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namespace Drupal\advagg_mod\Asset in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 8.4

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.3 Drupal\advagg_mod\Asset
Classsort descending Location Description
AsyncJs advagg_mod/src/Asset/AsyncJs.php Add async tag to scripts.
DeferCss advagg_mod/src/Asset/DeferCss.php Modify stylesheet links to defer them. May lead to Flash of unstyled content.
DeferJs advagg_mod/src/Asset/DeferJs.php Add defer tag to scripts.
RemoveConsoleLog advagg_mod/src/Asset/RemoveConsoleLog.php Remove console.log() calls from JavaScript Files.
TranslateCss advagg_mod/src/Asset/TranslateCss.php Applies the t() function to strings in CSS assets.