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amp.module in Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 8

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  1. 8.3 amp.module
  2. 8.2 amp.module
  3. 7 amp.module


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use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

 * Implements hook_help().
function amp_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // Main module help for the amp module.
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Google AMP integration') . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_entity_view_mode_alter().
function amp_entity_view_mode_alter(&$view_mode, EntityInterface $entity, $context) {
  $amp_context = \Drupal::service('router.amp_context');

  // If on AMP route, and in full view mode, switch to AMP view mode.
  if ($amp_context
    ->isAmpRoute() && $view_mode == 'full') {
    $view_mode = 'amp';

 * Implements hook_entity_view_alter().
function amp_entity_view_alter(array &$build, EntityInterface $entity, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display) {

  // Check if entity is a non-new node in either full or AMP view mode.

  /** @var NodeInterface $entity */
  if ($entity instanceof NodeInterface && !$entity
    ->isNew() && in_array($build['#view_mode'], [
  ])) {

    // Get a list of available view modes for the current entity.
    $view_modes = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')
      ->getViewModeOptionsByBundle('node', $entity

    // Double-check that the AMP view mode is enabled for this node type.
    if (isset($view_modes['amp'])) {
      $build['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'url.query_args:amp';
      $absolute_canonical = $entity
        ->toUrl('canonical', [
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      if (!empty($build['#attached']['html_head_link'])) {
        $canonical_href = '';
        foreach ($build['#attached']['html_head_link'] as $key => $config) {
          if ($build['#view_mode'] === 'amp') {
            if ($config[0]['rel'] != 'canonical' && $config[0]['rel'] != 'shortlink') {
            elseif ($config[0]['rel'] == 'canonical') {

              // Replace the canonical link with an absolute version, this is
              // required for AMP pages and recommended for others.
              // @todo Remove this when is
              //   fixed.
              $build['#attached']['html_head_link'][$key][0]['href'] = $absolute_canonical;
              $build['#cache']['contexts'][] = '';
          elseif ($build['#view_mode'] === 'full') {
            if ($config[0]['rel'] == 'canonical' && !empty($config[0]['href'])) {

              // Check if the canonical link is absolute and external. Do not
              // expose AMP for those.
              $current_canonical = $config[0]['href'];
              if (UrlHelper::isExternal($current_canonical) && !UrlHelper::externalIsLocal($current_canonical, \Drupal::service('router.request_context')
                ->getCompleteBaseUrl())) {
              $amp_href = \Drupal::service('amp.query_parameters')
              $build['#attached']['html_head_link'][] = [
                  'rel' => 'amphtml',
                  'href' => $amp_href,
              $build['#cache']['contexts'][] = '';
        if ($build['#view_mode'] === 'amp' && !empty($absolute_canonical)) {
          if (!empty($amp_merged_metadata = \Drupal::service('amp.merge_metadata')
            ->getType()))) {
            if (!empty($amp_json_metadata = \Drupal::service('amp.prepare_metadata_json')
              ->getJson($amp_merged_metadata, $absolute_canonical, $entity))) {
              $build['#attached']['html_head']['amp_metadata_json'] = [
                // The metadata script element.
                  '#type' => 'html_tag',
                  '#tag' => 'script',
                  '#attributes' => [
                    'type' => 'application/ld+json',
                  '#value' => $amp_json_metadata,
                // The render array key.
              $build['#cache']['tags'][] = 'amp_metadata';
              $build['#cache']['tags'][] = 'amp_available_metadata';

