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Solr_Base_Query.php in Apache Solr Search 5


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class Solr_Base_Query {

   * Luke query to find out what fields the Lucene index already knows about.
   * TODO: Does this belong in this class? Or in a Service class? Or in the module itself?
  static function get_fields_in_index() {
    static $fields;
    if (empty($fields)) {

      // TODO: The apachesolr_base_url() is the only dependency on the module. Make it a static
      // class method?
      $response = drupal_http_request(apachesolr_base_url() . "/admin/luke?numTerms=0&wt=json");
      if ($response->code == '200') {
        $data = json_decode($response->data);
    return $data->fields;

   * This is copied from search module. The search module implementation doesn't
   * handle quoted terms correctly (bug) and this function is copied here until
   * I have the bugfix perfected, at which point a patch will be submitted to search
   * module with the goal of removing the function here.
   * Extract a module-specific search option from a search query. e.g. 'type:book'
  static function query_extract($keys, $option) {
    $pattern = '/(^| )' . $option . ':(\\"([^\\"]*)\\")/i';
    preg_match_all($pattern, $keys, $matches);
    if (!empty($matches[2])) {

      // The preg_replace removes beginning and trailing quotations.
      return preg_replace('/^"|"$/', '', $matches[2]);
    $pattern = '/(^| )' . $option . ':([^ ]*)/i';
    if (preg_match_all($pattern, $keys, $matches)) {
      if (!empty($matches[2])) {
        return $matches[2];

   * Replaces all occurances of $option in $keys.
  static function query_replace($keys, $option) {
    $matches = Solr_Base_Query::query_extract($keys, $option);
    if (count($matches) > 0) {
      foreach ($matches as $match) {

        // TODO: Make some sort of name->value container object.
        $found = Solr_Base_Query::make_field(array(
          '#name' => $option,
          '#value' => $match,
        $keys = str_replace($found, '', $keys);
    return $keys;

   * Takes an array $values and combines the #name and #value in a way
   * suitable for use in a Solr query.
  static function make_field(array $values) {
    if (empty($values['#name'])) {
      return implode(' ', array_filter(explode(' ', $values['#value']), 'trim'));
    else {

      // if the field value has spaces in it, wrap it in double quotes.
      if (count(explode(' ', $values['#value'])) > 1) {
        $values['#value'] = '"' . $values['#value'] . '"';
      return $values['#name'] . ':' . $values['#value'];

   * A keyed array where the key is a position integer and the value
   * is an array with #name and #value properties.
  private $_fields;

   * An array of subqueries.
  private $_subqueries = array();

   * The query string.
  private $_query;

   * Should fields be AND'd or OR'd together?
  private $_field_operator;

   * @param $querystring
   *   The string that a user would type into the search box. Suitable input
   *   may come from search_get_keys()
   * @param $field_operator
   *   An object level operator. AND is the implicit default. All segments will
   *   be joined with this operator.
  function __construct($querystring, $field_operator = "AND") {
    $this->_field_operator = $field_operator;
    $this->_query = trim($querystring);
  function add_field($field, $value) {

    // microtime guarantees that added fields come at the end of the query,
    // in order.
    $this->_fields[microtime()] = array(
      '#name' => $field,
      '#value' => trim($value),
  function get_fields() {
    return $this->_fields;
  function remove_field($name, $value = NULL) {

    // We can only remove named fields.
    if (empty($name)) {
    if (empty($value)) {
      foreach ($this->_fields as $pos => $values) {
        if ($values['#name'] == $name) {
    else {
      foreach ($this->_fields as $pos => $values) {
        if ($values['#name'] == $name && $values['#value'] == $value) {
  function has_field($name, $value) {
    foreach ($this->_fields as $pos => $values) {
      if (!empty($values['#name']) && !empty($values['#value']) && $values['#name'] == $name && $values['#value'] == $value) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * A subquery is another instance of a Solr_Base_Query that should be joined
   * to the query. The operator determines whether it will be joined with AND or
   * OR.
   * @param $query
   *   An instance of Solr_Base_Query.
   * @param $operator
   *   'AND' or 'OR'
  function add_subquery(Solr_Base_Query $query, $operator = 'AND') {
      ->get_query_basic()] = array(
      '#query' => $query,
      '#operator' => $operator,
  function remove_subquery(Solr_Base_Query $query) {
  function remove_subqueries() {
    $this->_subqueries = array();
  function get_query() {
    return $this->_query;

