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9 calls to apachesolr_environment_save() in Apache Solr Search 8

AbstractDrupalSolrOnlineWebTestCase::setUpSolr in tests/solr_index_and_search.test
apachesolr_ctools_environment_save in ./apachesolr.module
Callback for saving Apache Solr environment CTools exportables.
apachesolr_drush_solr_set_env_url in drush/
Set the environment url based on the environment ID
apachesolr_environment_clone in ./apachesolr.module
Function that clones an environment
apachesolr_environment_edit_submit in ./
Submit handler for the environment edit page
DrupalSolrOfflineEnvironmentWebTestCase::testIndexFileIncluded in tests/apachesolr_base.test
Asserts that the module was installed and that a notice appears that the server is offline
DrupalSolrOfflineEnvironmentWebTestCase::testServerOffline in tests/apachesolr_base.test
Asserts that the module was installed and that a notice appears that the server is offline
DrupalSolrOfflineSearchPagesWebTestCase::setUp in tests/apachesolr_base.test
Implementation of setUp().
DrupalSolrOfflineSearchPagesWebTestCase::testNewAndRemoveSearchPage in tests/apachesolr_base.test
Asserts that we can edit a search environment