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9 calls to apachesolr_cck_fields() in Apache Solr Search 6.2

apachesolr_date_apachesolr_facets in contrib/apachesolr_date/apachesolr_date.module
Implementation of hook_apachesolr_facets(). Only handles end date facets. Start date facet definitions are handled later.
apachesolr_date_block in contrib/apachesolr_date/apachesolr_date.module
Implementation of hook_block().
apachesolr_field_name_map in ./apachesolr.module
Try to map a schema field name to a human-readable description.
apachesolr_node_to_document in ./
Given a node, return a document representing that node.
apachesolr_search_apachesolr_facets in ./apachesolr_search.module
Implementation of hook_apachesolr_facets().
apachesolr_search_block in ./apachesolr_search.module
Implementation of hook_block().
apachesolr_search_update_6001 in ./apachesolr_search.install
Update to block deltas.
apachesolr_text_apachesolr_modify_query in contrib/apachesolr_text/apachesolr_text.module
Modify searches to include CCK text fields.
theme_apachesolr_breadcrumb_cck in ./apachesolr_search.module
Theme function for CCK fields in breadcrumbs. TODO: The logic for getting here is too convoluted, and there are too many bizarre naming conventions in play (_cck_, _end). The checks for _cck_ and _end MUST get refactored.