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help_example.module in Advanced Help 7

Provide example help for the advanced help module.


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 * @file
 * Provide example help for the advanced help module.

 * Implements hook_admin_paths_alter().
 * Force help pages for this module to be rendered in admin theme.
function help_example_admin_paths_alter(&$paths) {
  $paths['help/help_example/*'] = TRUE;

 * Implements hook_menu().
function help_example_menu() {

  // View help topic index.
  $items['admin/help_example'] = array(
    'title' => 'Example help',
    'page callback' => 'help_example_index_page',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'view advanced help index',
    'weight' => 9,
  return $items;

 * Topic index callback.
function help_example_index_page() {
  $output = '<p>' . t('Read the source code of the module <strong>Help example</strong> to learn how to create themed and plain links to help topics, and how to render help in the adminstrative theme.') . '</p>';
  $output .= '<p>' . t('Two popup examples:') . '<br />';

  // Create the question mark icon for the topic.
  $toc_qm = theme('advanced_help_topic', array(
    'module' => 'help_example',
    'topic' => 'toc',
    'type' => 'icon',

  // Append some explanatory text.
  $output .= $toc_qm . '&nbsp;' . t('Click the help icon on the left to view a popup of the example module index page.');
  $output .= '<br />';
  $topic_qm = theme('advanced_help_topic', array(
    'module' => 'help_example',
    'topic' => 'about-example',
    'type' => 'icon',
  $output .= $topic_qm . '&nbsp;' . t('Click the help icon on the left to view a popup of the first help topic.');

  // Create the question mark icon for the topic.
  $toc_qm = theme('advanced_help_topic', array(
    'module' => 'help_example',
    'topic' => 'toc',
    'type' => 'icon',

  // Append some explanatory text.
  $output .= '</p>';
  $output .= '</p>';
  $topic_title = theme('advanced_help_topic', array(
    'module' => 'help_example',
    'topic' => 'lorem',
    'type' => 'title',
  $output .= t('Link to a popup of the topic with the title: ') . $topic_title . '.';
  $output .= '</p>';
  $output .= '</p>';
  $topic_title = theme('advanced_help_topic', array(
    'module' => 'help_example',
    'topic' => 'etiam',
    'type' => 'anchor text',
  $output .= t('Link to a popup of the third topic with user defined ') . $topic_title . '.';
  $output .= '</p>';
  $output .= '<p>' . t('Examples of unthemed links to help pages:') . '<br />';
  $output .= t('Link to <a href="@url">the example module index page</a>.<br />', array(
    '@url' => '/admin/help/ah/help_example',
  $output .= t('Link to the <a href="@url">first help topic</a>.', array(
    '@url' => '/help/help_example/about-example',
  $output .= '</p>';
  return $output;
