You are here in Answers 6

Search functions for the 'Answers' module

@author Chip Cleary


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// $Id$

 * @file
 * Search functions for the 'Answers' module
 * @author Chip Cleary

 * The module provides two key functions
 *    1. A search view for searching for questions
 *    2. A workflow for asking new questions which requires the user to first review similar questions before posting
 * Function 1: A search view for searching for questions
 *   1. A user can start a search by using the path "questions/search?keys=<keys>"
 *   2. An exposed views form catches this routing
 *   2. The user is shown a list of matching questions. 
 *     - The display is provided using a list view like that used in the rest of Answers (e,g, the path "questions/all")
 *     - The display adds a link to allow users to create a new question if desired.  
 *   3. The user can view one of the questions, ask a new question, or modify the search
 * Function 2: A workflow for asking new questions which requires the user to review similar questions
 *   1. A user can start to ask a question at 'questions/start_ask'
 *   2. The function answers_menu catches this path and calls the 'answers_search_start_ask' function
 *   3. This function provides a simple search form. It allows the user to enter a question
 *   4. This question is then passed to 'questions/continue_ask?keys=<question>
 *   5. An exposed views form catches this routing and shows matching questions
 *   6. The user can view one of the questions, modify his question, or go on to ask his question
 *   7. If the user goes on, the question is passed to 'node/add/question?title=<question>'
 *   8. The function answers_form_alter is called and inserts the title into the form
function answers_start_ask_form() {
  $form['question'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => 'Question',
    '#size' => 80,
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Begin'),
    '#submit' => array(
  return $form;
function answers_start_ask_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $question = check_plain($form_state['values']['question']);
  $form_state['redirect'] = array(
      'keys' => $question,

 * Pseudo implementation of hook_form_alter()
 * Note: This is an include file, not a separate module. So, the normal hook mechanism does not
 * call '_answers_search_form_alter'. Rather it is called manually from within 'answers_form_alter'.
function _answers_search_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  switch ($form_id) {
    case 'views_exposed_form':
      if ($form['#action'] == '/questions/search' || $form['#action'] == '/questions/continue_ask') {

        // Delete the title from the search box
        $form['#info']['filter-keys']['label'] = '';

        // Change the length & description of the search box
        $form['keys']['#title'] = 'Question';
        $form['keys']['#size'] = 80;
        $form['keys']['#attributes']['title'] = t('Enter your question');

        // Change the title of the standard search button
        $form['submit']['#value'] = t('Search');

      // If appropriate, add a button for posting the question
      if ($form['#action'] == '/questions/continue_ask') {
        $form['submit']['#value'] = t('Search Again');
        $form['continue_ask'] = array(
          '#type' => 'submit',
          '#name' => 'test',
          '#value' => t('Continue With Your Question'),
          '#submit' => array(
function answers_continue_ask_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $form_state['no_redirect'] = FALSE;
  $title = check_plain($form_state['input']['keys']);
  $form_state['redirect'] = array(
      'title' => $title,