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27 calls to apachesolr_get_solr() in Apache Solr Search 8

AbstractDrupalSolrOnlineWebTestCase::setUpSolr in tests/solr_index_and_search.test
ApacheSolrFacetapiNumericRange::build in plugins/facetapi/
Initializes the facet's build array.
apachesolr_clear_cache in ./apachesolr.module
A wrapper for cache_clear_all to be used as a submit handler on forms that require clearing Luke cache etc.
apachesolr_config_file in ./
Page callback to show one conf file.
apachesolr_config_files_overview in ./
Page callback to show available conf files.
apachesolr_cron in ./apachesolr.module
Implements hook_cron(). Runs the indexing process on all writable environments or just a given environment.
apachesolr_drupal_query in ./apachesolr.module
Factory function for query objects.
apachesolr_index_batch_index_entities in ./
Batch Operation Callback
apachesolr_index_batch_index_finished in ./
Batch 'finished' callback
apachesolr_index_delete_bundles in ./
Delete from the index documents with the entity type and any of the excluded bundles.
apachesolr_index_delete_entity_from_index in ./
Delete an entity from the index.
apachesolr_index_delete_index in ./
Delete the whole index for an environment.
apachesolr_index_entities in ./
Processes all index queues associated with the passed environment.
apachesolr_index_nodeapi_mass_delete in ./
Mass delete nodes from the solr indexer tables.
apachesolr_index_nodeapi_mass_update in ./
Mass Update nodes from the solr indexer table
apachesolr_index_report in ./
Get the report, eg.: some statistics and useful data from the Apache Solr index
apachesolr_index_send_to_solr in ./
Index an array of documents to solr.
apachesolr_requirements in ./apachesolr.install
Implements hook_requirements().
apachesolr_search_block_view in ./apachesolr_search.module
Implements hook_block_view().
apachesolr_search_build_spellcheck in ./apachesolr_search.module
submit function for the delete_index form.
apachesolr_search_get_fields in ./
Menu callback - the settings form.
apachesolr_search_init in ./apachesolr_search.module
Implements hook_init().
apachesolr_search_mlt_get_fields in ./
Constructs a list of field names used on the settings form.
apachesolr_search_search_results in ./apachesolr_search.module
Executes search depending on the conditions given. See for another use of this function
apachesolr_set_stats_message in ./apachesolr.module
Call drupal_set_message() with the text.
apachesolr_status_page in ./
Gets information about the fields already in solr index.
DrupalApacheSolrNodeAccess::testIndexing in apachesolr_access/tests/apachesolr_access.test
Tests indexing and check if it adds the correct grants for those specific users