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CHANGELOG.txt in Apache Solr Search 6.2

Apache Solr integration x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx

Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx
#1000532 by craigmc, jpmckinney: Fixed Non-current/valid Node Types not excluded from index.
#901376  by LiuShaz: insure UTF-8 encoding is used for POST searches.
#1248366 by Dave Reid: Fix declaration of getInfo() test functions.
#1224748 by pwolanin, David Lesieur: fix nodeapi params.
REVERTED: #549664 by Scott Reynolds Ignore node_access for Solr Views queries.
#761990 by pwolanin, jhedstrom: 400 Bad Status if URL length limit exceeded.
#1173696 by arekanderu, jpmckinney: Fix apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_delete and apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_update.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-beta4, 2011-05-26
#1163520 by jpmckinney: some documents getting missed by indexer.
#1165932 by Ravi.J, jpmckinney: Uncaught exception on MLT block.
#1098860 by jpmckinney: Add apachesolr_cron_check_node_table back to cron.
#881760 by pwolanin: account for
#1141046 by craig_, pwolanin, jpmckinney: Highlight field not used, when setting variable apachesolr_hl_highlight.
#1146054 by pwolanin: Remove unneded & (reference) operators for objects.
#1104456 by jpmckinney, jhedstrom: For show more/fewer links, appendTo .content, instead of to the block itself.
#675262 by kcoop: HTML entities erroneously generated for author names.
#920880 by jpmckinney, mihha: facet_block_callback not propagated.
#783366 by jpmckinney, pwolanin, elliotttf: Synchronize apachesolr_search_browse with apachesolr_search_execute.
#614644 by jpmckinney, pwolanin: Forms attached to Apachesolr search results won't work.
#509982 by jpmckinney: Is our use of menu_alter incompatible with fallback to core search?
#871440 by jpmckinney, elliotttf: Solr taxonomy page displays search form and blocks when the user has no access.
#899590 by jpmckinney, elliotttf: Support indexing of CCK fields that are not facets.
#993476 by jpmckinney, pwolanin: allow arbitrary results per page in the 0-200 range.
#903802 by jpmckinney: BLOCK_CACHE_PER_PAGE conflicts with theme_apachesolr_facet_list.
#882638 by pwolanin, jpmckinney: Clean the text inside indexed tags.
#528086 by pwolanin, jpmckinney: Fix for special html entity search and display bugs.
#864014 by jpmckinney: Current search block doesn't theme apachesolr_date facets properly.
#562214 by ecofinn, wmostry, jpmckinney: Problems with double-encoded ampersands.
#673914 by jpmckinney: Links comments to page containing newest comment, instead of page containing current comment.
#533044 by janusman | jpmckinney: Document that "hijack taxonomy pages" only displays indexed content.
#1099738 by jpmckinney: per_field should be per-field.
#997480 by jpmckinney | davidwhthomas: Facet checkboxes are duplicated following other javascript activity on page.
#1033630 by jpmckinney | Patrizio: Apache Solr node access broken permissions rebuilding.
#979194 by janusman: Missing 'module' element in menu_alter for taxonomy hijack.
#883106 by jpmckinney | pwolanin: move the OR facet code to the finalize hook.
#993448 by pwolanin, scor: get Solr result docs as stdClass instead of Apache_Solr_Document.
#1050000 by pwolanin: More generically prevent calling nodeapi update_index when indexing.
#996800 by pwolanin: Connection strings (host, port, path) should use trim().
#890314 by quaoar: avoid searching twice when using the search block.
#1064782 by jpmckinney: Use module_load_include, module_load_install instead of include_once
#925608 by janusman | jpmckinney: Quick perf improvement: cache term ancestors on indexing
#799890 by tbenice | jpmckinney: Alter search result extra information
#791916 by Network | jpmckinney: Allow facet search block to have children always show
#937328 by Davy Van Den Bremt | pwolanin: Drush support for indexing remaining nodes.
#1060698 by dww | jpmckinney: Always display the current value of apachesolr_cron_limit in the admin UI
#904312 by pounard: Use drupal_get_breadcrumb() not menu_get_active_breadcrumb()
#908252 by katbailey | jpmckinney: Wrap the output of apachesolr_search_view in a theme function
#616888 bangpound: Pass delta to MLT blocks' theme function
#912454 by soyarma: Undefined variable $snippet on line 552
#991444 by Nick_vh: None of start, end, gap should show up as date facets.
#963484 by e-anima: Missing $delta in apachesolr_search_taxonomy_facet_block
#891962 by jurcello, pwolanin: avoid incorrect filter substring matches, emit correct query string.
#949768 by pwolanin: Index more CCK fields by default.
#957652 by aegnor, pwolanin: fix str_replace may remove a substring in filter_extract.
#983458 by craig_: respect apachesolr_read_only setting for mass updates, use defined constants.
#983572 by amateescu, pwolanin: fix for empty filter values causing Solr error.
#925700 by janusman: Changed Quick fix: reduce t() string duplicity.
#910100 by robertDouglass: Changed Make whole $snippets array available to theme layer.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-BETA3, 2010-09-04
#840358 by pwolanin | torstenzenk: Fixed Error searching Taxonomies.
#828412 by eosrei | jpmckinney: Fixed apachesolr_get_facet_definition() searches incorrect field for definition.
#864146 by pwolanin | jpmckinney: Fixed When moving fq to q.alt, we should parenthesize each fq.
NEW MODULE: ApacheSolr Text; takes care of text fields from CCK with content permissions.
#704190 by pwolanin: Added Add page callbacks to display conf files in the index in reports.
#878996 by pwolanin | weri: Added Don't break the loop .
#373824 by pwolanin | David Stosik: Fixed Attachment count is not displayed in search results.
#896324 by ahankinson | jpmckinney: Fixed module_invoke() called too late.
#901720 by robertDouglass: Fixed Highlighting snippets in search results not flexible enough, and logic improvement.
#899590 by robertDouglass: Changed CCK facet definitions needs to expand its role and have a 'facets' param.
#899560 by robertDouglass: Fixed apachesolr_do_query() has to take $params by reference.
#751004 by pwolanin, jpmckinney, rjbrown99, robertDouglass | EugenMayer, camidoo: Fixed Respect NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_INDEX exclusion setting.
#885950 by pwolanin, csevb10 preserve added/removed filters when filterstring is re-parsed.
#880488 by pwolanin: security hardening: don't use unserialize on untrusted data.
#867448 by B-Prod | jpmckinney: Fixed Apache taxonomy search does not include the file.
#864160 by pwolanin: Allow the caller a last chance to modify the query and params.
#847040 by Agileware: Allow other modules to use facet only searching.
#536990 by pwolanin | jpmckinney, janusman: always index content as an anonymous user.
#592522 by pwolanin, quaoar: use multi-table sytax for MySQL to avoid killer sub-selects.
#835850 by pwolanin: add more replicated files to solrconfig.xml master section.
#830976 by eosrei, pwolanin: make sure we return a non-zero ping time on success.
#824154 by pwolanin: update schema.xml to add preserveOriginal="1" to WordDelimiterFilterFactory.
