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translation.html in Advanced Help 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5 help/translation.html
  2. 6 help/translation.html
  3. 7 help/translation.html


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<p>To translate a help-file indexed by <strong>Advanced help</strong>,
first create a directory
<code>translations/help/<em>language</em></code> in the project's 
root directory. The <em>language</em>  is the language code that
appears on the <em>Languages</em> page in the administrative UI.</p>

<p>Then, copy the <code>.ini</code> file and all
the <code>.html</code> files from the help directory into this.  If
you need to alter an image to use it in a translation, you may also
put the altered image there.</p>

<p>In the topics section, the <code>.ini</code> file only needs to
keep the topic names (unaltered) and titles (translated). If there is
a <code>name</code> or <code>index name</code> setting in the
'advanced help settings' portion, that should be retained. Any
retained settings should be translated. The rest of the data in the
<code>.ini</code> file may be discarded or ignored.</p>

<p>Each <code>.html</code> file should then be translated in place.</p>

<p>When translating a <code>.html</code> file, you will find that
the <code>&amp;path&amp;</code> keyword (used for images and links)
will lead to the original directory. If you must translate items that
are linked, such as images containing text,
use <code>&amp;trans_path&amp;</code> instead, which will lead to the
translated directory. This will allow you to pick and choose which
linked items, if any, will be translated.</p>

<p>If a topic is not translated, the default (untranslated) version
will be shown instead.</p>

<h2>Translating Advanced help's help files</h2>

<p>If you want to help with the translation of
<strong>Advanced help</strong> help texts for a particular language, look for an issue named named “Translation to XXX” (where
“XXX” is the language you want to translate the help texts to) in the <a href="">issue queue for Advanced help</a>.
If such an issue does not exist, please can create it.
Choose <em>Category</em>   “Task”,
<em>Status</em> “Needs review” and
<em>Component</em>  “Documentation”.
Upload translated files as an attachment (change the file type from <code>.html</code> to <code>.txt</code> to be allowed to upload). </p>

<p>Uploaded translations will be included in the next version if
reviewed and approved by other users (i.e. gets to status “RTBC”).</p>