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anonymous_publishing_cl.mail.yml in Anonymous Publishing 8



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  1. email_subject_active: 'Please activate your content on @site'
  2. email_subject_verify: 'Please verify the email address for your content submission to @site'
  3. email_introduction: 'Somebody has created content with title "@title" on @site. You receive this email because your email address (@email) was given as the verification email address. To @action, click or copy this link into the browser: @verification_uri. If this was not you, please ignore this message.'
  4. email_activate: 'If you do not @action within @autodelhours hours, the content will be automatically deleted.'
  5. email_verify: "After you've verified your email address, your content will be placed in the moderation queue. It will be published when it has been approved by an administrator."
  6. email_admin_subject: 'Notification about anonymously published content on @site'
  7. email_admin_body: 'Anonymous content with title "@title" has been published on @site. The verification email address was "@email"'