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11 string references to 'aes.settings' in AES encryption 8.2

AES::decrypt in src/AES.php
Decrypts a string of encrypted data.
AES::encrypt in src/AES.php
Encrypts a string.
AES::get_key in src/AES.php
Retrieve encryption key. Note we're using YAML files not DB settings.
AES::make_iv in src/AES.php
Generate an IV - initialization vector - and store it in configuration.
AesAdminForm::buildForm in src/Form/AesAdminForm.php
Form constructor.
AesAdminForm::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/AesAdminForm.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
AesAdminForm::submitForm in src/Form/AesAdminForm.php
Form submission handler.
aes_install in ./aes.install
Implements hook_install().
aes_uninstall in ./aes.install
Implements hook_uninstall().
Mcrypt::decrypt in src/Plugin/AES/Mcrypt.php
Recover previously scrambled string.
Mcrypt::encrypt in src/Plugin/AES/Mcrypt.php
Reverse the string.