You are here in Advanced Forum 6.2

Default theme implementation to display a list of forums and containers.

Available variables:

  • $forums: An array of forums and containers to display. It is keyed to the numeric id's of all child forums and containers.
  • $forum_id: Forum id for the current forum. Parent to all items within the $forums array.

Each $forum in $forums contains:

  • $forum->is_container: Is TRUE if the forum can contain other forums. Is FALSE if the forum can contain only topics.
  • $forum->depth: How deep the forum is in the current hierarchy.
  • $forum->zebra: 'even' or 'odd' string used for row class.
  • $forum->name: The name of the forum.
  • $forum->link: The URL to link to this forum.
  • $forum->description: The description of this forum.
  • $forum->new_topics: True if the forum contains unread posts.
  • $forum->new_url: A URL to the forum's unread posts.
  • $forum->new_text: Text for the above URL which tells how many new posts.
  • $forum->old_topics: A count of posts that have already been read.
  • $forum->total_posts: The total number of posts in the forum.
  • $forum->last_reply: Text representing the last time a forum was posted or commented in.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to display a list of forums and containers.
 * Available variables:
 * - $forums: An array of forums and containers to display. It is keyed to the
 *   numeric id's of all child forums and containers.
 * - $forum_id: Forum id for the current forum. Parent to all items within
 *   the $forums array.
 * Each $forum in $forums contains:
 * - $forum->is_container: Is TRUE if the forum can contain other forums. Is
 *   FALSE if the forum can contain only topics.
 * - $forum->depth: How deep the forum is in the current hierarchy.
 * - $forum->zebra: 'even' or 'odd' string used for row class.
 * - $forum->name: The name of the forum.
 * - $forum->link: The URL to link to this forum.
 * - $forum->description: The description of this forum.
 * - $forum->new_topics: True if the forum contains unread posts.
 * - $forum->new_url: A URL to the forum's unread posts.
 * - $forum->new_text: Text for the above URL which tells how many new posts.
 * - $forum->old_topics: A count of posts that have already been read.
 * - $forum->total_posts: The total number of posts in the forum.
 * - $forum->last_reply: Text representing the last time a forum was posted or
 *   commented in.
 * @see template_preprocess_forum_list()
 * @see theme_forum_list()


The $tables variable holds the individual tables to be shown. A table is
either created from a root level container or added as needed to hold root
level forums. The following code will loop through each of the tables.
In each table, it loops through the items in the table. These items may be
subcontainers or forums. Subcontainers are printed simply with the name
spanning the entire table. Forums are printed out in more detail. Subforums
have already been attached to their parent forums in the preprocessing code
and will display under their parents.


foreach ($tables as $table_id => $table) {

  $table_info = $table['table_info'];

  <div class="forum-table-wrap">
    <div class="forum-table-superheader">
      <div class="forum-table-name">

  if (empty($table_info->link)) {

    print $table_info->name;

  else {
          <a href="<?php

    print $table_info->link;

    print $table_info->name;



  if ($collapsible) {
        <span id="forum-collapsible-<?php

    print $table_info->tid;
    ?>" class="advanced-forum-toggle">&nbsp;</span>


      <div class="forum-table-description"><?php

  print $table_info->description;

    <div id="forum-table-<?php

  print $table_info->tid;
      <table class="forum-table forum-table-forums">
        <thead class="forum-header">

  $colspan = $use_taxonomy_image ? 2 : 1;
            <th class="forum-icon" colspan="<?php

  print $colspan;
  ?>"><span class="element-invisible"><?php

  print t('Icon');
            <th class="forum-name"><?php

  print t('Forum');
            <th class="forum-topics"><?php

  print t('Topics');
            <th class="forum-posts"><?php

  print t('Posts');
            <th class="forum-last-post"><?php

  print t('Last post');

        <tbody id="forum-table-<?php

  print $table_info->tid;


  foreach ($table['items'] as $item_id => $item) {


    if ($item->is_container) {
              <tr id="subcontainer-<?php

      print $item_id;
      ?>" class="forum-row <?php

      print $item->zebra;
      ?>  class="container-<?php

      print $item_id;

    else {
              <tr id="forum-<?php

      print $item_id;
      ?>" class="forum-row <?php

      print $item->zebra;
      ?>  class="container-<?php

      print $item_id;


            <td class="<?php

    print $item->icon_classes;
              <span class="forum-list-icon-wrapper"><span><?php

    print $item->icon_text;


    if ($use_taxonomy_image) {
              <td class="forum-image-<?php

      print $item_id;

      print $item->forum_image;



    $colspan = $item->is_container ? 4 : 1;
            <td class="forum-details" colspan="<?php

    print $colspan;
              <div class="forum-name">
                <a href="<?php

    print $item->link;

    print $item->name;


    if (!empty($item->description)) {
                <div class="forum-description">

      print $item->description;



    if (!empty($item->subcontainers)) {
                <div class="forum-subcontainers">
                  <span class="forum-subcontainers-label"><?php

      print t("Subcontainers");
      ?>:</span> <?php

      print $item->subcontainers;



    if (!empty($item->subforums)) {
                <div class="forum-subforums">
                  <span class="forum-subforums-label"><?php

      print t("Subforums");
      ?>:</span> <?php

      print $item->subforums;



    if (!$item->is_container) {
                <td class="forum-number-topics">
                  <div class="forum-number-topics"><?php

      print $item->total_topics;

      if ($item->new_topics) {
                      <div class="forum-number-new-topics">
                        <a href="<?php

        print $item->new_topics_link;

        print $item->new_topics_text;


                <td class="forum-number-posts">

      print $item->total_posts;


      if ($item->new_posts) {
                      <br />
                      <a href="<?php

        print $item->new_posts_link;

        print $item->new_posts_text;


                <td class="forum-last-reply">

      print $item->last_post;




