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SettingsForm.php in Ajax form entity 8

Contains \Drupal\ajax_form_entity\Form\ExampleConfigForm.


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\ajax_form_entity\Form\ExampleConfigForm.
namespace Drupal\ajax_form_entity\Form;

use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeBundleInfo;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManager;
use Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

 * Class SettingsForm.
 * @package Drupal\ajax_form_entity\Form
class SettingsForm extends ConfigFormBase {

   * The entity type manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManager
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The entity type bundle manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeBundleInfo
  protected $entityBundleInfo;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, EntityTypeManager $entity_type_manager, EntityTypeBundleInfo $entity_bundle_info) {
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->entityBundleInfo = $entity_bundle_info;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static($container
      ->get('config.factory'), $container
      ->get('entity_type.manager'), $container

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormId() {
    return 'id_form';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $definitions = $this->entityTypeManager
    $all_bundle = $this->entityBundleInfo

    // @todo : option to define form modes and view modes.
    $form_modes = $definitions['entity_form_mode'];
    $view_modes = $definitions['entity_view_mode'];

    // Get all display types for the entity.



    // $tab_entity_labels = $entity_manager->getEntityTypeLabels();
    $config = $this

    // Content entities to be excluded.
    $excluded_entity_types = [
      1 => 'shortcut',
      2 => 'menu_link_content',
      3 => 'file',
    foreach ($all_bundle as $entity_name => $bundle) {

      // Exclude content entities which are not supported.
      if (!isset($definitions[$entity_name]) || array_search($entity_name, $excluded_entity_types)) {

      /* @var  $config_entity \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityType */
      $config_entity = $definitions[$entity_name];
      $group = $config_entity

      // Fix missing content group for ECK module. @todo : fix in ECK.
      if ($config_entity
        ->getProvider() == 'eck' && !strpos($entity_name, '_type')) {
        $group = 'content';

      // Do not work with configuration entities for now.
      // @todo : see what can be done to improve the backoffice.
      if ($group == 'configuration' || $group == NULL) {
      if (!isset($form[$group])) {
        $form[$group] = [
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#tree' => TRUE,
          '#title' => $group,
      $form[$group][$entity_name] = [
        '#type' => 'details',
        '#title' => $config_entity

      // Define all configuration per bundle.
      if (is_array($bundle)) {
        foreach ($bundle as $bundle_name => $label) {
          if (isset($label['label'])) {
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name] = [
              '#type' => 'details',
              '#group' => $entity_name,
              '#open' => TRUE,
              '#title' => $label['label'],
            if (isset($config[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name])) {
              $default_values = $config[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name];
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['activate'] = [
              '#type' => 'checkbox',
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Activate Ajax Entity form'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['activate']) ? $default_values['activate'] : '',
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['popin'] = [
              '#type' => 'checkbox',
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Popin mode'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['popin']) ? $default_values['popin'] : '',
              '#states' => [
                'visible' => [
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][activate]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['reload'] = [
              '#type' => 'checkbox',
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Reload the form on creation'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['reload']) ? $default_values['reload'] : '',
              '#states' => [
                'visible' => [
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][activate]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['send_content'] = [
              '#type' => 'checkbox',
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Show result on creation'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['send_content']) ? $default_values['send_content'] : TRUE,
              '#states' => [
                'visible' => [
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][activate]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
            $selector_type_options = [
              'prepend' => $this
              'append' => $this
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['selector_type'] = [
              '#type' => 'select',
              '#options' => $selector_type_options,
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Creation view mode'),
              '#description' => $this
                ->t('Area to send the content. If custom'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['selector_type']) ? $default_values['selector_type'] : '#prepend',
              '#states' => [
                'visible' => [
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][activate]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][send_content]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['selector_content'] = [
              '#type' => 'textfield',
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Class or ID where to send the content'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['selector_content']) ? $default_values['selector_content'] : '',
              '#description' => $this
                ->t('Let empty to send before / after the creation form.'),
              '#weight' => 1,
              '#states' => [
                'visible' => [
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][activate]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][send_content]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['edit_link'] = [
              '#type' => 'textfield',
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Edit link label'),
              '#description' => $this
                ->t('Provide an AJAX edit link in any display mode. Let blank for no link.'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['edit_link']) ? $default_values['edit_link'] : $this
              '#weight' => 1,
              '#states' => [
                'visible' => [
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][activate]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['form'] = [
              '#type' => 'checkbox',
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Add a field with edit form'),
              '#description' => $this
                ->t('EXPERIMENTAL - Provide a field in view mode with ajax edit form.'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['form']) ? $default_values['form'] : 0,
              '#weight' => 1,
              '#states' => [
                'visible' => [
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][activate]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,
            $form[$group][$entity_name][$bundle_name]['show_message'] = [
              '#type' => 'checkbox',
              '#title' => $this
                ->t('Show the message'),
              '#default_value' => isset($default_values['show_message']) ? $default_values['show_message'] : 1,
              '#weight' => 1,
              '#states' => [
                'visible' => [
                  'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name . '][activate]"]' => [
                    'checked' => TRUE,

                         * // @todo : activate delete link.
                        $form[$group][$entity_name] [$bundle_name]['delete_link'] = array(
                          '#type' => 'textfield',
                          '#title' => $this->t('Delete link label'),
                          '#description' => $this->t('Provide an AJAX delete link in any display mode. Let blank for no link.'),
                          '#default_value' => isset($default_values['delete_link']) ? $default_values['delete_link'] : $this->t('Delete'),
                          '#weight' => 1,
                          '#states' => array(
                            'visible' => array(
                              'input[name="' . $group . '[' . $entity_name . '][' . $bundle_name. '][activate]"]' => array(
                                'checked' => TRUE,

                         * @todo : view mode and form mode to be selected.
                        $form[$group][$entity_name] [$bundle_name]['view_mode'] = array(
                          '#type' => 'select',
                          '#options' => array(),
                          '#title' => $this->t('Creation view mode'),
                          '#description' => $this->('The view mode used after creation'),
                          '#default_value' => isset($default_values['view_mode']) ? $default_values['view_mode'] : '',
                         $form[$group][$entity_name] [$bundle_name]['form_mode'] = array(
                          '#type' => 'select',
                          '#options' => array(),
                          '#title' => $this->t('Default form mode'),
                          '#description' => $this->('The form mode used for AJAX edition'),
                          '#default_value' => isset($default_values['form_mode']) ? $default_values['form_mode'] : '',
    $form['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => $this
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $config = $this
      ->set('content', $form_state

   * Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
   * @return array
   *   An array of configuration object names that are editable if called in
   *   conjunction with the trait's config() method.
  protected function getEditableConfigNames() {
    return [



Namesort descending Description
SettingsForm Class SettingsForm.