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public function AETRecursionWebTest::testCyclicEmbedding in Advanced Entity Tokens 2.x

Test that it's not OK to set up a cyclic inclusion pattern.

Tries to embed alpha into the body of beta, and the beta into the body of alpha. We expect this to be caught and stopped.





tests/src/Functional/AETRecursionWebTest.php, line 187


Tests for Advanced Entity Tokens.




public function testCyclicEmbedding() {
  $alpha_node_data = [
    'type' => 'page',
    'title' => 'I am the alpha',
    'body' => [
        'value' => "I will try to embed data from the beta node into my body.",
        'format' => 'simple_tokens',

  // Save once so I know what my nid is.
  $alpha_node = $this
  $beta_node_data = [
    'type' => 'page',
    'title' => 'I am the beta',
    'body' => [
        'value' => "This is the beta content. I will try to embed data from the alpha node named '[aet:node:{$alpha_node->id()}:title]' into my body. <blockquote>[aet:node:{$alpha_node->id()}:body]</blockquote>",
        'format' => 'simple_tokens',
  $beta_node = $this

  // Update the alpha with a ref to the beta now we know its ID.
  $alpha_node->body = "This is the alpha content. I will try to embed data from the beta node named '[aet:node:{$beta_node->id()}:title]' into my body. <blockquote>[aet:node:{$beta_node->id()}:body]</blockquote>";
    ->drupalGet("node/" . $alpha_node

  // This should still have been able to embed the TITLE of the beta,
  // But trying to embed the body should trigger a warning.
  // Alpha node should embed the beta nodes title OK.
    ->pageTextContains("'I am the beta'");

  // Recursive token use was accurately detected when creating an embed loop.
    ->pageTextContains("Recursive token use");

  // The beta content was not shown in the alpha body when there is recursion happening.
    ->pageTextNotContains("This is the beta content");