#804590 by ygerasimov: Bug in building query from subqueries in Solr_Base_Query
#818608 by nofun: fix 5.3 warning on get_object_vars()
#382878 by smoothify: Store the real teaser in the index

Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-BETA2, 2010-04-08
#660754 by jhedstrom: Added Allow key sorting of facets.
#614644 by netsensei | robertDouglass: Fixed Forms attached to Apachesolr search results won't work.
#747346 by robertDouglass, pwolanin | lazysoundsystem: Fixed Typo in apachesolr_search().module.
#763072 by robertDouglass, justinrandell | pwolanin: Fixed warnings when indexing old, crappy html.
#658278 by cpliakas | JThan: Fixed Errors when building the search index in PHP 5.3.
#765486 by robertDouglass: Fixed Several cases where Luke cache not getting cleared and resulting in errors.
#765448 by robertDouglass: Fixed Facet blocks for hierarchical taxonomy broken.
#751420 by pwolanin, skwashd | Damien Tournoud, Scott Reynolds: Fixed apachesolr_site_hash() calls md5() twice.
#750426 by mkalkbrenner, pwolanin | robertDouglass: Fixed fieldType textTight conficts with fieldType text and textSpell.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-BETA1, 2010-03-24
#649038 by brunodbo, slip | robertDouglass: Fixed Search not working on 404 page.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-ALPHA3, 2010-03-22
#610656 by pwolanin, claudiu.cristea | Scott Reynolds: Fixed Facets requests for non-enabled modules.
#686390 by pwolanin | rjbrown99: Fixed Wrong number of initial items in taxonomy facet under certain conditions.
#573734 by drewish | robertDouglass: Added Index controls should be radio buttons with one form submission button.
#736540 by drewish | Scott Reynolds: Changed Minimize UPDATE queries in apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_update().
#687738 by David Lesieur | anantagati: Fixed Avoid introducing empty 'filters' query string.
#733116 by pwolanin | drewish: Changed Implement hook_flush_caches().
#719356 by robertDouglass, mathieu | flk: Fixed Indexing cron triggers sigsegv in apachesolr.module line 387.
#744038 by siliconmeadow: Changed Change of Drush extension command naming conventions.
#558160 by robertDouglass, mihha | DenRaf, mcarbone, haxney: Added date facet for cck fields.
#666936 by pwolanin, robertDouglass, claudiu.cristea | justindodge: Fixed apachesolr.js - Drupal.behaviors.apachesolr does not respect context.
#708424 by janusman: Changed Change gmdate() to Drupal format_date() in date facets to support localization.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-ALPHA2, 2010-01-08
#679522 by pwolanin, Add gettableFiles to solr admin interface config. by robertDouglass, add entity='comment' to comments on indexing.
#672882 by David Lesieur: Fixed Broken 'Show more' link on taxonomy facets.
#604566 by robertDouglass | jhedstrom: Fixed index_value() never set for CCK fields that aren't of type text, node or user referrence.
#672530 by robertDouglass: Fixed Change array key names from display callback to display_callback() and indexing callback to indexing_callback().
#672518 by robertDouglass: Fixed Add new trie prefixes to helper function .
#551582 by drewish: Fixed Show value instead of key in CCK facets.
#668396 by pwolanin, closer to fix from #655006 for PHP notices.
#664818 by robertDouglass, pounard, pwolanin | Scott Reynolds: Fixed Wrong watchdog() usage.
#657648 by kcoop: Added Add Smaller Limit Options to Apache Solr Cron Indexing.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-ALPHA1, 2009-12-26
#664818 by robertDouglass, pounard, pwolanin | Scott Reynolds: Fixed Wrong watchdog() usage.
#662232 by pwolanin | anarchivist: Changed Use language-neutral code like D7.
#666648 by pwolanin: Changed Make hook_apachesolr_update_index() more generic by taking a namespace param also.
#667110 by pwolanin: Fixed Replace bogus use of pager_query().
#667124 by pwolanin: Fixed Use current query not altered query for the breadcrumb.
#667650 by Dave Reid: Fixed Results of apachesolr_process_response() should return absolute URLs.
#664572 by pwolanin: Added Add schema and core name to admin screen.
#664860 by pounard: Fixed Wrong t() usage in apachesolr_field_name_map().
#528086 by pwolanin, better (but still problematic) handling of entities.
#662232 by pwolanin, index zxx as the Language neutral code.
#401234 by mkalkbrenner, janusman, and pwolanin, reflect hierarchical taxonomy vocabulary in facets.
#661952 by pwolanin, fix no results help text for dismax syntax.
#348668 by pwolanin, add indexing of the 'node' entity string.
#641954 by anarchivist, swentel, pwolanin, update schema.xml.
#651044 by kcoop use node title for comment title when comment has no title.
#655006 by Scott Reynolds, pwolanin fix warnings on constants.
#652512 by robertDouglass enable use of more than just the default solr server.
#642602 by robertDouglass, change 'content type' to 'content_type' in facet definitions.
#641452 by robertDouglass, prevent admin from trying to re-index when in read-only mode.
#372767 by socki, robertDouglass, pwolanin allow MLT blocks to be filtered by type and custom filters.
#372336 by der, janusman, robertDouglass, allow name sorting of facet links.
#611670 by pwolanin, allow modules to abort the building of documents for indexing.
#628080 by pwolanin, update to use Solr PHP library r22 and check for it in hook_requirements.
#638236 by mkalkbrenner and robertDouglass, undocumented dependency on taxonomy module.
#562458 by janusman, fix typo preventing menu_rebuild regarding taxonomy hijack.
#630798 by joshk, robertDouglass make cache_apachesolr table to facilitate better memcache utilization.
#623046 by robertDouglass make the results that come back from a search more useful.
#622120 by robertDouglass make the "Show more" block selection dynamic to accommodate other modules.
#621922 by robertDouglass make the "Show more" js more robust.
#612024 by pwolanin, Add method to allow requests to additional Solr servelets.
#561082 by pwolanin, consolidate Solr delete queries on cron.
#580404 by pwolanin per content type comment exclusion.
#597174 by Frando, add hook_apachesolr_prepare_query() to enable custom sorts.
#591278 by robertDouglass fix bug that was preventing hook_apachesolr_modify_query from working correctly.
#590982 by swentel fix warnings on indexing.
#554136 by emackn, Jaza make results-per-page alterable.
#580764 by robertDougalss Add a new contrib module that allows searching on just comments.
#548160 by robertDouglass get rid of functions that begin with underscore. Yuck.
#580404 by robertDouglass make indexing of comments optional. New variable, apachesolr_index_comments_with_node.
#538636 by robertDouglass allow modules to register document handlers so that multiple documents can be indexed per entity.
#557382 by Josh Waihi, Scott Reynolds mlt blocks were double encoding titles.
#578008 by robertDouglass improve performance by not including unused facet queries.
#552152 by robertDouglass OR operator for facet blocks.
#576092 by robertDouglass use Drush to search the site using Solr.
#576040 by robertDouglass use Drush to download the SolrPhpClient: drush solr phpclient
#457826 by janusman Make the behavior of empty searches configurable.
#573038 by robertDouglass Automatically create facets for user and node reference CCK fields.
#570476 by robertDouglass add initial Drush support with commands drush solr delete index and drush solr reindex.
#570476 by robertDouglass allow for deleting or reindexing single content types.
