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public function FacetapiEmptyBehaviorAjaxFacets::execute in Ajax facets 7.3

Implements FacetapiEmptyBehavior::execute().


plugins/facetapi/, line 39
The empty_text empty behavior class.


Empty behavior plugin that displays markup, usually just some text.


public function execute() {
  $class1 = str_replace('facetapi_', '', $this->settings['widget']);
  $class1 = drupal_html_class("facet-wrapper-{$class1}");

  // This class should match facet widget build "id" attribute.
  // Explode configName to searcher, realm name and facet name,
  // and create the class the same way as "id" for widget.
  // @see FacetapiWidget::init()
  $facet_widget_build = explode(':', $this->configName, 3);

  // We shouldn't use drupal_html_id because id shouldn't be changed.
  $id = drupal_html_class("facetapi-facet-{$facet_widget_build[0]}-{$facet_widget_build[1]}-{$facet_widget_build[2]}-wrapper");
  $class2 = drupal_html_class("facetapi-facet-{$facet_widget_build[0]}-{$facet_widget_build[1]}-{$facet_widget_build[2]}");
  $wrapper = '<div class="ajax-facets-empty-behavior ' . $class1 . ' ' . $class2 . '" id="' . $id . '"></div>';
  return [
    '#markup' => $wrapper,