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Functions in Apache Solr Search 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
apachesolr_search_update_5001 ./apachesolr_search.install Update to block deltas.
apachesolr_search_update_5002 ./apachesolr_search.install Update mis-named variables.
apachesolr_search_update_5003 ./apachesolr_search.install Enable facet missing for books.
apachesolr_search_update_index ./apachesolr_search.module Implementation of hook_update_index().
apachesolr_search_view ./apachesolr_search.module Re-implementation of search_view().
apachesolr_settings ./ @file Administrative pages for the Apache Solr framework. 2
apachesolr_settings_validate ./ Validation function for the apachesolr_settings form.
apachesolr_set_stats_message ./apachesolr.module Call drupal_set_message() with the text. 2
apachesolr_site_hash ./apachesolr.module Like $site_key in _update_refresh() - returns a site-specific hash. 4 1
apachesolr_static_response_cache ./apachesolr.module It is important to hold on to the Solr response object for the duration of the page request so that we can use it for things like building facet blocks. 5
apachesolr_taxonomy ./apachesolr.module Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
apachesolr_tt ./apachesolr.module Wrapper function for tt() if i18nstrings enabled. 2
apachesolr_uninstall ./apachesolr.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
apachesolr_update_5000 ./apachesolr.install Create node indexing table.
apachesolr_update_5001 ./apachesolr.install Fix block caching settings. This was backported from 6.x and was keept for numering reasosns
apachesolr_update_5002 ./apachesolr.install Make sure no nodes have a timestamp that's in the future
apachesolr_update_5003 ./apachesolr.install Re-index nodes in books.
apachesolr_update_5004 ./apachesolr.install Subsume MLT functionality..
apachesolr_update_5005 ./apachesolr.install Add ApacheSolr's own cache table.
apachesolr_user ./apachesolr.module Implementation of hook_user().
apachesolr_vocab_name ./ Helper function - return a safe (PHP identifier) vocabulary name. 1
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_cck ./apachesolr_search.module
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_date_range ./apachesolr_search.module Proxy theme function for 'created' and 'changed' date fields.
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_im_og_gid contrib/apachesolr_og/apachesolr_og.module Theme the breadcrumb.
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_is_book_bid ./apachesolr_search.module Return the title of a book.
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_language ./apachesolr_search.module
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_tid ./apachesolr_search.module Return the term name from $tid, or $tid as a fallback.
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_type ./apachesolr_search.module Return the human readable text for a content type.
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_uid ./apachesolr_search.module Return the username from $uid
theme_apachesolr_currentsearch ./apachesolr_search.module Return current search block contents
theme_apachesolr_facet_link ./apachesolr.module
theme_apachesolr_facet_list ./apachesolr.module
theme_apachesolr_image_snippet contrib/apachesolr_image/apachesolr_image.module
theme_apachesolr_mlt_recommendation_block ./apachesolr.module
theme_apachesolr_search_snippets ./apachesolr_search.module Theme the highlighted snippet text for a search entry.
theme_apachesolr_sort_link ./apachesolr.module
theme_apachesolr_sort_list ./apachesolr.module
theme_apachesolr_unclick_link ./apachesolr.module
_apachesolr_exclude_types ./apachesolr.module 2
_apachesolr_field_name_map ./ Try to map a schema field name to a human-readable description. 3
_apachesolr_nodeaccess_build_subquery contrib/apachesolr_nodeaccess/apachesolr_nodeaccess.module Creates a Solr query for a given user 1
_apachesolr_nodeapi_delete ./apachesolr.module Helper function for hook_nodeapi(). 1
_apachesolr_nodeapi_update ./apachesolr.module Helper function for hook_nodeapi(). 1
_apachesolr_og_gid_key contrib/apachesolr_og/apachesolr_og.module Apachesolr index name for Organic group id 5
_apachesolr_sort_facets ./ Indicates what order the specified facets should be listed in. This function is used in a usort invocation. 1


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