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18 calls to apachesolr_get_solr() in Apache Solr Search 5.2

apachesolr_cron in ./apachesolr.module
Implementation of hook_cron().
apachesolr_delete_index in ./
Utility function to delete the index and reset all index counters.
apachesolr_delete_node_from_index in ./apachesolr.module
apachesolr_do_query in ./apachesolr.module
Execute a search based on a query object.
apachesolr_drupal_query in ./apachesolr.module
Factory function for query objects.
apachesolr_index_nodes in ./apachesolr.module
Function to handle the indexing of nodes.
apachesolr_index_page in ./
Gets information about the fields already in solr index.
apachesolr_index_report in ./
apachesolr_mlt_get_fields in ./
Constructs a list of field names used on the settings form.
apachesolr_mlt_suggestions in ./apachesolr.module
Performs a moreLikeThis query using the settings and retrieves documents.
apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_delete in ./
apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_update in ./
apachesolr_requirements in ./apachesolr.install
Implementation of hook_requirements().
apachesolr_search_build_spellcheck in ./apachesolr_search.module
apachesolr_search_execute in ./apachesolr_search.module
Execute a search results based on keyword, filter, and sort strings.
apachesolr_search_settings_page in ./
Menu callback - the settings form.
apachesolr_search_type_boost_form_submit in ./
Submit callback for apachesolr_search_type_boost_form().
apachesolr_set_stats_message in ./apachesolr.module
Call drupal_set_message() with the text.