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6 calls to amazon_http_request() in Amazon Product Advertisement API 7.2

amazon_ean_to_asin in ./amazon.module
Given an EAN (ISBN-13), try to get Amazon to give it to us.
amazon_search_simple_search in amazon_search/amazon_search.module
Perform the search.
asin_autocomplete_callback in asin/asin.module
Autocomplete callback for the asin_autocomplete widget.
_amazon_component_batch_lookup_from_web in amazon_component/amazon_component.module
Get 10 or less items from the AWS web service. AWS allows ONLY 10 items, See
_amazon_item_batch_lookup_from_web in ./amazon.module
Get 10 or less items from the AWS web service. AWS allows ONLY 10 items, See
_asin_devel_generate in asin/asin.module
Utility function that actually provides the values for asin_devel_generate().