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public function AdvAggThemeTestCase::testCssOverride in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7.2

Check theme and ajax functions and commands.


tests/advagg.test, line 1440
Tests for advagg.module.


Unit tests for the Theme API.


public function testCssOverride() {

  // Ensures a theme's .info file is able to override a module CSS file from
  // being added to the page.

  // Reuse the same page as in testPreprocessForSuggestions(). We're testing
  // what is output to the HTML HEAD based on what is in a theme's .info file,
  // so it doesn't matter what page we get, as long as it is themed with the
  // test theme. First we test with CSS aggregation disabled.
  $GLOBALS['conf']['preprocess_css'] = 0;
  variable_set('preprocess_css', 0);
    ->assertNoText('system.base.css', 'The theme\'s .info file is able to override a module CSS file from being added to the page.');

  // Also test with aggregation enabled, simply ensuring no PHP errors are
  // triggered during drupal_build_css_cache() when a source file doesn't
  // exist. Then allow remaining tests to continue with aggregation disabled
  // by default.
  variable_set('preprocess_css', 1);
  variable_set('preprocess_css', 0);

  // Test ajax and js settings.
  $commands = $this

  // Verify that there is a command to load settings added with
  // drupal_add_js().
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'settings',
    'settings' => array(
      'basePath' => base_path(),
      'ajax' => 'test',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, t('ajax_render() loads settings added with drupal_add_js().'));

  // Verify that Ajax settings are loaded for #type 'link'.
  $settings = $this
    ->assertEqual($settings['ajax']['ajax-link']['url'], url('filter/tips'));
    ->assertEqual($settings['ajax']['ajax-link']['wrapper'], 'block-system-main');

  // Test behavior of ajax_render_error().
  // Reset before each test.

  // Verify default error message.
  $commands = $this
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'alert',
    'text' => t('An error occurred while handling the request: The server received invalid input.'),
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, t('ajax_render_error() invokes alert command.'));

  // Verify custom error message.
  $edit = array(
    'message' => 'Custom error message.',
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalGetAJAX('ajax-test/render-error', array(
    'query' => $edit,
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'alert',
    'text' => $edit['message'],
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, t('Custom error message is output.'));

  // Test that new JavaScript and CSS files added during an AJAX request are
  // returned.
  // Reset before each test.
  $expected = array(
    'setting_name' => 'ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form_submit',
    'setting_value' => 'executed',
    'css' => drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/system.admin.css',
    'js' => drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/system.js',

  // @todo D8: Add a drupal_css_defaults() helper function.
  $expected_css_render_array = advagg_get_css(array(
    $expected['css'] => array(
      'type' => 'file',
      'group' => CSS_DEFAULT,
      'weight' => 0,
      'every_page' => FALSE,
      'media' => 'all',
      'preprocess' => TRUE,
      'data' => $expected['css'],
      'browsers' => array(
        'IE' => TRUE,
        '!IE' => TRUE,
  ), TRUE);
  $expected_css_html = drupal_render($expected_css_render_array);
  $expected_js_render_array = advagg_get_js('header', array(
    $expected['js'] => drupal_js_defaults($expected['js']),
  ), TRUE);
  $expected_js_html = drupal_render($expected_js_render_array);

  // Get the base page.
  $original_settings = $this
  $original_css = $original_settings['ajaxPageState']['css'];
  $original_js = $original_settings['ajaxPageState']['js'];

  // Verify that the base page doesn't have the settings and files that are to
  // be lazy loaded as part of the next requests.
    ->assertTrue(!isset($original_settings[$expected['setting_name']]), t('Page originally lacks the %setting, as expected.', array(
    '%setting' => $expected['setting_name'],
    ->assertTrue(!isset($original_settings[$expected['css']]), t('Page originally lacks the %css file, as expected.', array(
    '%css' => $expected['css'],
    ->assertTrue(!isset($original_settings[$expected['js']]), t('Page originally lacks the %js file, as expected.', array(
    '%js' => $expected['js'],

  // Submit the AJAX request without triggering files getting added.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
    'add_files' => FALSE,
  ), array(
    'op' => t('Submit'),
  $new_settings = $this

  // Verify the setting was not added when not expected.
    ->assertTrue(!isset($new_settings['setting_name']), t('Page still lacks the %setting, as expected.', array(
    '%setting' => $expected['setting_name'],

  // Verify a settings command does not add CSS or scripts to Drupal.settings
  // and no command inserts the corresponding tags on the page.
  $found_settings_command = FALSE;
  $found_markup_command = FALSE;
  foreach ($commands as $command) {
    if ($command['command'] == 'settings' && (array_key_exists('css', $command['settings']['ajaxPageState']) || array_key_exists('js', $command['settings']['ajaxPageState']))) {
      $found_settings_command = TRUE;
    if (isset($command['data']) && ($command['data'] == $expected_js_html || $command['data'] == $expected_css_html)) {
      $found_markup_command = TRUE;
    ->assertFalse($found_settings_command, t('Page state still lacks the %css and %js files, as expected.', array(
    '%css' => $expected['css'],
    '%js' => $expected['js'],
    ->assertFalse($found_markup_command, t('Page still lacks the %css and %js files, as expected.', array(
    '%css' => $expected['css'],
    '%js' => $expected['js'],

  // Submit the AJAX request and trigger adding files.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
    'add_files' => TRUE,
  ), array(
    'op' => t('Submit'),
  $new_settings = $this
  $new_css = $new_settings['ajaxPageState']['css'];
  $new_js = $new_settings['ajaxPageState']['js'];