#456420 by anarchivist, janusman, robertDouglass Reindex using Batch API.
#551510 by Scott Reynolds Add in ability to theme different facet blocks differently.
#551620 by robertDouglass Type dependent facet blocks.
#549664 by Scott Reynolds Ignore node_access for Solr Views queries.
#551582 by robertDouglass make CCK breadcrumbs, facets, and current search show the value, not the key.
#551278 by robertDouglass CCK mappings don't respect shared fields
#535654 by drunken monkey Add apachesolr_server_status() function
#543226 by drunken monkey validate port on settings form.
#502976 by Scott Reynolds followup to Other GET parameters ignored by Apache Solr Facet Blocks
#473554 by janusman Add an "unclick" link to search keys
#545094 by loganfsmyth add getter and setter methods for a query's keys.
#530910 by Damien Tournoud fix offset problem in field settings administration.
#526344 by drunken monkey Remove apachesolr_read_only check from Drupal_ Apache_Solr_Service::_sendRawPost().
#525980 by robertDouglass Clarify the API of apachesolr_index_updated.
#530196 by pwolanin, fix facecount form function calls in apachesolr_og.
#548102 by robertDouglass change wording on enabled filters page to improve usability.
#529606 by Damien Tournoud update schema.xml with WhitespaceTokenizerFactory and SnowballPorterFilterFactory. Note that you need to stop solr, replace schema.xml, delete your index, and re-index your site.
#528002 by janusman, Add RSS discovery to taxonomy hijack page
#528888 by robertDouglass turn spellchecker on by default
#528596 part 1 by robertDouglass add JS enabled checkboxes to facet and unclick links
#525918 by robertDouglass be more forceful when reindexing; rebuild the apachesolr_search_node table completely.
#528516 by robertDouglass add apachesolr-facet and apachesolr-unclick CSS classes to unclick and facet links.
#528484 by robertDouglass switch to Drupal.behaviors in apachesolr.js
#515682 by robertDouglass, add confirmation form to re-index button.
#509526 by pwolanin, {apachesolr_search_node} table should be rebuilt when index is deleted.
#457826 by janusman, robertDouglass - show browsable facet blocks in the search well when no search term is present to allow browsing. Hello 6.2 branch of ApacheSolr :D

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx
#508364 by pwolanin, Don't offer non-indexed fields as search options.
#508548 by pwolanin, Don't implode params['fq'] if it's not set.
#708424 by janusman: Changed Change gmdate() to Drupal format_date() in date facets to support localization.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-RC1, 2009-07-02
#502976 by pwolanin, Scott Reynolds, robertDouglass facet links and form submissions respect non ApacheSolr $_GET parameters. Note that this changes the interface API: get_url_querystring is now get_url_queryvalues and returns and array instead of a string.
#507708 by pwolanin, fix sort parameters to use field aliases, validate in query object.
#299539 by kleung11 and pwolanin, use 'administer search' for permission checking.
#503644 by pwolanin and Jeremy, make sure we strip ctrl chars last, add logging.
#505652 by bdurbin, add apachesolr-showhide class to Show more link.
#472600 by janusman, JacobSingh, and pwolanin, optionally hijack taxonomy pages.
#496650 by mkalkbrenner, make unclick links work after #463900.
#495258 comment out timeAllowed params (partial roll-back of #490076)
#495012 by pwolanin, fix Anonymous user and other 0-value facets.
#463900 by pwolanin and JacobSingh, facet theme function clean-up.
#405206 by pwolanin, allow Apache Solr to be the default, let core search index 0 nodes.
#453310 by pwolanin, allow easier theming of username display.
#490076 by pwolanin, spellcheck more popular, maxqt to 20, limit search time.
#358166 by David Lesieur, janusman, cptnCauliflower, and pwolanin, search for just facet(s).
#489654 by JacobSingh, and pwolanin, allow users to set their index as "read only".

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta11, 2009-06-11
#348218 by David Lesieur, janusman, and pwolanin, retain filters for next search.
#401046 by pwolanin, revist urlencoding of query strings.
#467810 by aufumy, Pass in page number and caller to apachesolr_search_execute.
#481838 by JacobSingh and pwolanin, enable plus sign in search when using clean URLs.
#480814 by mkalkbrenner and pwolanin, add more detail to logging on errors.
#464758 by pwolanin, 4th param to htmlspecialchars breaks PHP < 5.2.3.
#466328 by pwolanin, fix classes for sort links.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta10, 2009-05-14
#449414 by pwolanin, aufumy, & Scott Reynolds, refactor apachesolr_search_search().
#462836 by pwolanin, catch fatal error in _nodeaccess if no solr.
#461506 by pwolanin, do nothing if there are no nodes to index.
#459930 by Scott Reynolds and pwolanin, clean up hook_enable(), uninstall, update_6004
#453338 by pwolanin and JacobSingh, move mlt functionality into the framework module.
#365495 by pwolanin, improve admin screens and usability of field weights.
#454608 by pwolanin, fix current search block.
#453182 by pwolanin, use stored path rather than forcing node/$nid.
#448298 by JacobSingh and pwolanin, use a confirm form for index deletion.
#454352 by Damien Tournoud, make optimize interval configurable, document variables.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta9, 2009-04-30
#435924 by pwolanin, only clear cache on cron after updates and if the server is available.
#405780 by blackdog and pwolanin, skip excluded node types during counting and indexing.
#441628 by aufumy and pwolanin, update _og for negative facets, minor fixes, install/enable/update hooks.
#447622 by pwolanin and mkalkbrenner, better encoding of html entities and CCK facets.
#447890 by pwolanin, properly respect 'access content' permission in _nodeaccess.
#271753 by pwolanin, more granular CCK field mappings via _alter hook.
#436074 by pwolanin, better query class handling of negative queries.
#442198 by Scott Reynolds and pwolanin, update the Drupal_Solr_Query_Interface interface.
#443252 by Scott Reynolds, (bugfix for regression) make protected id public again.
#337737 by David Lesieur, mikejoconnor and Scott Reynolds, localize arg(1) dependence.
        Changes query get_path() to facilitate generating facets outside the search page.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta8, 2009-04-16
#343252 by pwolanin, fix nodeaccess for method name changes, make multi-site aware.
#432946 by pwolanin, query class and sort cleanups.
#393480 by pwolanin and Jody Lynn, provide a book facet and facets for missing fields.
#432140 by Damien Tournoud, use format_interval() for more attractive, localizable time intervals.
#348029 by pwolanin, Handle negative filters and improve date facet block code.
#254565 by drunken monkey and Scott Reynolds, change the query class to enable Views integration.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta7, 2009-04-03
#410330 by pwolanin and bhuga, return more information for error 0.
#293989 by bjaspan and vladimir.dolgopolov, add date facets for created and changed dates.
#420290 by mkalkbrenner and pwolanin, add spaces around tags to avoid running words together.
#368688 by hurleyit and pwolanin, send MLT docs instead of processed links to theme function.
#383478 by pwolanin and JacobSingh, provide more information about autocommit lag, pending deletes.
#339490 by aufumy, pwolanin, and JacobSingh, Organic groups Apachesolr integration, new _alter hook.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta6, 2009-03-20
#305370 by pwolanin, Handle failed delete requests so unpublished/deleted content doesn't stay in the index.
