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Theme implementation to display information about the post/profile author.

See author-pane.tpl.php in Author Pane module for a full list of variables.


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 * @file
 * Theme implementation to display information about the post/profile author.
 * See author-pane.tpl.php in Author Pane module for a full list of variables.


// This bit of debugging info will show the full path to and name of this
// template file to make it easier to figure out which template is
// controlling which author pane.
if (!empty($show_template_location)) {
  print __FILE__;

<div class="author-pane">
 <div class="author-pane-inner">

/* General section */
    <div class="author-pane-section author-pane-general">

/* Account name */
      <div class="author-pane-line author-name">

print $account_name;


/* User picture / avatar (has div in variable) */

if (!empty($picture)) {

  print $picture;



/* Online status */

if (!empty($online_status)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line <?php

  print $online_status_class;

  print $online_status;



/* User title */

if (!empty($user_title)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-title">

  print $user_title;



/* User badges */

if (!empty($user_badges)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-badges">

  print $user_badges;



/* Location */

if (!empty($location_user_location)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-location">

  print $location_user_location;



/* Joined */

if (!empty($joined)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-joined">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('Joined');
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print $joined;



/* Posts */

if (isset($user_stats_posts)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-posts">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('Posts');
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print $user_stats_posts;



/* Points */

if (isset($userpoints_points)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-points">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('!Points', userpoints_translation());
  ?></span>: <?php

  print $userpoints_points;



/* Contact section */
    <div class="author-pane-section author-pane-contact">

/* Contact / Email */

if (!empty($contact)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-pane-link-line author-contact">

  print $contact;



/* Private message */

if (!empty($privatemsg)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-pane-link-line author-privatemsg">

  print $privatemsg;



/* User relationships */

if (!empty($user_relationships_api)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-pane-link-line author-user-relationship">

  print $user_relationships_api;



/* Flag friend */

if (!empty($flag_friend)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-pane-link-line author-flag-friend">

  print $flag_friend;



/* Admin section */
    <div class="author-pane-section author-pane-admin">

/* IP */

if (!empty($user_stats_ip)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-ip">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('IP');
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print $user_stats_ip;



/* Fasttoggle block */

if (!empty($fasttoggle_block_author)) {
        <div class="author-fasttoggle-block"><?php

  print $fasttoggle_block_author;



/* Troll ban */

if (!empty($troll_ban_author)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-troll-ban"><?php

  print $troll_ban_author;