 * Implements hook_theme().
function amp_theme() {
  $theme = [
    'amp_video' => [
      'variables' => [
        'file' => NULL,
        'description' => NULL,
        'schema' => NULL,
        'attributes' => [],
    'amp_iframe' => [
      'variables' => [
        'iframe' => NULL,
    'amp_ad' => [
      'variables' => [
        'type' => NULL,
        'attributes' => [],
    'amp_analytics' => [
      'variables' => [
        'account' => NULL,
        'attributes' => [],
    'amp_pixel' => [
      'variables' => [
        'domain' => NULL,
        'query_string' => NULL,
        'subs' => [
          'AMPDOC_HOST' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'AMPDOC_URL' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'CANONICAL_HOST' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'CANONICAL_PATH' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'CANONICAL_URL' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'SOURCE_URL' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'SOURCE_HOST' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'DOCUMENT_CHARSET' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'DOCUMENT_REFERRER' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'TITLE' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'VIEWER' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'CONTENT_LOAD_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'DOMAIN_LOOKUP_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'DOM_INTERACTIVE_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'PAGE_DOWNLOAD_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'PAGE_LOAD_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'REDIRECT_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'SERVER_RESPONSE_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'TCP_CONNECT_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
            'active' => FALSE,
            'active' => FALSE,
          'BROWSER_LANGUAGE' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'SCREEN_COLOR_DEPTH' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'VIEWPORT_HEIGHT' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'VIEWPORT_WIDTH' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'PAGE_VIEW_ID' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'RANDOM' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'TIMESTAMP' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
          'TOTAL_ENGAGED_TIME' => [
            'active' => FALSE,
  return $theme;

 * Implements hook_page_bottom for page bottom.
function amp_page_bottom(array &$page_bottom) {
  $amp_context = \Drupal::service('router.amp_context');
  if ($amp_context
    ->isAmpRoute()) {
    $google_analytics_id = \Drupal::config('amp.settings')
    if (!empty($google_analytics_id)) {
      $amp_analytics = [
        '#type' => 'amp_analytics',
        '#attributes' => [
          'type' => 'googleanalytics',
        '#account' => $google_analytics_id,
      $page_bottom['amp_analytics'] = $amp_analytics;
    if (\Drupal::config('amp.settings')
      ->get('amp_pixel')) {
      $domain = \Drupal::config('amp.settings')
      $query_string = \Drupal::config('amp.settings')
      if (!empty($domain) && !empty($query_string)) {
        $subs_random = \Drupal::config('amp.settings')
        $subs = [
          'RANDOM' => [
            'active' => $subs_random ? TRUE : FALSE,
        $amp_pixel = [
          '#theme' => 'amp_pixel',
          '#domain' => $domain,
          '#query_string' => $query_string,
          '#subs' => $subs,
        $page_bottom['amp_pixel'] = $amp_pixel;

 * Prepares variables for amp video templates.
 * Default template: amp-video.html.twig.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - file: A file object to which the link will be created.
 *   - attributes: An associative array of attributes to be placed on the
 *     amp-video tag.
function template_preprocess_amp_video(&$variables) {
  $file = $variables['file'];
  $file_entity = $file instanceof File ? $file : File::load($file->fid);
  $variables['src'] = file_create_url($file_entity

  // amp-video can only be displayed if the src for the video is https.
  $variables['scheme'] = \Drupal::service('file_system')

  // Create attributes object.
  $variables['attributes'] = new Attribute($variables['attributes']);

  // Use the description as the title text if available.
  if (empty($variables['description'])) {
    $title_text = $file_entity
  else {
    $title_text = $variables['description'];
  $variables['attributes']['title'] = $title_text;

* Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
function amp_form_node_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {

  // Check if the content is AMP enabled.
  $amp_entity_type_service = \Drupal::service('amp.entity_type');
  $type = $form_state
  if (!$amp_entity_type_service
    ->isAmpEnabledType($type)) {

  // Add another option to go to the AMP page after saving.
  $form['actions']['save_view_amp'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Save and view AMP page'),
    '#submit' => array(
    '#access' => TRUE,
    '#dropbutton' => "save",

  // Add another option to go to the AMP page after saving.
  $form['actions']['save_view_amp_with_warn'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Save and view AMP page and see any AMP formatter related warnings'),
    '#submit' => array(
    '#access' => TRUE,
    '#dropbutton' => "save",

  // Add a submit handler to redirect to the AMP page.
  $form['actions']['save_view_amp']['#submit'][] = 'amp_node_form_submit';
  $form['actions']['save_view_amp_with_warn']['#submit'][] = 'amp_node_form_submit_with_warn';