#407570 by pwolanin and moshe weitzman, _alter for sort links, hide for < 2 results.
#392978 by pwolanin and ncameron, workaround for those using php 5.1, update README.
#402984 by JacobSingh and pwolanin, put MLT menu under the general ApacheSolr settings.
#401442 by Janusman and pwolanin, no sort block when 0 results.
#405732 by JacobSingh, pwolanin: Update to new SolrPhpClient (r6) and make ping() use drupal_http_request.
#405722 by JacobSingh, increase ping timeout and make it variable.
#400882 by mkalkbrenner, fix faceting bug due to static counter in method add_field.
#382358 by pwolanin, use tokenizer solr.CharStreamAwareWhitespaceTokenizerFactory to fix highlighting.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta5, 2009-02-27
#305370 by pwolanin, don't delete from apachesolr table if Solr query fails.
#385348 by moshe weitzman, use key in sort links array.
#385362 by pwolanin, Shorten hash from 32 chars to 12.
#383804 by JacobSingh, fix query building that broke nodeaccess.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta4, 2009-02-23
#380670 by pwolanin, only add a bq param for a node-type boost > 'Normal'.
#379518 by pwolanin, correct mismatch in default boost between
        solrconfig.xml and apachesolr_search.
#380594 by pwolanin, empty the spellcheck dictionary if the index is deleted.
#380644 by JacobSingh, Backwards compatability for old sort fields.
#380538 by pwolanin, fix code to find vid for taxonomy facet blocks.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta3, 2009-02-20
#378222 by janusman and pwolanin, add boost settings for "sticky" and "promote".
#378566 by pwolanin, nodeaccess not correctly marking single nodes for re-indexing.
#378270 by pwolanin, suppress MLT admin link when there is no block content.
#378196 by pwolanin, remove PHP client from CVS per policy.
#231200 by janusman and pwolanin, turn on mapping of accented to non-accented
        ISO characters for indexing and search.
#377494 by pwolanin, Update text type in schema to new example.
#376270 by pwolanin, also add option to bias on recent comments/changes.
#337879 by pwolanin and blackdog, Store relative not absolute paths.
#376255 by pwolanin, Index more node fields, use boolean fields.
#376966 by JacobSingh and pwolanin, requesting the top terms from luke is very
        expensive, so normally request 0, and only get them for smaller indexes.
#375991 by pwolanin, build spellcheck index on optimize.
#370707 by pwolanin, make sort field names consistent, make ignored multiValued.
#375723 by pwolanin, prevent fatal error if available facet list changes.
#373921 by JacobSingh, show pending docs on index page from autocommit.
#371858 by pwolanin, re-fill the Luke cache after we empty it on cron.
#372120 by pwolanin, create one MLT block by default on install of apachesolr_mlt.
#370707 compact field names, create "order by" fields in schema.xml
        by pwolanin and Damien Tournoud.
#370796 avoid repeated looping/indexing in apachesolr_index_nodes() by Damien Tournoud.
#369944 Add field aliases and further clean-up the query class, by pwolanin.
#366959 make usage of solrsort consistent in Solr_Base_Query::solrsort by Damien Tournoud.
#       Update errant watchdog calls that were using D5 signature by robertDouglass.
#369780 Rearrange code for better organization and performance by robertDouglass.
#365901 Fix bug where indexing might hang & improved API by adding a separate
        hook for modules to indicate that a node is excluded, by pwolanin.
#367361 Use the machine-readable name for disabled node types by pwolanin.
#366957 Add a "configure" link to the more like this block by JacobSingh.
#365901 Add a bias on node type (and node-type exclusion) by Damien Tournoud and pwolanin.

Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta2, 2009-01-28 (changes since 6.x-1.0-alpha6 2009-Jan-08)
#365684 Get PHP library from new svn home by pwolanin
#365620 clear stale data on hook_enable by pwolanin
#365312 don't redirect after enabling filters by pwolanin
#365245 invalid foreach when no facets available reported by Damien Tournoud
#        don't let attachements be enabled since it seems be broken by pwolanin
#363972 fix ApacheSolr to Apache Solr
#363972 Text improvements for UI by horncologne and pwolanin
#365063 fix module name in admin screen by pwolanin
#365022 fatal error in MLT when no Solr server by pwolanin
#364446 fix space problem and clean up query class by pwolanin
#355525 fix mis-named variables, patch by pwolanin,  bug reported by flexer
#339467 centralize/register facets blocks by paul.lovvik, JacobSingh and
#362389 make the _image module work by pwolanin
#364140 fix mlt schema bug, thanks to webrascal
#364384 reorder selects to have bigger numbers at the top by pwolanin, suggested
        by horncologne
#350330 make sure to index dates as GMT, thanks to webrascal
#363416 reindex without blowing away either the solr index or the core search index by pwolanin
#360227 strip ctl chars() also on path, reported by flexer
#348215 cleanup - simplify branching, numerically index array by pwolanin
#348215 add missing js file with minor text chenges (js file by vladimir.dolgopolov)
#359923 separate cron limit for apachesolr by pwolanin
#       remove lang module - code was already added to apachesolr_search
#292662 commit after we delete the index by pwolanin
#356696 by pwolanin: copies the author's name to a string field for use in
        multisite search or sorting by author.  Also snuck in non-compression on
        the body for performance.
#348215 by vladimir.dolgopolov: More link for additional facets.
#292662 update README by pwolanin
#344249 obey 32 char limit for block deltas by pwolanin
#355479 fix PHP warning when request fails by pwolanin
#355544 Add a ->clearCache(); in apachesolr_index_page(), by flexer and pwolanin


View source
  1. Apache Solr integration x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  2. ------------------------------
  3. Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  4. ------------------------------
  5. #1000532 by craigmc, jpmckinney: Fixed Non-current/valid Node Types not excluded from index.
  6. #901376 by LiuShaz: insure UTF-8 encoding is used for POST searches.
  7. #1248366 by Dave Reid: Fix declaration of getInfo() test functions.
  8. #1224748 by pwolanin, David Lesieur: fix nodeapi params.
  9. REVERTED: #549664 by Scott Reynolds Ignore node_access for Solr Views queries.
  10. #761990 by pwolanin, jhedstrom: 400 Bad Status if URL length limit exceeded.
  11. #1173696 by arekanderu, jpmckinney: Fix apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_delete and apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_update.
  12. Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-beta4, 2011-05-26
  13. ------------------------------
  14. #1163520 by jpmckinney: some documents getting missed by indexer.
  15. #1165932 by Ravi.J, jpmckinney: Uncaught exception on MLT block.
  16. #1098860 by jpmckinney: Add apachesolr_cron_check_node_table back to cron.
  17. #881760 by pwolanin: account for
  18. #1141046 by craig_, pwolanin, jpmckinney: Highlight field not used, when setting variable apachesolr_hl_highlight.
  19. #1146054 by pwolanin: Remove unneded & (reference) operators for objects.
  20. #1104456 by jpmckinney, jhedstrom: For show more/fewer links, appendTo .content, instead of to the block itself.
  21. #675262 by kcoop: HTML entities erroneously generated for author names.
