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8 calls to DrupalApacheSolrService::_constructUrl() in Apache Solr Search 7

DrupalApacheSolrService::getUrl in ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Get the Solr url
DrupalApacheSolrService::makeServletRequest in ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Make a request to a servlet (a path) that's not a standard path.
DrupalApacheSolrService::ping in ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Call the /admin/ping servlet, to test the connection to the server.
DrupalApacheSolrService::search in ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Simple Search interface
DrupalApacheSolrService::setLuke in ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Sets $this->luke with the meta-data about the index from admin/luke.
DrupalApacheSolrService::setStats in ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Sets $this->stats with the information about the Solr Core form
DrupalApacheSolrService::setSystemInfo in ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Call the /admin/system servlet
DrupalApacheSolrService::update in ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Raw update Method. Takes a raw post body and sends it to the update service. Post body should be a complete and well formed xml document.