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Availability.php in AGLS Metadata 8


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namespace Drupal\agls\Plugin\metatag\Tag;

use Drupal\metatag\Plugin\metatag\Tag\MetaNameBase;

 * The AGLS Availability tag.
 * @MetatagTag(
 *   id = "agls_availability",
 *   label = @Translation("Availability"),
 *   description = @Translation("How the resource can be obtained or accessed, or contact information. The availability property is primarily used for offline resources to provide information on how to obtain physical access to the resource. <em>Mandatory for offline resources</em>."),
 *   name = "AGLSTERMS.availability",
 *   group = "agls",
 *   weight = 2,
 *   type = "label",
 *   secure = FALSE,
 *   multiple = FALSE
 * )
class Availability extends MetaNameBase {



Namesort descending Description
Availability The AGLS Availability tag.