You are here in Allow All File Extensions 7

name = Allow All File Extensions
description = This module overrides Drupal 7's default behavior of not trusting the drupal administrator to know when it's okay to allow all file extensions.  It also lengthens the maximum length of the file extensions from 128 characters to a much more useful 2048.
core = 7.x
package = Fields
version = 7.x-1.1

dependencies[] = file

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  1. name = Allow All File Extensions
  2. description = This module overrides Drupal 7's default behavior of not trusting the drupal administrator to know when it's okay to allow all file extensions. It also lengthens the maximum length of the file extensions from 128 characters to a much more useful 2048.
  3. core = 7.x
  4. package = Fields
  5. version = 7.x-1.1
  6. dependencies[] = file