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Advanced User hook implementations in Advanced User 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 advuser.module \advuser_hook

Functions in this group are implementations of Drupal hooks. Each function should provide it's @ingroup advuser_hook. End of "defgroup advuser_hook".


./advuser.module, line 49
Advanced user module allows you to select users based on an advanced set of filtering and apply actions to block, unblock, delete or email the selected users.


Namesort descending Location Description
advuser_help ./advuser.module Implementation of hook_help().
advuser_init ./advuser.module Implementation of hook_init().
advuser_mail ./advuser.module Implementation of hook_mail
advuser_menu ./advuser.module Implementation of hook_menu().
advuser_perm ./advuser.module Implementation of hook_perm().
advuser_theme ./advuser.module hook_theme implementation
advuser_user ./advuser.module hook_user implementation