You are here in Ajax facets 7.3

The facetapi_links and facetapi_checkbox_links widget plugin classes.


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 * @file
 * The facetapi_links and facetapi_checkbox_links widget plugin classes.

 * Widget that renders facets as a range of values.
class FacetapiAjaxWidgetRanges extends FacetapiAjaxWidget {

   * Overrides FacetapiWidget::getDefaultSettings().
  function getDefaultSettings() {
    return [
      'show_reset_link' => 0,

   * Transforms the render array for use with theme_item_list().
  function buildListItems($build, $level = 0) {

    // Builds rows.
    $items = [];
    $active_items = [];
    $have_active = FALSE;
    foreach ($build as $value => $item) {

      // Respect current selection.
      if (!empty($item['#active'])) {
        $items['active_value'] = $value;
        $have_active = TRUE;
        $active_items[] = $this->key . ':' . $item['#markup'];
      $items['values'][$item['#indexed_value']] = $item['#indexed_value'];
    $this->jsSettings['haveActiveSelection'] = $this->settings->settings['have_active_selection'] = $have_active;
    $this->jsSettings['activeItems'] = $active_items;

    // Generate reset path on server side to make possible to use aliases.
    if ($have_active) {
      $this->jsSettings['resetPath'] = ajax_facets_facet_build_reset_path($this->facet
        ->getFacet(), $this->facet
    return $items;

   * Implements FacetapiWidget::execute().
   * Transforms the render array into something that can be themed by
   * theme_item_list().
   * @see FacetapiWidgetLinks::setThemeHooks()
   * @see FacetapiWidgetLinks::buildListItems()
  public function execute() {
    $element =& $this->build[$this->facet['field alias']];
    $items = $this
    $slider_attrs = [
      'data-facet-name' => rawurlencode($this->settings->facet),
      'data-raw-facet-name' => $this->settings->facet,
      'class' => [

    // Get min and max values.
    $raw_values = array_keys($element);
    $raw_values = array_filter($raw_values, 'is_numeric');

    // Check that we have values for the facet widget.
    if (!empty($raw_values)) {
      $global_min = min($raw_values);
      $global_max = max($raw_values);
      $slider_attrs['data-min'] = $global_min;
      $slider_attrs['data-max'] = $global_max;

      // Get selected min and max for active value.
      if (!empty($items['active_value'])) {
        $values = explode(' TO ', $items['active_value']);
        $slider_attrs['data-min-val'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9\\.]/', '', $values[0]);
        $slider_attrs['data-max-val'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9\\.]/', '', $values[1]);
      else {
        $slider_attrs['data-min-val'] = $global_min;
        $slider_attrs['data-max-val'] = $global_max;

      // @todo move it into the other place?
      drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.slider');
      $min_input = theme('ajax_facets_ranges_input', [
        'title' => t('From:'),
        'attributes' => [
          'class' => 'ajax-facets-slider-amount-min',
        'value' => $slider_attrs['data-min-val'],
      $max_input = theme('ajax_facets_ranges_input', [
        'title' => t('To:'),
        'attributes' => [
          'class' => 'ajax-facets-slider-amount-max',
        'value' => $slider_attrs['data-max-val'],

      // We cannot use drupal_html_id to save the same id for each facet.
      $wrapper_id = $this->build['#attributes']['id'] . '-wrapper';
      $element = [
        '#markup' => '<div id="' . $wrapper_id . '">' . $this
          ->getResetLink() . '<div class="ajax-facets-controls-wrapper">' . $min_input . $max_input . '<div ' . drupal_attributes($slider_attrs) . '></div>' . '</div>' . '</div>',
    else {
      $element = [];



Namesort descending Description
FacetapiAjaxWidgetRanges Widget that renders facets as a range of values.