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FormAlter.php in Ajax form entity 8


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namespace Drupal\ajax_form_entity\Form;

use Drupal\Core\Ajax\AfterCommand;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\BeforeCommand;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\RemoveCommand;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\ReplaceCommand;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;

 * Class FormAlter.
 * @package Drupal\ajax_form_entity\Form
class FormAlter {

   * Ajax form submit, rebuild the form.
   * @param array $form
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
  public static function ajaxFormEntityFormSubmit(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $build_info = $form_state
    if (empty($build_info['callback_object'])) {

    /* @var $callback \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityForm */
    $callback =& $build_info['callback_object'];

    // Get the entity.
    $entity = $callback
    $entity_type = $entity
    $bundle = $entity

    // Replace the form entity with an empty instance if needed.
    $configurations = $form_state
    if ($configurations['reload'] != 'reload_entity') {

      // @todo : injection
      $new_entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        'type' => $bundle,

    // Clear user input.
    $input = $form_state

    // We should not clear the system items from the user input.
    $clean_keys = $form_state
    $clean_keys[] = 'ajax_page_state';
    foreach ($input as $key => $item) {
      if (!in_array($key, $clean_keys) && substr($key, 0, 1) !== '_') {

    // Store new entity for display in the AJAX callback.
    $input['entity'] = $entity;

    // Rebuild the form state values.

   * Ajax callback to handle special ajax form entity magic.
   * @param array $form
   *   Nested array of form elements that comprise the form.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *    The current state of the form.
   * @return array|\Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse
  public static function ajaxFormEntityCallback(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    // If errors, returns the form with errors and messages.
    if ($form_state
      ->hasAnyErrors()) {
      return $form;
    else {
      $user_inputs = $form_state
      if (empty($user_inputs['entity'])) {
        return $form;

      /* @var $entity \Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity */
      $entity = $user_inputs['entity'];
      $entity_type = $entity
      $configurations = $form_state
      $response = new AjaxResponse();

      // Special case of node page : handle title.
      // @todo : reload the full block with title.
      // @todo : what if in Views but display full ?
      if ($entity_type == 'node' && $configurations['view_mode'] == 'full') {

        /* @var $entity \Drupal\Node\Entity\Node */
        $title = $entity
        $replace = '<h1>' . $title . '</h1>';
          ->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand('h1', $replace));

      // Get messages even if not shown.
      $status_messages = [
        '#type' => 'status_messages',
      $message = [
        '#markup' => \Drupal::service('renderer')

      // Remove old messages.
        ->addCommand(new RemoveCommand('.messages'));

      // Send the content back (append, prepend of send in a custom div).
      if ($configurations['send_content']) {
        if ($configurations['show_message']) {
          $output['message'] = $message;

        /* @var $render_view_mode \Drupal\Core\Render\Markup */
        $output['entity']['#markup'] = render(\Drupal::entityTypeManager()
          ->view($entity, $configurations['view_mode']));
        if ($configurations['selector_type'] === 'prepend') {
            ->addCommand(new BeforeCommand($configurations['content_selector'], $output));
        elseif ($configurations['selector_type'] === 'append') {
            ->addCommand(new AfterCommand($configurations['content_selector'], $output));
        elseif ($configurations['content_selector']) {
            ->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand($configurations['content_selector'], $output));
      elseif ($configurations['show_message']) {
          ->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand($configurations['content_selector'], $message));

      // Reload (or remove) the form.
      if ($configurations['reload']) {
          ->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand($configurations['form_selector'], $form));
      else {
          ->addCommand(new RemoveCommand($configurations['form_selector']));

      // Case of popin.
        ->addCommand(new RemoveCommand('.ui-dialog'));
        ->addCommand(new RemoveCommand('.ui-widget-overlay'));
      return $response;



Namesort descending Description
FormAlter Class FormAlter.