You are here in Advanced Forum 6.2

Theme implementation: Template for each forum post whether node or comment.

All variables available in node.tpl.php and comment.tpl.php for your theme are available here. In addition, Advanced Forum makes available the following variables:

  • $top_post: TRUE if we are formatting the main post (ie, not a comment)
  • $reply_link: Text link / button to reply to topic.
  • $total_posts: Number of posts in topic (not counting first post).
  • $new_posts: Number of new posts in topic, and link to first new.
  • $account: User object of the post author.
  • $name: User name of post author.
  • $author_pane: Entire contents of the Author Pane template.


View source

 * @file
 * Theme implementation: Template for each forum post whether node or comment.
 * All variables available in node.tpl.php and comment.tpl.php for your theme
 * are available here. In addition, Advanced Forum makes available the following
 * variables:
 * - $top_post: TRUE if we are formatting the main post (ie, not a comment)
 * - $reply_link: Text link / button to reply to topic.
 * - $total_posts: Number of posts in topic (not counting first post).
 * - $new_posts: Number of new posts in topic, and link to first new.
 * - $account: User object of the post author.
 * - $name: User name of post author.
 * - $author_pane: Entire contents of the Author Pane template.


if ($top_post) {

  print $topic_header;


else {

  // If using nodecomment, add the anchor that comment normally provides

  if (!empty($comment_anchor)) {

    print $comment_anchor;



// Gather other possible class list variables into ours. This must be done here
// rather than in the preprocess because themes run after the AF preprocess.
$all_classes = "";
if (!empty($advanced_forum_classes)) {
  $all_classes = $advanced_forum_classes;
if (!empty($classes)) {
  $all_classes .= ' ' . $classes;
if (!empty($node_classes)) {
  $all_classes .= ' ' . $node_classes;
if (!empty($comment_classes)) {
  $all_classes .= ' ' . $comment_classes;

<div id="<?php

print $post_id;
?>" class="<?php

print $all_classes;
  <div class="forum-post-info clear-block">
    <div class="forum-posted-on">

print $date;


print $new_marker;


if (!empty($in_reply_to)) {
      <span class="forum-in-reply-to"><?php

  print $in_reply_to;



// Add a note when a post is unpublished so it doesn't rely on theming.

if (!$node->status) {
      <span class="unpublished-post-note"><?php

  print t("Unpublished post");


    <span class="forum-post-number"><?php

print $post_link;
  </div> <?php

// End of post info div

  <div class="forum-post-wrapper">
    <div class="forum-post-panel-sub">

if (!empty($author_pane)) {

  print $author_pane;


    <div class="forum-post-panel-main clear-block">

if (!empty($title)) {
        <div class="forum-post-title">

  print $title;


      <div class="forum-post-content">

print $content;


if (!empty($post_edited)) {
        <div class="post-edited">

  print $post_edited;



if (!empty($signature)) {
        <div class="author-signature">

  print $signature;

  </div> <?php

// End of post wrapper div

  <div class="forum-post-footer clear-block">
    <div class="forum-jump-links">
      <a href="#forum-topic-top" title="<?php

print t('Jump to top of page');
?>" class="af-button-small"><span><?php

print t("Top");


if (!empty($links)) {
      <div class="forum-post-links">

  print $links;

  </div> <?php

// End of footer div
</div> <?php

// End of main wrapping div


// Print the taxonomy terms for this node. This will print all terms,
// including the term of the forum itself. If you don't use any other
// taxonomy on forum posts, you can safely delete this section.
if ($top_post) {
  <div class="forum-top-post-footer">

  print t('Tags');
  ?>: <?php

  print $terms;