   * A function to get just the keyword components of the query,
   * omitting any field:value portions.
  function get_query_basic() {
    $nonames = array_filter($this->_fields, create_function('$a', 'return empty($a[\'#name\']);'));
    $result = array();
    foreach ($nonames as $pos => $field) {
      $result[] = $field['#value'];
    return implode(' ', $result);
  function get_breadcrumb() {

    // This encodes an assumption that the breadcrumb is always building off
    // of the current page. Could be a problem.
    $breadcrumb = menu_get_active_breadcrumb();

    // double check that the fields are ordered by position.
    $progressive_crumb = array();

    // TODO: Don't know if hardcoding this is going to come back to bite.
    $base = 'search/' . arg(1) . '/';
    foreach ($this->_fields as $field) {
      $progressive_crumb[] = Solr_Base_Query::make_field($field);
      if (empty($field['#name'])) {
        $breadcrumb[] = l($field['#value'], $base . implode(' ', $progressive_crumb));
      else {
        if ($themed = theme("apachesolr_breadcrumb_{$field['#name']}", $field['#value'])) {
          $breadcrumb[] = l($themed, $base . implode(' ', $progressive_crumb));
        else {
          $breadcrumb[] = l($field['#value'], $base . implode(' ', $progressive_crumb));

    // the last breadcrumb is the current page, so it shouldn't be a link.
    $last = count($breadcrumb) - 1;
    $breadcrumb[$last] = strip_tags($breadcrumb[$last]);
    return $breadcrumb;
  private function parse_query() {
    $this->_fields = array();
    $_keys = $this->_query;

    // Gets information about the fields already in solr index.
    $index_fields = Solr_Base_Query::get_fields_in_index();
    $rows = array();
    foreach ((array) $index_fields as $name => $field) {
      do {

        // save the strlen so we can detect if it has changed at the bottom
        // of the do loop
        $a = (int) strlen($_keys);

        // Get the values for $name
        $values = Solr_Base_Query::query_extract($_keys, $name);
        if (count($values) > 0) {
          foreach ($values as $value) {
            $found = Solr_Base_Query::make_field(array(
              '#name' => $name,
              '#value' => $value,
            $pos = strpos($this->_query, $found);

            // $solr_keys and $solr_crumbs are keyed on $pos so that query order
            // is maintained. This is important for breadcrumbs.
            $this->_fields[$pos] = array(
              '#name' => $name,
              '#value' => trim($value),

          // Update the local copy of $_keys by removing the key that was just found.
          $_keys = trim(Solr_Base_Query::query_replace($_keys, $name));

        // Take new strlen to compare with $a.
        $b = (int) strlen($_keys);
      } while ($a !== $b);

      // Clean up by adding remaining keywords.
      if (!empty($_keys)) {
        $pos = strpos($this->_query, $_keys);
        $this->_fields[$pos] = array(
          '#name' => '',
          '#value' => trim($_keys),

    // Even though the array has the right keys they are likely in the wrong
    // order. ksort() sorts the array by key while maintaining the key.
  private function rebuild_query() {
    $fields = array();
    foreach ($this->_fields as $pos => $values) {
      $fields[] = Solr_Base_Query::make_field($values);
    $join_delim = $this->_field_operator == 'AND' ? ' ' : ' OR ';
    $this->_query = trim(implode($join_delim, array_filter($fields, 'trim')));
    foreach ($this->_subqueries as $id => $data) {
      $operator = $data['#operator'];
      $subquery = $data['#query']
      $this->_query .= " {$operator} ({$subquery})";



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