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advuser.install in Advanced User 7.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5.2 advuser.install
  2. 6.3 advuser.install
  3. 6.2 advuser.install

Supply the hooks for uninstall.


View source

// $Id$

 * @file
 * Supply the hooks for uninstall.

 * Implementation of hook_uninstall().
 * Remove the variables from the variable table.
function advuser_uninstall() {

   * It would be nice to use variable_del here but variable_del is expensive
   * since it calls cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache') with each one.
   * Therefore we'll stick with the db_delete and call the cache_clear_all once
   * it is completed.
   * variable_del('advuser_allow_list_uid1');
   * variable_del('advuser_listno');
   * variable_del('advuser_log_notifications');
   * variable_del('advuser_modify_mail');
   * variable_del('advuser_modify_notify');
   * variable_del('advuser_modify_subject');
   * variable_del('advuser_new_mail');
   * variable_del('advuser_new_notify');
   * variable_del('advuser_new_subject');
   * variable_del('advuser_nobody_from_address');
   * variable_del('advuser_notify_uid1');
   * variable_del('advuser_profile_fields');
   * variable_del('advuser_reset_never_access');
   * variable_del('advuser_senders_from_address');
   * variable_del('advuser_set_never_access');
   * cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache');
    ->condition('name', 'advuser_%', 'LIKE')
  cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache');

 * Implementation of hook_requirements().
function advuser_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();

  // Ensure translations don't break at install time
  $t = get_t();
  if ($phase == 'runtime') {

     * This check is important to catch updates from previous versions the
     * Token module wasn't yet a dependency.
    if (!module_exists('token')) {
      $requirements['advuser_token'] = array(
        'title' => $t('!module module', array(
          '!module' => $t('Token'),
        'value' => $t('Disabled'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'description' => $t('Since version 6.x-3.x the !this_module module needs the !token module for token substitution. Please install and enable it.', array(
          '!token' => l($t('Token'), ''),
          '!this_module' => $t('Advanced User'),
  return $requirements;

 * Updating substitution tokens from Advanced User module only tokens to Token
 * module tokens.
function advuser_update_6300(&$sandbox) {
  if (empty($sandbox['step'])) {
    $sandbox['step'] = 1;
  $variables_to_update = array(
  $token_substitutions = array(
    '%user_name' => '[user-raw]',
    '%site' => '[site-name]',
    '%uri' => '[account-url]',
    '%user_email' => '[mail]',
    '%user_status' => '[advuser-status]',
    '%user_theme' => '[advuser-theme]',
    '%user_created' => '[advuser-created]',
    '%user_language' => '[advuser-language]',
    '%user_timezone' => '[advuser-timezone]',
    '%user_signature' => '[advuser-signature-raw]',
  foreach ($variables_to_update as $variable) {
    $current = variable_get($variable, "");
    if (strlen($current) == 0) {
    $new = str_replace(array_keys($token_substitutions), array_values($token_substitutions), $current);
    variable_set($variable, $new);
  return t('Advuser token module requirement updates have completed.');

 * Updating substitution tokens from D6 Token module to D7 tokens.
function advuser_update_7300(&$sandbox) {
  if (empty($sandbox['step'])) {
    $sandbox['step'] = 1;
  $variables_to_update = array(
  $token_substitutions = array(
    '[user-raw]' => '[user:name:raw]',
    '[site-name]' => '[site:name]',
    '[account-url]' => '[user:edit-url]',
    '[mail]' => '[user:mail]',
    '[advuser-status]' => '[user:status]',
    '[advuser-theme]' => '[user:theme]',
    '[advuser-created]' => '[user:created]',
    '[advuser-language]' => '[user:language]',
    '[advuser-timezone]' => '[user:timezone]',
    '[advuser-signature]' => '[user:signature]',
    '[advuser-signature-raw]' => '[user:signature:raw]',
  foreach ($variables_to_update as $variable) {
    $current = variable_get($variable, "");
    if (strlen($current) == 0) {
    $new = str_replace(array_keys($token_substitutions), array_values($token_substitutions), $current);
    variable_set($variable, $new);
  return t('Advuser token module requirement updates have completed.');

// vim:ft=php:sts=2:sw=2:ts=2:et:ai:sta:ff=unix


Namesort descending Description
advuser_requirements Implementation of hook_requirements().
advuser_uninstall Implementation of hook_uninstall().
advuser_update_6300 Updating substitution tokens from Advanced User module only tokens to Token module tokens.
advuser_update_7300 Updating substitution tokens from D6 Token module to D7 tokens.