  22. #920880 by jpmckinney, mihha: facet_block_callback not propagated.
  23. #783366 by jpmckinney, pwolanin, elliotttf: Synchronize apachesolr_search_browse with apachesolr_search_execute.
  24. #614644 by jpmckinney, pwolanin: Forms attached to Apachesolr search results won't work.
  25. #509982 by jpmckinney: Is our use of menu_alter incompatible with fallback to core search?
  26. #871440 by jpmckinney, elliotttf: Solr taxonomy page displays search form and blocks when the user has no access.
  27. #899590 by jpmckinney, elliotttf: Support indexing of CCK fields that are not facets.
  28. #993476 by jpmckinney, pwolanin: allow arbitrary results per page in the 0-200 range.
  29. #903802 by jpmckinney: BLOCK_CACHE_PER_PAGE conflicts with theme_apachesolr_facet_list.
  30. #882638 by pwolanin, jpmckinney: Clean the text inside indexed tags.
  31. #528086 by pwolanin, jpmckinney: Fix for special html entity search and display bugs.
  32. #864014 by jpmckinney: Current search block doesn't theme apachesolr_date facets properly.
  33. #562214 by ecofinn, wmostry, jpmckinney: Problems with double-encoded ampersands.
  34. #673914 by jpmckinney: Links comments to page containing newest comment, instead of page containing current comment.
  35. #533044 by janusman | jpmckinney: Document that "hijack taxonomy pages" only displays indexed content.
  36. #1099738 by jpmckinney: per_field should be per-field.
  37. #997480 by jpmckinney | davidwhthomas: Facet checkboxes are duplicated following other javascript activity on page.
  38. #1033630 by jpmckinney | Patrizio: Apache Solr node access broken permissions rebuilding.
  39. #979194 by janusman: Missing 'module' element in menu_alter for taxonomy hijack.
  40. #883106 by jpmckinney | pwolanin: move the OR facet code to the finalize hook.
  41. #993448 by pwolanin, scor: get Solr result docs as stdClass instead of Apache_Solr_Document.
  42. #1050000 by pwolanin: More generically prevent calling nodeapi update_index when indexing.
  43. #996800 by pwolanin: Connection strings (host, port, path) should use trim().
  44. #890314 by quaoar: avoid searching twice when using the search block.
  45. #1064782 by jpmckinney: Use module_load_include, module_load_install instead of include_once
  46. #925608 by janusman | jpmckinney: Quick perf improvement: cache term ancestors on indexing
  47. #799890 by tbenice | jpmckinney: Alter search result extra information
  48. #791916 by Network | jpmckinney: Allow facet search block to have children always show
  49. #937328 by Davy Van Den Bremt | pwolanin: Drush support for indexing remaining nodes.
  50. #1060698 by dww | jpmckinney: Always display the current value of apachesolr_cron_limit in the admin UI
  51. #904312 by pounard: Use drupal_get_breadcrumb() not menu_get_active_breadcrumb()
  52. #908252 by katbailey | jpmckinney: Wrap the output of apachesolr_search_view in a theme function
  53. #616888 bangpound: Pass delta to MLT blocks' theme function
  54. #912454 by soyarma: Undefined variable $snippet on line 552
  55. #991444 by Nick_vh: None of start, end, gap should show up as date facets.
  56. #963484 by e-anima: Missing $delta in apachesolr_search_taxonomy_facet_block
  57. #891962 by jurcello, pwolanin: avoid incorrect filter substring matches, emit correct query string.
  58. #949768 by pwolanin: Index more CCK fields by default.
  59. #957652 by aegnor, pwolanin: fix str_replace may remove a substring in filter_extract.
  60. #983458 by craig_: respect apachesolr_read_only setting for mass updates, use defined constants.
  61. #983572 by amateescu, pwolanin: fix for empty filter values causing Solr error.
  62. #925700 by janusman: Changed Quick fix: reduce t() string duplicity.
  63. #910100 by robertDouglass: Changed Make whole $snippets array available to theme layer.
  64. Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-BETA3, 2010-09-04
  65. ------------------------------
  66. #840358 by pwolanin | torstenzenk: Fixed Error searching Taxonomies.
  67. #828412 by eosrei | jpmckinney: Fixed apachesolr_get_facet_definition() searches incorrect field for definition.
  68. #864146 by pwolanin | jpmckinney: Fixed When moving fq to q.alt, we should parenthesize each fq.
  69. NEW MODULE: ApacheSolr Text; takes care of text fields from CCK with content permissions.
  70. #704190 by pwolanin: Added Add page callbacks to display conf files in the index in reports.
  71. #878996 by pwolanin | weri: Added Don't break the loop .
  72. #373824 by pwolanin | David Stosik: Fixed Attachment count is not displayed in search results.
  73. #896324 by ahankinson | jpmckinney: Fixed module_invoke() called too late.
  74. #901720 by robertDouglass: Fixed Highlighting snippets in search results not flexible enough, and logic improvement.
  75. #899590 by robertDouglass: Changed CCK facet definitions needs to expand its role and have a 'facets' param.
  76. #899560 by robertDouglass: Fixed apachesolr_do_query() has to take $params by reference.
  77. #751004 by pwolanin, jpmckinney, rjbrown99, robertDouglass | EugenMayer, camidoo: Fixed Respect NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_INDEX exclusion setting.
  78. #885950 by pwolanin, csevb10 preserve added/removed filters when filterstring is re-parsed.
  79. #880488 by pwolanin: security hardening: don't use unserialize on untrusted data.
  80. #867448 by B-Prod | jpmckinney: Fixed Apache taxonomy search does not include the file.
  81. #864160 by pwolanin: Allow the caller a last chance to modify the query and params.
  82. #847040 by Agileware: Allow other modules to use facet only searching.
  83. #536990 by pwolanin | jpmckinney, janusman: always index content as an anonymous user.
  84. #592522 by pwolanin, quaoar: use multi-table sytax for MySQL to avoid killer sub-selects.
  85. #835850 by pwolanin: add more replicated files to solrconfig.xml master section.
  86. #830976 by eosrei, pwolanin: make sure we return a non-zero ping time on success.
  87. #824154 by pwolanin: update schema.xml to add preserveOriginal="1" to WordDelimiterFilterFactory.
  88. #804590 by ygerasimov: Bug in building query from subqueries in Solr_Base_Query
  89. #818608 by nofun: fix 5.3 warning on get_object_vars()
  90. #382878 by smoothify: Store the real teaser in the index
  91. Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-BETA2, 2010-04-08
  92. ------------------------------
  93. #660754 by jhedstrom: Added Allow key sorting of facets.
  94. #614644 by netsensei | robertDouglass: Fixed Forms attached to Apachesolr search results won't work.
  95. #747346 by robertDouglass, pwolanin | lazysoundsystem: Fixed Typo in apachesolr_search().module.
  96. #763072 by robertDouglass, justinrandell | pwolanin: Fixed warnings when indexing old, crappy html.
  97. #658278 by cpliakas | JThan: Fixed Errors when building the search index in PHP 5.3.
  98. #765486 by robertDouglass: Fixed Several cases where Luke cache not getting cleared and resulting in errors.
  99. #765448 by robertDouglass: Fixed Facet blocks for hierarchical taxonomy broken.