* Submit handler for viewing the AMP page.
function amp_node_form_submit(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $path = $form_state

  // Redirect to the alias if it exists, otherwise use the node URL.
  $url = !empty($path[0]['alias']) ? $path[0]['alias'] : $path[0]['source'];
  if (isset($url)) {
    $amp_url = \Drupal::service('amp.query_parameters')
    $response = new RedirectResponse($amp_url);

 * Submit handler for viewing the AMP page.
 * Redirects to a url to displays all warnings generated by AMP Library from AMP Text formatters used
function amp_node_form_submit_with_warn(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $path = $form_state

  // Redirect to the alias if it exists, otherwise use the node URL.
  $url = !empty($path[0]['alias']) ? $path[0]['alias'] : $path[0]['source'];
  if (isset($url)) {
    $amp_warnfix_url = \Drupal::service('amp.query_parameters')
      ->add($url, $warnfix = TRUE);
    $response = new RedirectResponse($amp_warnfix_url);

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function amp_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'entity_view_display_edit_form') {
    $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'amp_view_modes_submit';

 * Submit handler for enabling or disabling AMP view modes.
function amp_view_modes_submit(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $new_values = array();
  $old_values = array();
  if (isset($form_state
    ->getValues()['display_modes_custom'])) {
    $new_values = array_filter($form_state
  if (isset($form_state
    ->getCompleteForm()['modes']['display_modes_custom']['#default_value'])) {
    $old_values = $form_state
  $removed = array_diff($old_values, $new_values);
  $added = array_diff($new_values, $old_values);
  if (is_array($removed) && in_array('amp', $removed) && ($type = $form['#bundle'])) {

    // If the AMP view was removed, clear cache of AMP-enabled content.
  if (is_array($added) && in_array('amp', $added)) {

    // If the AMP view was added, clear cache of AMP-enabled content.

 * Implements hook_preprocess_block() for block templates.
function amp_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
  switch ($variables['base_plugin_id']) {
    case 'local_actions_block':
      if (isset($variables['content']['entity.amp_metadata.add_form']) && $variables['content']['entity.amp_metadata.add_form']) {
        $variables['content']['entity.amp_metadata.add_form']['#cache']['tags'][] = 'amp_types';
        $message = '';
        $has_no_amp_types = empty(\Drupal::service('amp.entity_type')
        $has_global_metadata = \Drupal::service('amp.metadata')
        $all_types_have_metadata = empty(\Drupal::service('amp.metadata')
        if ($has_no_amp_types) {
          $message = t('No content types have AMP enabled. Please do so before adding AMP Metadata.');
        else {
          $message = t('All available global and content type overrides have been added. Please edit existing settings below.');
        if ($has_no_amp_types || $has_global_metadata && $all_types_have_metadata) {
          $variables['content']['entity.amp_metadata.add_form'] = [
            '#markup' => '<p><strong>' . $message . '</strong></p>',
            'addmetadata' => [
              '#theme_wrappers' => [
                'container' => [
                  '#attributes' => [
                    'class' => 'hidden',
              'addlink' => $variables['content']['entity.amp_metadata.add_form'],


Namesort descending Description
amp_entity_view_alter Implements hook_entity_view_alter().
amp_entity_view_mode_alter Implements hook_entity_view_mode_alter().
amp_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
amp_form_node_form_alter Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
amp_help Implements hook_help().
amp_node_form_submit Submit handler for viewing the AMP page.
amp_node_form_submit_with_warn Submit handler for viewing the AMP page. Redirects to a url to displays all warnings generated by AMP Library from AMP Text formatters used
amp_page_bottom Implements hook_page_bottom for page bottom.
amp_preprocess_block Implements hook_preprocess_block() for block templates.
amp_theme Implements hook_theme().
amp_view_modes_submit Submit handler for enabling or disabling AMP view modes.
template_preprocess_amp_video Prepares variables for amp video templates.