  // Verify the expected setting was added.
    ->assertIdentical($new_settings[$expected['setting_name']], $expected['setting_value'], t('Page now has the %setting.', array(
    '%setting' => $expected['setting_name'],

  // Verify the expected CSS file was added, both to Drupal.settings, and as
  // an AJAX command for inclusion into the HTML.
    ->assertEqual($new_css, $original_css + array(
    $expected['css'] => 1,
  ), t('Page state now has the %css file.', array(
    '%css' => $expected['css'],
    ->assertCommand($commands, array(
    'data' => $expected_css_html,
  ), t('Page now has the %css file.', array(
    '%css' => $expected['css'],

  // Verify the expected JS file was added, both to Drupal.settings, and as
  // an AJAX command for inclusion into the HTML. By testing for an exact HTML
  // string containing the SCRIPT tag, we also ensure that unexpected
  // JavaScript code, such as a jQuery.extend() that would potentially clobber
  // rather than properly merge settings, didn't accidentally get added.
    ->assertEqual($new_js, $original_js + array(
    $expected['js'] => 1,
  ), t('Page state now has the %js file.', array(
    '%js' => $expected['js'],
    ->assertCommand($commands, array(
    'data' => $expected_js_html,
  ), t('Page now has the %js file.', array(
    '%js' => $expected['js'],

  // Tests that overridden CSS files are not added during lazy load.
  // Reset before each test.

  // The test theme overrides system.base.css without an implementation,
  // thereby removing it.
  variable_set('theme_default', 'test_theme');

  // This gets the form, and emulates an Ajax submission on it, including
  // adding markup to the HEAD and BODY for any lazy loaded JS/CSS files.
    ->drupalPostAJAX('ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form', array(
    'add_files' => TRUE,
  ), array(
    'op' => t('Submit'),

  // Verify that the resulting HTML does not load the overridden CSS file.
  // We add a "?" to the assertion, because Drupal.settings may include
  // information about the file; we only really care about whether it appears
  // in a LINK or STYLE tag, for which Drupal always adds a query string for
  // cache control.
    ->assertNoText('system.base.css?', 'Ajax lazy loading does not add overridden CSS files.');

  // Test the various Ajax Commands.
  // Reset before each test.
  $form_path = 'ajax_forms_test_ajax_commands_form';
  $web_user = $this
    'access content',
  $edit = array();

  // Tests the 'after' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'After': Click to put something after the div"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'insert',
    'method' => 'after',
    'data' => 'This will be placed after',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'after' AJAX command issued with correct data");

  // Tests the 'alert' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'Alert': Click to alert"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'alert',
    'text' => 'Alert',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'alert' AJAX Command issued with correct text");

  // Tests the 'append' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'Append': Click to append something"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'insert',
    'method' => 'append',
    'data' => 'Appended text',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'append' AJAX command issued with correct data");

  // Tests the 'before' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'before': Click to put something before the div"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'insert',
    'method' => 'before',
    'data' => 'Before text',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'before' AJAX command issued with correct data");

  // Tests the 'changed' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX changed: Click to mark div changed."),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'changed',
    'selector' => '#changed_div',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'changed' AJAX command issued with correct selector");

  // Tests the 'changed' command using the second argument.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX changed: Click to mark div changed with asterisk."),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'changed',
    'selector' => '#changed_div',
    'asterisk' => '#changed_div_mark_this',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'changed' AJAX command (with asterisk) issued with correct selector");

  // Tests the 'css' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("Set the '#box' div to be blue."),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'css',
    'selector' => '#css_div',
    'argument' => array(
      'background-color' => 'blue',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'css' AJAX command issued with correct selector");

  // Tests the 'data' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX data command: Issue command."),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'data',
    'name' => 'testkey',
    'value' => 'testvalue',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'data' AJAX command issued with correct key and value");

  // Tests the 'invoke' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX invoke command: Invoke addClass() method."),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'invoke',
    'method' => 'addClass',
    'arguments' => array(
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'invoke' AJAX command issued with correct method and argument");

  // Tests the 'html' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX html: Replace the HTML in a selector."),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'insert',
    'method' => 'html',
    'data' => 'replacement text',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'html' AJAX command issued with correct data");

  // Tests the 'insert' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX insert: Let client insert based on #ajax['method']."),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'insert',
    'data' => 'insert replacement text',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'insert' AJAX command issued with correct data");

  // Tests the 'prepend' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'prepend': Click to prepend something"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'insert',
    'method' => 'prepend',
    'data' => 'prepended text',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'prepend' AJAX command issued with correct data");

  // Tests the 'remove' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'remove': Click to remove text"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'remove',
    'selector' => '#remove_text',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'remove' AJAX command issued with correct command and selector");

  // Tests the 'restripe' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'restripe' command"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'restripe',
    'selector' => '#restripe_table',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'restripe' AJAX command issued with correct selector");

  // Tests the 'settings' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'settings' command"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'settings',
    'settings' => array(
      'ajax_forms_test' => array(
        'foo' => 42,
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'settings' AJAX command issued with correct data");

  // Tests the 'add_css' command.
  $commands = $this
    ->drupalPostAJAX($form_path, $edit, array(
    'op' => t("AJAX 'add_css' command"),
  $expected = array(
    'command' => 'add_css',
    'data' => 'my/file.css',
    ->assertCommand($commands, $expected, "'add_css' AJAX command issued with correct data");