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AkamaiTagPurgerTest.php in Akamai 8.3


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namespace Drupal\Tests\akamai\Unit\Plugin\Purge\Purger;

use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\Tests\akamai\Kernel\EventSubscriber\MockSubscriber;
use Drupal\akamai\Event\AkamaiPurgeEvents;
use Drupal\akamai\Helper\CacheTagFormatter;
use Drupal\akamai\Plugin\Purge\Purger\AkamaiTagPurger;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\akamai\Plugin\Purge\Purger\AkamaiTagPurger
 * @group Akamai
class AkamaiTagPurgerTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * Tests purge creation event dispatch.
  public function testPurgeCreationEvent() {
    $purger = $this
    $formatter = new CacheTagFormatter();
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
      ->set('akamai.helper.cachetagformatter', $formatter);
    $client = $this
    $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($purger);
    $reflection_property = $reflection
      ->setValue($purger, $client);

    // Setup the mock event subscriber.
    $subscriber = new MockSubscriber();
    $event_dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
      ->addListener(AkamaiPurgeEvents::PURGE_CREATION, [
    $reflection_property = $reflection
      ->setValue($purger, $event_dispatcher);

    // Create stub for response class.
    $invalidation_1 = $this

    // Create duplicate stub for response class.
    $invalidation_2 = $this

    // Create third stub for response class.
    $invalidation_3 = $this

    // Create string numeric stubs for response class.
    $invalidation_4 = $this
    $invalidation_5 = $this

    // Create integer stubs for response class.
    $invalidation_6 = $this
    $invalidation_7 = $this

    // Create float stub for response class.
    $invalidation_8 = $this

    // Create boolean stub for response class.
    $invalidation_9 = $this
    ], $subscriber->event->data);

   * Tests AkamaiTagPurger::getTimeHint().
  public function testGetTimeHintReturnsCorrectValues() {

    // Mock the akamai client factory.
    $akamai_client_factory = $this

    // Mock the event dispatcher.
    $event_dispatcher = $this
    $result_map = [
      '-5' => 0,
      '0' => 0,
      '7' => 7,
      '9.5' => 9.5,
      '10' => 10,
      '10.5' => 10,
      '11' => 10,
    foreach ($result_map as $config_value => $returned_value) {

      // Mock the config.
      $config = $this

      // Mock the config factory.
      $config_factory = $this
      $logger = $this
      $purger = new AkamaiTagPurger([
        'id' => 'my_id',
      ], 'my_id', 'my_definition', $config_factory, $event_dispatcher, $akamai_client_factory, $logger);
        ->getTimeHint(), $returned_value);

   * Tests AkamaiTagPurger::invalidate() for warning on exceeding tag length.
  public function testInvalidateTagLength() {
    $long_tag = str_repeat('a', 129);
    $logger = $this
      ->with('Cache Tag %tag has exceeded the Akamai 128 character tag maximum length.', [
      '%tag' => $long_tag,
    $purger = $this
    $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($purger);
    $reflection_property = $reflection
      ->setValue($purger, $logger);
    $formatter = new CacheTagFormatter();
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
      ->set('akamai.helper.cachetagformatter', $formatter);
    $client = $this
    $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($purger);
    $reflection_property = $reflection
      ->setValue($purger, $client);

    // Setup the mock event subscriber.
    $subscriber = new MockSubscriber();
    $event_dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
      ->addListener(AkamaiPurgeEvents::PURGE_CREATION, [
    $reflection_property = $reflection
      ->setValue($purger, $event_dispatcher);

    // Create stub for response class.
    $invalidation = $this
