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public function AnonymousLoginSubscriber::paths in Anonymous login 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/EventSubscriber/AnonymousLoginSubscriber.php \Drupal\anonymous_login\EventSubscriber\AnonymousLoginSubscriber::paths()

Fetch the paths.

That should be used when determining when to force anonymous users to login.

Return value

array An array of paths, keyed by "include", paths that should force a login, and "exclude", paths that should be ignored.

1 call to AnonymousLoginSubscriber::paths()
AnonymousLoginSubscriber::redirect in src/EventSubscriber/AnonymousLoginSubscriber.php
Perform the anonymous user redirection, if needed.


src/EventSubscriber/AnonymousLoginSubscriber.php, line 262


Class AnonymousLoginSubscriber.




public function paths() {

  // Initialize the paths array.
  $paths = [
    'include' => [],
    'exclude' => [],

  // Fetch the stored paths set in the admin settings.
  if ($setting = $this->configFactory
    ->get('paths')) {

    // Split by each newline.
    $setting = explode(PHP_EOL, $setting);

    // Iterate each path and determine if the path should be included
    // or excluded.
    foreach ($setting as $path) {
      if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '~') {
        $path = substr($path, 1);
        $path = $this
        $paths['exclude'][] = $path;
      else {
        $path = $this
        $paths['include'][] = $path;

  // Always exclude certain paths.
  $paths['exclude'][] = 'user/reset/*';
  $paths['exclude'][] = 'cron/*';
  $paths['exclude'][] = 'sites/default/files/*';

  // Allow other modules to alter the paths.
    ->alter('anonymous_login_paths', $paths);
  return $paths;