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advanced_forum.naked.topic-list-view.tpl.php in Advanced Forum 6.2

views-view-table.tpl.php Template to display a view as a table.

  • $title : The title of this group of rows. May be empty.
  • $header: An array of header labels keyed by field id.
  • $fields: An array of CSS IDs to use for each field id.
  • $class: A class or classes to apply to the table, based on settings.
  • $row_classes: An array of classes to apply to each row, indexed by row number. This matches the index in $rows.
  • $rows: An array of row items. Each row is an array of content. $rows are keyed by row number, fields within rows are keyed by field ID.


View source

 * @file views-view-table.tpl.php
 * Template to display a view as a table.
 * - $title : The title of this group of rows.  May be empty.
 * - $header: An array of header labels keyed by field id.
 * - $fields: An array of CSS IDs to use for each field id.
 * - $class: A class or classes to apply to the table, based on settings.
 * - $row_classes: An array of classes to apply to each row, indexed by row
 *   number. This matches the index in $rows.
 * - $rows: An array of row items. Each row is an array of content.
 *   $rows are keyed by row number, fields within rows are keyed by field ID.
 * @ingroup views_templates
 <div id="forum-topic-list">

if (!empty($title)) {

  print $title;


  <table class="forum-table forum-table-topics <?php

print $class;

foreach ($header as $field => $label) {
          <th class="views-field views-field-<?php

  print $fields[$field];

  print $label;


foreach ($rows as $count => $row) {
        <tr class="<?php

  print implode(' ', $row_classes[$count]);

  if (empty($shadow[$count])) {

    foreach ($row as $field => $content) {

      /* To add popup from teaser in the title of the td, add: title="<?php print $teasers[$count] ?>"*/
              <td class="views-field views-field-<?php

      print $fields[$field];

      /* Extra label for stickies. */

      if ($field == 'title' && !empty($sticky[$count])) {
                 <span class="sticky-label"><?php

        print t('Sticky:');


      print $content;


  else {

    /* For shadow posts, we print only the icon and themed notice. */
            <td class="views-field views-field-<?php

    print $fields['topic_icon'];

    print $row['topic_icon'];
            <td class="views-field views-field-<?php

    print $fields['title'];
    ?>" colspan="<?php

    print count($header) - 1;

    print $shadow[$count];

