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6 calls to apachesolr_index_key() in Apache Solr Search 7

ApacheSolrFacetapiNumericRange::execute in plugins/facetapi/
Adds the filter to the query object.
apachesolr_entityreference_indexing_callback in ./
Indexing callback for entityreference fields.
apachesolr_entity_field_facets in ./apachesolr.module
Returns an array of facets for the provided entity type's fields.
apachesolr_fields_default_indexing_callback in ./
Callback that converts list module field into an array For every multivalued value we also add a single value to be able to use the stats
apachesolr_nodereference_indexing_callback in ./
Indexing callback for the node_reference module by the references module
apachesolr_userreference_indexing_callback in ./
Indexing callback for the user_reference module by the references module