install Update cache table schema for Drupal 7.
apachesolr_update_7011 ./apachesolr.install Change the namespace for the indexer from apachesolr_search to apachesolr
apachesolr_update_7012 ./apachesolr.install Rename some variables and update the database tables
apachesolr_update_7013 ./apachesolr.install Make consistent (and reduce) field lengths which cause excess pkey length.
apachesolr_update_7014 ./apachesolr.install Remove status from the key.
apachesolr_update_7015 ./apachesolr.install Fix primary key schema mismatch for those who cleanly installed with beta16.
apachesolr_update_7016 ./apachesolr.install Clean up apachesolr_update_from_6303.
apachesolr_update_7017 ./apachesolr.install Turn global variables in environment specific ones.
apachesolr_userreference_indexing_callback ./ Indexing callback for the user_reference module by the references module 1
apachesolr_userreference_map_callback ./apachesolr.module 1


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