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 * @file
 *   Functions from Drupal 6.
 *   Make our life easily on backporting.
if (!function_exists('drupal_alter')) {
  function drupal_alter($type, &$data) {

    // PHP's func_get_args() always returns copies of params, not references, so
    // drupal_alter() can only manipulate data that comes in via the required first
    // param. For the edge case functions that must pass in an arbitrary number of
    // alterable parameters (hook_form_alter() being the best example), an array of
    // those params can be placed in the __drupal_alter_by_ref key of the $data
    // array. This is somewhat ugly, but is an unavoidable consequence of a flexible
    // drupal_alter() function, and the limitations of func_get_args().
    // @todo: Remove this in Drupal 7.
    if (is_array($data) && isset($data['__drupal_alter_by_ref'])) {
      $by_ref_parameters = $data['__drupal_alter_by_ref'];

    // Hang onto a reference to the data array so that it isn't blown away later.
    // Also, merge in any parameters that need to be passed by reference.
    $args = array(
    if (isset($by_ref_parameters)) {
      $args = array_merge($args, $by_ref_parameters);

    // Now, use func_get_args() to pull in any additional parameters passed into
    // the drupal_alter() call.
    $additional_args = func_get_args();
    $args = array_merge($args, $additional_args);
    foreach (module_implements($type . '_alter') as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_' . $type . '_alter';
      call_user_func_array($function, $args);
if (!function_exists('db_placeholders')) {
  function db_placeholders($arguments, $type = 'int') {
    $placeholder = db_type_placeholder($type);
    return implode(',', array_fill(0, count($arguments), $placeholder));
  function db_type_placeholder($type) {
    switch ($type) {
      case 'varchar':
      case 'char':
      case 'text':
      case 'datetime':
        return "'%s'";
      case 'numeric':

        // Numeric values are arbitrary precision numbers.  Syntacically, numerics
        // should be specified directly in SQL. However, without single quotes
        // the %s placeholder does not protect against non-numeric characters such
        // as spaces which would expose us to SQL injection.
        return '%n';
      case 'serial':
      case 'int':
        return '%d';
      case 'float':
        return '%f';
      case 'blob':
        return '%b';

    // There is no safe value to return here, so return something that
    // will cause the query to fail.
    return 'unsupported type ' . $type . 'for db_type_placeholder';