  100. #751420 by pwolanin, skwashd | Damien Tournoud, Scott Reynolds: Fixed apachesolr_site_hash() calls md5() twice.
  101. #750426 by mkalkbrenner, pwolanin | robertDouglass: Fixed fieldType textTight conficts with fieldType text and textSpell.
  102. Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-BETA1, 2010-03-24
  103. ------------------------------
  104. #649038 by brunodbo, slip | robertDouglass: Fixed Search not working on 404 page.
  105. Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-ALPHA3, 2010-03-22
  106. ------------------------------
  107. #610656 by pwolanin, claudiu.cristea | Scott Reynolds: Fixed Facets requests for non-enabled modules.
  108. #686390 by pwolanin | rjbrown99: Fixed Wrong number of initial items in taxonomy facet under certain conditions.
  109. #573734 by drewish | robertDouglass: Added Index controls should be radio buttons with one form submission button.
  110. #736540 by drewish | Scott Reynolds: Changed Minimize UPDATE queries in apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_update().
  111. #687738 by David Lesieur | anantagati: Fixed Avoid introducing empty 'filters' query string.
  112. #733116 by pwolanin | drewish: Changed Implement hook_flush_caches().
  113. #719356 by robertDouglass, mathieu | flk: Fixed Indexing cron triggers sigsegv in apachesolr.module line 387.
  114. #744038 by siliconmeadow: Changed Change of Drush extension command naming conventions.
  115. #558160 by robertDouglass, mihha | DenRaf, mcarbone, haxney: Added date facet for cck fields.
  116. #666936 by pwolanin, robertDouglass, claudiu.cristea | justindodge: Fixed apachesolr.js - Drupal.behaviors.apachesolr does not respect context.
  117. #708424 by janusman: Changed Change gmdate() to Drupal format_date() in date facets to support localization.
  118. Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-ALPHA2, 2010-01-08
  119. ------------------------------
  120. #679522 by pwolanin, Add gettableFiles to solr admin interface config.
  121. by robertDouglass, add entity='comment' to comments on indexing.
  122. #672882 by David Lesieur: Fixed Broken 'Show more' link on taxonomy facets.
  123. #604566 by robertDouglass | jhedstrom: Fixed index_value() never set for CCK fields that aren't of type text, node or user referrence.
  124. #672530 by robertDouglass: Fixed Change array key names from display callback to display_callback() and indexing callback to indexing_callback().
  125. #672518 by robertDouglass: Fixed Add new trie prefixes to helper function .
  126. #551582 by drewish: Fixed Show value instead of key in CCK facets.
  127. #668396 by pwolanin, closer to fix from #655006 for PHP notices.
  128. #664818 by robertDouglass, pounard, pwolanin | Scott Reynolds: Fixed Wrong watchdog() usage.
  129. #657648 by kcoop: Added Add Smaller Limit Options to Apache Solr Cron Indexing.
  130. Apache Solr integration 6.x-2.0-ALPHA1, 2009-12-26
  131. ------------------------------
  132. #664818 by robertDouglass, pounard, pwolanin | Scott Reynolds: Fixed Wrong watchdog() usage.
  133. #662232 by pwolanin | anarchivist: Changed Use language-neutral code like D7.
  134. #666648 by pwolanin: Changed Make hook_apachesolr_update_index() more generic by taking a namespace param also.
  135. #667110 by pwolanin: Fixed Replace bogus use of pager_query().
  136. #667124 by pwolanin: Fixed Use current query not altered query for the breadcrumb.
  137. #667650 by Dave Reid: Fixed Results of apachesolr_process_response() should return absolute URLs.
  138. #664572 by pwolanin: Added Add schema and core name to admin screen.
  139. #664860 by pounard: Fixed Wrong t() usage in apachesolr_field_name_map().
  140. #528086 by pwolanin, better (but still problematic) handling of entities.
  141. #662232 by pwolanin, index zxx as the Language neutral code.
  142. #401234 by mkalkbrenner, janusman, and pwolanin, reflect hierarchical taxonomy vocabulary in facets.
  143. #661952 by pwolanin, fix no results help text for dismax syntax.
  144. #348668 by pwolanin, add indexing of the 'node' entity string.
  145. #641954 by anarchivist, swentel, pwolanin, update schema.xml.
  146. #651044 by kcoop use node title for comment title when comment has no title.
  147. #655006 by Scott Reynolds, pwolanin fix warnings on constants.
  148. #652512 by robertDouglass enable use of more than just the default solr server.
  149. #642602 by robertDouglass, change 'content type' to 'content_type' in facet definitions.
  150. #641452 by robertDouglass, prevent admin from trying to re-index when in read-only mode.
  151. #372767 by socki, robertDouglass, pwolanin allow MLT blocks to be filtered by type and custom filters.
  152. #372336 by der, janusman, robertDouglass, allow name sorting of facet links.
  153. #611670 by pwolanin, allow modules to abort the building of documents for indexing.
  154. #628080 by pwolanin, update to use Solr PHP library r22 and check for it in hook_requirements.
  155. #638236 by mkalkbrenner and robertDouglass, undocumented dependency on taxonomy module.
  156. #562458 by janusman, fix typo preventing menu_rebuild regarding taxonomy hijack.
  157. #630798 by joshk, robertDouglass make cache_apachesolr table to facilitate better memcache utilization.
  158. #623046 by robertDouglass make the results that come back from a search more useful.
  159. #622120 by robertDouglass make the "Show more" block selection dynamic to accommodate other modules.
  160. #621922 by robertDouglass make the "Show more" js more robust.
  161. #612024 by pwolanin, Add method to allow requests to additional Solr servelets.
  162. #561082 by pwolanin, consolidate Solr delete queries on cron.
  163. #580404 by pwolanin per content type comment exclusion.
  164. #597174 by Frando, add hook_apachesolr_prepare_query() to enable custom sorts.
  165. #591278 by robertDouglass fix bug that was preventing hook_apachesolr_modify_query from working correctly.
  166. #590982 by swentel fix warnings on indexing.
  167. #554136 by emackn, Jaza make results-per-page alterable.
  168. #580764 by robertDougalss Add a new contrib module that allows searching on just comments.
  169. #548160 by robertDouglass get rid of functions that begin with underscore. Yuck.
  170. #580404 by robertDouglass make indexing of comments optional. New variable, apachesolr_index_comments_with_node.
  171. #538636 by robertDouglass allow modules to register document handlers so that multiple documents can be indexed per entity.
  172. #557382 by Josh Waihi, Scott Reynolds mlt blocks were double encoding titles.
  173. #578008 by robertDouglass improve performance by not including unused facet queries.
  174. #552152 by robertDouglass OR operator for facet blocks.
  175. #576092 by robertDouglass use Drush to search the site using Solr.
  176. #576040 by robertDouglass use Drush to download the SolrPhpClient: drush solr phpclient
  177. #457826 by janusman Make the behavior of empty searches configurable.
  178. #573038 by robertDouglass Automatically create facets for user and node reference CCK fields.
  179. #570476 by robertDouglass add initial Drush support with commands drush solr delete index and drush solr reindex.
  180. #570476 by robertDouglass allow for deleting or reindexing single content types.
  181. #456420 by anarchivist, janusman, robertDouglass Reindex using Batch API.
