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protected function AgreementTestCase::unprivilegedUserLogin in Agreement 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 agreement.test \AgreementTestCase::unprivilegedUserLogin()
  2. 6 agreement.test \AgreementTestCase::unprivilegedUserLogin()

Creates an unprivileged user and login as that user.


string $destination: The destination parameter for ::drupalLogin().

6 calls to AgreementTestCase::unprivilegedUserLogin()
AgreementBypassUserTestCase::testAgreement in ./agreement.test
Tests that the agreement page is not displayed for the user.
AgreementCustomUnprivilegedUserTestCase::testAgreement in ./agreement.test
Tests the agreement page only on the front page.
AgreementCustomUnprivilegedUserTestCase::testAgreementDestination in ./agreement.test
Tests the agreement destination functionality.
AgreementCustomUnprivilegedUserTestCase::testAgreementFrequency in ./agreement.test
Tests the agreement frequency setting.
AgreementDefaultsUnprivilegedUserTestCase::testAgreement in ./agreement.test
Tests the agreement page for every page except the front page.

... See full list


./agreement.test, line 79
Tests for Agreement module.


Agreement base test class.


protected function unprivilegedUserLogin($destination = 'user') {

  // Create and log in our unprivileged user.
  $this->unprivilegedUser = $this
    'access content',
    ->drupalLogin($this->unprivilegedUser, $destination);