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advanced_forum.naked.submitted.tpl.php in Advanced Forum 6.2

Default theme implementation to format a simple string indicated when and by whom a topic was submitted.

Available variables:

  • $topic_link: On the forum overview page, this is the title of the last updated topic (node).
  • $author: The author of the post.
  • $time: How long ago the post was created.
  • $topic: An object with the raw data of the thread. Unsafe, be sure to clean this data before printing.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to format a simple string indicated when and
 * by whom a topic was submitted.
 * Available variables:
 * - $topic_link: On the forum overview page, this is the title of the last
 *   updated topic (node).
 * - $author: The author of the post.
 * - $time: How long ago the post was created.
 * - $topic: An object with the raw data of the thread. Unsafe, be sure
 *   to clean this data before printing.
 * @see template_preprocess_forum_submitted()
 * @see advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_submitted()


if ($time) {

  if (!empty($topic_link)) {

    if (isset($date_posted)) {

      print t('!title<br />by !author<br />@date_posted', array(
        '!title' => $topic_link,
        '@date_posted' => $date_posted,
        '!author' => $author,

    else {

      print t('!title<br />by !author<br />@time ago', array(
        '!title' => $topic_link,
        '@time' => $time,
        '!author' => $author,


  else {

    if (isset($date_posted)) {

      print t('by !author<br />@date_posted', array(
        '@date_posted' => $date_posted,
        '!author' => $author,

    else {

      print t('by !author<br />@time ago', array(
        '@time' => $time,
        '!author' => $author,


else {

  print t('n/a');