  182. #551510 by Scott Reynolds Add in ability to theme different facet blocks differently.
  183. #551620 by robertDouglass Type dependent facet blocks.
  184. #549664 by Scott Reynolds Ignore node_access for Solr Views queries.
  185. #551582 by robertDouglass make CCK breadcrumbs, facets, and current search show the value, not the key.
  186. #551278 by robertDouglass CCK mappings don't respect shared fields
  187. #535654 by drunken monkey Add apachesolr_server_status() function
  188. #543226 by drunken monkey validate port on settings form.
  189. #502976 by Scott Reynolds followup to Other GET parameters ignored by Apache Solr Facet Blocks
  190. #473554 by janusman Add an "unclick" link to search keys
  191. #545094 by loganfsmyth add getter and setter methods for a query's keys.
  192. #530910 by Damien Tournoud fix offset problem in field settings administration.
  193. #526344 by drunken monkey Remove apachesolr_read_only check from Drupal_ Apache_Solr_Service::_sendRawPost().
  194. #525980 by robertDouglass Clarify the API of apachesolr_index_updated.
  195. #530196 by pwolanin, fix facecount form function calls in apachesolr_og.
  196. #548102 by robertDouglass change wording on enabled filters page to improve usability.
  197. #529606 by Damien Tournoud update schema.xml with WhitespaceTokenizerFactory and SnowballPorterFilterFactory. Note that you need to stop solr, replace schema.xml, delete your index, and re-index your site.
  198. #528002 by janusman, Add RSS discovery to taxonomy hijack page
  199. #528888 by robertDouglass turn spellchecker on by default
  200. #528596 part 1 by robertDouglass add JS enabled checkboxes to facet and unclick links
  201. #525918 by robertDouglass be more forceful when reindexing; rebuild the apachesolr_search_node table completely.
  202. #528516 by robertDouglass add apachesolr-facet and apachesolr-unclick CSS classes to unclick and facet links.
  203. #528484 by robertDouglass switch to Drupal.behaviors in apachesolr.js
  204. #515682 by robertDouglass, add confirmation form to re-index button.
  205. #509526 by pwolanin, {apachesolr_search_node} table should be rebuilt when index is deleted.
  206. #457826 by janusman, robertDouglass - show browsable facet blocks in the search well when no search term is present to allow browsing. Hello 6.2 branch of ApacheSolr :D
  207. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  208. ------------------------------
  209. #508364 by pwolanin, Don't offer non-indexed fields as search options.
  210. #508548 by pwolanin, Don't implode params['fq'] if it's not set.
  211. #708424 by janusman: Changed Change gmdate() to Drupal format_date() in date facets to support localization.
  212. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-RC1, 2009-07-02
  213. ------------------------------
  214. #502976 by pwolanin, Scott Reynolds, robertDouglass facet links and form submissions respect non ApacheSolr $_GET parameters. Note that this changes the interface API: get_url_querystring is now get_url_queryvalues and returns and array instead of a string.
  215. #507708 by pwolanin, fix sort parameters to use field aliases, validate in query object.
  216. #299539 by kleung11 and pwolanin, use 'administer search' for permission checking.
  217. #503644 by pwolanin and Jeremy, make sure we strip ctrl chars last, add logging.
  218. #505652 by bdurbin, add apachesolr-showhide class to Show more link.
  219. #472600 by janusman, JacobSingh, and pwolanin, optionally hijack taxonomy pages.
  220. #496650 by mkalkbrenner, make unclick links work after #463900.
  221. #495258 comment out timeAllowed params (partial roll-back of #490076)
  222. #495012 by pwolanin, fix Anonymous user and other 0-value facets.
  223. #463900 by pwolanin and JacobSingh, facet theme function clean-up.
  224. #405206 by pwolanin, allow Apache Solr to be the default, let core search index 0 nodes.
  225. #453310 by pwolanin, allow easier theming of username display.
  226. #490076 by pwolanin, spellcheck more popular, maxqt to 20, limit search time.
  227. #358166 by David Lesieur, janusman, cptnCauliflower, and pwolanin, search for just facet(s).
  228. #489654 by JacobSingh, and pwolanin, allow users to set their index as "read only".
  229. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta11, 2009-06-11
  230. ------------------------------
  231. #348218 by David Lesieur, janusman, and pwolanin, retain filters for next search.
  232. #401046 by pwolanin, revist urlencoding of query strings.
  233. #467810 by aufumy, Pass in page number and caller to apachesolr_search_execute.
  234. #481838 by JacobSingh and pwolanin, enable plus sign in search when using clean URLs.
  235. #480814 by mkalkbrenner and pwolanin, add more detail to logging on errors.
  236. #464758 by pwolanin, 4th param to htmlspecialchars breaks PHP < 5.2.3.
  237. #466328 by pwolanin, fix classes for sort links.
  238. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta10, 2009-05-14
  239. ------------------------------
  240. #449414 by pwolanin, aufumy, & Scott Reynolds, refactor apachesolr_search_search().
  241. #462836 by pwolanin, catch fatal error in _nodeaccess if no solr.
  242. #461506 by pwolanin, do nothing if there are no nodes to index.
  243. #459930 by Scott Reynolds and pwolanin, clean up hook_enable(), uninstall, update_6004
  244. #453338 by pwolanin and JacobSingh, move mlt functionality into the framework module.
  245. #365495 by pwolanin, improve admin screens and usability of field weights.
  246. #454608 by pwolanin, fix current search block.
  247. #453182 by pwolanin, use stored path rather than forcing node/$nid.
  248. #448298 by JacobSingh and pwolanin, use a confirm form for index deletion.
  249. #454352 by Damien Tournoud, make optimize interval configurable, document variables.
  250. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta9, 2009-04-30
  251. ------------------------------
  252. #435924 by pwolanin, only clear cache on cron after updates and if the server is available.
  253. #405780 by blackdog and pwolanin, skip excluded node types during counting and indexing.
  254. #441628 by aufumy and pwolanin, update _og for negative facets, minor fixes, install/enable/update hooks.
  255. #447622 by pwolanin and mkalkbrenner, better encoding of html entities and CCK facets.
  256. #447890 by pwolanin, properly respect 'access content' permission in _nodeaccess.
  257. #271753 by pwolanin, more granular CCK field mappings via _alter hook.
  258. #436074 by pwolanin, better query class handling of negative queries.
  259. #442198 by Scott Reynolds and pwolanin, update the Drupal_Solr_Query_Interface interface.
  260. #443252 by Scott Reynolds, (bugfix for regression) make protected id public again.
  261. #337737 by David Lesieur, mikejoconnor and Scott Reynolds, localize arg(1) dependence.
  262. Changes query get_path() to facilitate generating facets outside the search page.
  263. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta8, 2009-04-16
  264. ------------------------------
  265. #343252 by pwolanin, fix nodeaccess for method name changes, make multi-site aware.
  266. #432946 by pwolanin, query class and sort cleanups.
  267. #393480 by pwolanin and Jody Lynn, provide a book facet and facets for missing fields.
  268. #432140 by Damien Tournoud, use format_interval() for more attractive, localizable time intervals.
  269. #348029 by pwolanin, Handle negative filters and improve date facet block code.
