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 * CSS Compressor [VERSION]
 * [DATE]
 * Corey Hart @
class CSSCompression_Combine {

   * Combine Patterns
   * @class Control: Compression Controller
   * @param (string) token: Copy of the injection token
   * @param (array) options: Reference to options
   * @param (regex) rspace: Checks for space without an escape '\' character before it
   * @param (regex) rslash: Checks for unescaped slash character
   * @param (regex) rimportant: Checking props for uncombinables
   * @param (array) methods: List of options with their corresponding class
  private $Control;
  private $token = '';
  private $options = array();
  private $rspace = "/(?<!\\\\)\\s/";
  private $rslash = "/(?<!\\\\)\\//";
  private $rimportant = "/inherit|\\!important|\\!ie|(?<!\\\\)\\s/i";
  private $methods = array(
    'csw-combine' => 'BorderOutline',
    'border-radius-combine' => 'BorderRadius',
    'border-combine' => 'Border',
    'mp-combine' => 'MarginPadding',
    'background-combine' => 'Background',
    'auralcp-combine' => 'Aural',
    'font-combine' => 'Font',
    'list-combine' => 'List',

   * Sub Comination Classes
   * @class BorderOutline: Handles Color/Style/With combinations of border/outline properties
   * @class BorderRadius: Handles border-radius combinations
   * @class Border: Handles normal border combinations
   * @class MarginPadding: Handles margin/padding combinations
   * @class Background: Handles background combinations
   * @class Aural: Handles aural combinations
   * @class Font: Handles font combinations
   * @class List: Handles list combinations
   * @param (array) subcombines: Array holding all subcombination classes
  public $BorderOutline;
  public $BorderRadius;
  public $Border;
  public $MarginPadding;
  public $Background;
  public $Aural;
  public $Font;
  public $List;
  private $subcombines = array(

   * Stash a reference to the controller on each instantiation
   * @param (class) control: CSSCompression Controller
  public function __construct(CSSCompression_Control $control) {
    $this->Control = $control;
    $this->token = CSSCompression::TOKEN;
    $this->options =& $control->Option->options;

    // Include classes if not already done so
    if (!class_exists("CSSCompression_Combine_Border", false)) {
      $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/Combine/';
      foreach ($this->subcombines as $class) {
        require DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $path . $class . '.inc';

    // Instantiate each sub combine
    foreach ($this->subcombines as $class) {
      $full = "CSSCompression_Combine_{$class}";
      $this->{$class} = new $full($control, $this);

   * Reads through each detailed package and checks for cross defn combinations
   * @param (array) selectors: Array of selectors
   * @param (array) details: Array of details
  public function combine(&$selectors = array(), &$details = array()) {
    foreach ($details as $i => &$value) {
      if (isset($selectors[$i]) && strpos($selectors[$i], $this->token) === 0) {
      foreach ($this->methods as $option => $class) {
        if ($this->options[$option]) {
          $value = $this->{$class}
    return array(

   * Helper function to ensure flagged words don't get
   * overridden
   * @param (mixed) obj: Array/String of definitions to be checked
  public function checkUncombinables($obj) {
    if (is_array($obj)) {
      foreach ($obj as $item) {
        if (preg_match($this->rimportant, $item)) {
          return true;
      return false;
    else {
      return preg_match($this->rimportant, $obj);

   * Helper function to ensure all values of search array
   * exist within the storage array
   * @param (string) prop: CSS Property
   * @param (array) storage: Array of definitions found
   * @param (array) search: Array of definitions requred
  public function searchDefinitions($prop, $storage, $search) {

    // Return if storage & search don't match
    if (count($storage) != count($search)) {
      return false;
    $str = "{$prop}:";
    foreach ($search as $value) {
      if (!isset($storage[$value]) || $this
        ->checkUncombinables($storage[$value])) {
        return false;
      $str .= $storage[$value] . ' ';
    return trim($str) . ';';

   * Access to private methods for testing
   * @param (string) subclass: Name of subclass to focus on
   * @param (string) method: Method to be called
   * @param (array) args: Array of paramters to be passed in
  public function access($subclass, $method, $args) {
    if ($subclass == 'Combine') {
      if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
        if ($method == 'combine') {
          return $this
            ->combine($args[0], $args[1]);
        else {
          return call_user_func_array(array(
          ), $args);
      else {
        throw new CSSCompression_Exception("Unknown method in Combine Class - " . $method);
    else {
      if (in_array($subclass, $this->subcombines)) {
        return $this->{$subclass}
          ->access($method, $args);
      else {
        throw new CSSCompression_Exception("Unknown Sub Combine Class - " . $subclass);



Namesort descending Description
CSSCompression_Combine CSS Compressor [VERSION] [DATE] Corey Hart @