public function Apache_Solr_Service::commit in Apache Solr Search 5
Send a commit command. Will be synchronous unless both wait parameters are set to false.
boolean $optimize Defaults to true:
boolean $waitFlush Defaults to true:
boolean $waitSearcher Defaults to true:
float $timeout Maximum expected duration (in seconds) of the commit operation on the server (otherwise, will throw a communication exception). Defaults to 1 hour:
Return value
Exception If an error occurs during the service call
- SolrPhpClient/
Apache/ Solr/ Service.php, line 751
- Apache_Solr_Service
- Starting point for the Solr API. Represents a Solr server resource and has methods for pinging, adding, deleting, committing, optimizing and searching.
public function commit($optimize = true, $waitFlush = true, $waitSearcher = true, $timeout = 3600) {
$optimizeValue = $optimize ? 'true' : 'false';
$flushValue = $waitFlush ? 'true' : 'false';
$searcherValue = $waitSearcher ? 'true' : 'false';
$rawPost = '<commit optimize="' . $optimizeValue . '" waitFlush="' . $flushValue . '" waitSearcher="' . $searcherValue . '" />';
return $this
->_sendRawPost($this->_updateUrl, $rawPost, $timeout);