  270. #254565 by drunken monkey and Scott Reynolds, change the query class to enable Views integration.
  271. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta7, 2009-04-03
  272. ------------------------------
  273. #410330 by pwolanin and bhuga, return more information for error 0.
  274. #293989 by bjaspan and vladimir.dolgopolov, add date facets for created and changed dates.
  275. #420290 by mkalkbrenner and pwolanin, add spaces around tags to avoid running words together.
  276. #368688 by hurleyit and pwolanin, send MLT docs instead of processed links to theme function.
  277. #383478 by pwolanin and JacobSingh, provide more information about autocommit lag, pending deletes.
  278. #339490 by aufumy, pwolanin, and JacobSingh, Organic groups Apachesolr integration, new _alter hook.
  279. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta6, 2009-03-20
  280. ------------------------------
  281. #305370 by pwolanin, Handle failed delete requests so unpublished/deleted content doesn't stay in the index.
  282. #407570 by pwolanin and moshe weitzman, _alter for sort links, hide for < 2 results.
  283. #392978 by pwolanin and ncameron, workaround for those using php 5.1, update README.
  284. #402984 by JacobSingh and pwolanin, put MLT menu under the general ApacheSolr settings.
  285. #401442 by Janusman and pwolanin, no sort block when 0 results.
  286. #405732 by JacobSingh, pwolanin: Update to new SolrPhpClient (r6) and make ping() use drupal_http_request.
  287. #405722 by JacobSingh, increase ping timeout and make it variable.
  288. #400882 by mkalkbrenner, fix faceting bug due to static counter in method add_field.
  289. #382358 by pwolanin, use tokenizer solr.CharStreamAwareWhitespaceTokenizerFactory to fix highlighting.
  290. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta5, 2009-02-27
  291. ------------------------------
  292. #305370 by pwolanin, don't delete from apachesolr table if Solr query fails.
  293. #385348 by moshe weitzman, use key in sort links array.
  294. #385362 by pwolanin, Shorten hash from 32 chars to 12.
  295. #383804 by JacobSingh, fix query building that broke nodeaccess.
  296. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta4, 2009-02-23
  297. ------------------------------
  298. #380670 by pwolanin, only add a bq param for a node-type boost > 'Normal'.
  299. #379518 by pwolanin, correct mismatch in default boost between
  300. solrconfig.xml and apachesolr_search.
  301. #380594 by pwolanin, empty the spellcheck dictionary if the index is deleted.
  302. #380644 by JacobSingh, Backwards compatability for old sort fields.
  303. #380538 by pwolanin, fix code to find vid for taxonomy facet blocks.
  304. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta3, 2009-02-20
  305. ------------------------------
  306. #378222 by janusman and pwolanin, add boost settings for "sticky" and "promote".
  307. #378566 by pwolanin, nodeaccess not correctly marking single nodes for re-indexing.
  308. #378270 by pwolanin, suppress MLT admin link when there is no block content.
  309. #378196 by pwolanin, remove PHP client from CVS per policy.
  310. #231200 by janusman and pwolanin, turn on mapping of accented to non-accented
  311. ISO characters for indexing and search.
  312. #377494 by pwolanin, Update text type in schema to new example.
  313. #376270 by pwolanin, also add option to bias on recent comments/changes.
  314. #337879 by pwolanin and blackdog, Store relative not absolute paths.
  315. #376255 by pwolanin, Index more node fields, use boolean fields.
  316. #376966 by JacobSingh and pwolanin, requesting the top terms from luke is very
  317. expensive, so normally request 0, and only get them for smaller indexes.
  318. #375991 by pwolanin, build spellcheck index on optimize.
  319. #370707 by pwolanin, make sort field names consistent, make ignored multiValued.
  320. #375723 by pwolanin, prevent fatal error if available facet list changes.
  321. #373921 by JacobSingh, show pending docs on index page from autocommit.
  322. #371858 by pwolanin, re-fill the Luke cache after we empty it on cron.
  323. #372120 by pwolanin, create one MLT block by default on install of apachesolr_mlt.
  324. #370707 compact field names, create "order by" fields in schema.xml
  325. by pwolanin and Damien Tournoud.
  326. #370796 avoid repeated looping/indexing in apachesolr_index_nodes() by Damien Tournoud.
  327. #369944 Add field aliases and further clean-up the query class, by pwolanin.
  328. #366959 make usage of solrsort consistent in Solr_Base_Query::solrsort by Damien Tournoud.
  329. # Update errant watchdog calls that were using D5 signature by robertDouglass.
  330. #369780 Rearrange code for better organization and performance by robertDouglass.
  331. #365901 Fix bug where indexing might hang & improved API by adding a separate
  332. hook for modules to indicate that a node is excluded, by pwolanin.
  333. #367361 Use the machine-readable name for disabled node types by pwolanin.
  334. #366957 Add a "configure" link to the more like this block by JacobSingh.
  335. #365901 Add a bias on node type (and node-type exclusion) by Damien Tournoud and pwolanin.
  336. Apache Solr integration 6.x-1.0-beta2, 2009-01-28 (changes since 6.x-1.0-alpha6 2009-Jan-08)
  337. ------------------------------
  338. #365684 Get PHP library from new svn home by pwolanin
  339. #365620 clear stale data on hook_enable by pwolanin
  340. #365312 don't redirect after enabling filters by pwolanin
  341. #365245 invalid foreach when no facets available reported by Damien Tournoud
  342. # don't let attachements be enabled since it seems be broken by pwolanin
  343. #363972 fix ApacheSolr to Apache Solr
  344. #363972 Text improvements for UI by horncologne and pwolanin
  345. #365063 fix module name in admin screen by pwolanin
  346. #365022 fatal error in MLT when no Solr server by pwolanin
  347. #364446 fix space problem and clean up query class by pwolanin
  348. #355525 fix mis-named variables, patch by pwolanin, bug reported by flexer
  349. #339467 centralize/register facets blocks by paul.lovvik, JacobSingh and
  350. pwolanin
  351. #362389 make the _image module work by pwolanin
  352. #364140 fix mlt schema bug, thanks to webrascal
  353. #364384 reorder selects to have bigger numbers at the top by pwolanin, suggested
  354. by horncologne
  355. #350330 make sure to index dates as GMT, thanks to webrascal
  356. #363416 reindex without blowing away either the solr index or the core search index by pwolanin
  357. #360227 strip ctl chars() also on path, reported by flexer
  358. #348215 cleanup - simplify branching, numerically index array by pwolanin
  359. #348215 add missing js file with minor text chenges (js file by vladimir.dolgopolov)
  360. #359923 separate cron limit for apachesolr by pwolanin
  361. # remove lang module - code was already added to apachesolr_search
  362. #292662 commit after we delete the index by pwolanin
  363. #356696 by pwolanin: copies the author's name to a string field for use in
  364. multisite search or sorting by author. Also snuck in non-compression on
  365. the body for performance.
  366. #348215 by vladimir.dolgopolov: More link for additional facets.
  367. #292662 update README by pwolanin
  368. #344249 obey 32 char limit for block deltas by pwolanin
  369. #355479 fix PHP warning when request fails by pwolanin
  370. #355544 Add a ->clearCache(); in apachesolr_index_page(), by flexer and pwolanin